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Investors’ Information and Awareness about Mutual Funds
Dr. M. Malathi
Pages: 1-7 | First Published: 05 Oct 2017
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Indian mutual fund has gained a lot of recognition from the past few years. Previously only UTI enjoyed the domination in this commerce but with the way of time many new players entered the market, due to which the UTI
domination breaks down and the industry faces a relentless opposition. As the time passes this industry has become a ring word in the Indian financial system. So it is very important to know the investors’ information about this industry. The present study analyses the mutual fund investments in family member to investor’s behavior.
Investors’ opinion and awareness has been studied relating to various issues like type of mutual fund scheme, main
objective behind investing in mutual fund scheme, role of financial advisors and brokers, investors’ judgment
relating to factors that attract them to invest in mutual funds, sources of information, deficiency in the services
provided by the mutual fund managers, challenges before the Indian mutual fund industry etc.   
Keywords: Mutual Funds, Domination in Commerce, Brokers, Investors. 

1) Aggarwal, N and Gupta, M (2007) “Performance  of Mutual Funds in India: An Empirical Study”, The Icfai Journal of Applied Finance, Vol.13, No.9, pp.5-16.  
2) Bansal, L.K (2006), “Mutual Funds Management and Working” Deep and Deep publications, New Delhi, pp 34-39.

A Study on Attitude of Young Consumers towards Social Media Marketing in Cochin City
Pages: 8-14 | First Published: 05 Oct 2017
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Social media marketing is the use of social media platforms and websites to promote a product or service.
The usage of Social Media is increasing exponentially to satisfy the social needs of internet users, at the same time it has also increased the opportunities for corporate to market their products and services in a personalized way.
Youngsters are the enthusiastic users of these sites and frequently use the services such as messaging, sharing
photos, posting audios and videos, group discussion,  blogging and advertisement by E-retailers. Young people
 are now a days progressively able to affect the purchase and decision making of others and also able to act
independently. Youth market is asserted to be shaping  future marketing trends. This paper attempts to examine the attitude of young consumers towards the Social Media Marketing. The study is mainly based on primary data
collected from the youngsters in Cochin City by providing questionnaires. The respondents have been selected by
employing convenient sampling. Simple mathematical tools and statistical tools are used for data analysis. This paper is also helpful in identifying the parameters on which organizations should prefer social media marketing instead  of traditional marketing.   
Keywords: Social Media, Attitude, Social Networking Sites, Youth, Cochin City. 


1) Ahmed Rageh Ismail (2017). The influence of  perceived social media marketing activities on brand loyalty: The mediation effect of brand and value consciousness, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Vol. 29 Issue: 1, pp.129-144. 
2) Mayank Yadav, Zillur Rahman (2017).Measuring consumer perception of social media marketing activities in e-commerce industry: Scale development & validation, Telematics and Informatics, Volume 34, Issue 7, 2017, pp. 1294-1307
3) Zulqurnain Ali, Muhammad AqibShabbir,  MashalRauf and AbidHussain (2016). To Assess the Impact of Social Media Marketing on Consumer Perception, International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences Vol. 6, No. 3, July 2016, pp. 69–77.  
4) EwelinaLacka and Alain Chong (2016). Usability perspective on social media sites' adoption in the B2B context, Industrial Marketing Management, Volume 54, April 2016, Pages 80-91 
5) Bruno Godey, AikateriniManthiou, Daniele Pederzoli, JoonasRokka, Gaetano Aiello, RaffaeleDonvito and Rahul Singh (2016). Social media marketing efforts of luxury brands: Influence on brand equity and consumer
behaviour, Journal of Business Research, Volume 69, Issue 12, December 2016, Pages 5833-5841.

Equity Market Intergration and Development in New India 2017
D.Sathya Banu
Pages: 15-19 | First Published: 05 Oct 2017
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In India, there has been a conscious effort by the RBI and the Government of India to develop and integrate various financial market segments in a phased manner. In this paper, the authors analyze the macro-economic dependence, current liquidity, volatility, efficiency, and integration level of key financial market segments—money,government securities, forex and equity.   
Keywords: Mutual Funds, Domination in Commerce,Brokers, Investors 

1) Sumit  Kaur  Financial Market Development and  Integration:  A look at the Indian story 2012 NSE INDIA  
2) Nse financial market book

A Study on Rural Investors Perception towards Small Savings of Nrega Workers in Dharmapuri
Pages: 20-31 | First Published: 05 Oct 2017
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In the beginning of the 19th century, there were only a  few banks and that too in big towns and cities. It was very
difficult for the common man who wanted to save his small  amount of money in the bank to go to a bank as he had to incur expenditure for the journey. Further, saving habit amongst the people was almost nil, and most of the people had their small savings in the form of gold and silver. On the other hand, the Government wanted to encourage savings because they were in dire need of money for various developmental activities, for strengthening military establishments and for carrying out administrative reforms. These factors compelled the Government to start Savings bank through the Post Office. The results, arrived at through a statistical analysis, showed that the pivotal catalysts determining the decisions whether to invest in the small savings schemes were: gender, age, level of income, family size and income, financial literacy. The relevance of the finding of the study in terms of policy-making has been highlighted.   
Keywords: NREGA Workers, Small Savings Schemes, Financial inclusion. 


1) Avadhani.V.A., “Investment Management”, Himalaya Publishing House,  Mumbai,.
2) Avadhani.V.A., (2003), “Investment and  Securities Markets in India”, Himalaya  Publishing House, New Delhi. 
3) Amling, Frdrick, (2002), “Investments: An Introduction to analysis and Management”, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.Prentice-Hall. 
4) Bhalla.V.K., (2009), “Investment Management”, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi,. 
5) Brownlee, O.H. and E.D. Allen, (2001), “Economics of Public Finance”, Prentice Hall, New York.

Motivation in Performance Appraisal Context and its Outcome
Pages: 32-39 | First Published: 05 Oct 2017
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Performance Appraisal system is emerging approach to improve the employees work performance in an organisation. Performance appraisal serves as a motivation tool. Hence this research is conducted to find out the outcome of employees’ motivation in the performance appraisal context. The main purpose of this study is 1) To develop and empirically test a model of Motivation through performance Appraisal system and its outcomes such as satisfaction on Performance Appraisal system, employees commitment and work performance.2) To evaluate the positive influence of motivation on satisfaction, commitment and work performance.  A questionnaire survey method was used to collect primary data. The survey yielded 268 filled questionnaires, with a response rate of 50%. The author used statistical analysis methods and structural equation modelling with IBM AMOS version 20.0 to analyze the data. The research findings revealed that the model is fit for the study and there is a high positive influence of motivation on satisfaction, satisfaction on commitment and commitment on work performance.   
Keywords: Employee motivation; performance appraisal; Performance appraisal satisfaction; work performance. 

1) Abraham zewdie bekele,et al.,(2014). The Effect  of Employees’ Perception Of Performance Appraisal On Their Work Outcomes, International journal of management and commerce innovations,2(1),136-173.  
2) Abu-Doleh, J. & Weir, D., (2007). Dimensions of performance appraisal systems in Jordanian private and public organizations. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 18(1), 75-84. 
3) Artsem Lashchonau., (2015). Impact of Performance appraisal on motivation. Dissertation, UNIVERSITY OF ALGARVE. 
4) Bollen, K.A., (1990). Overall fit in covariance structure models: Two types of sample size effects, Psychological Bulletin 107: 256-259. 
5) Broady- Preston, J. & Steel, L., (2002). Employees, customers, and internal marketing strategies in LIS. Library Management, 23, 384393.


A Study on Policyholder’s Satisfaction with Special Reference to Life Insurance Corporation of India at Chennai District
Pradeepa Prabhakaran
Pages: 40-47 | First Published: 05 Oct 2017
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The business of insurance is related to the protection of the economic value of assets. Every asset has a value. The
assets have been created through the efforts of the owner who expects to get value out of them, when unexpected
events take place. The benefits may be in the form of compensation. Insurance is a mechanism that helps to
reduce the effects of adverse situations and indemnity to the insured for any loss incurred. Insurance is a social device where by the risks of individuals may be minimized and security is provided to them by the insurance companies either one time contribution or periodical contributions. This study is fully concerned with policyholder’s satisfaction with special reference to Life Insurance Corporation in India at Chennai district. The study will be able to reveal the preferences, needs, satisfaction of the customers regarding the insurance services, It also help insurance to know whether the existing products or services are offering really satisfying the customers' needs..   
Keywords: Insurance, Assests Value, Policy. 


1) Principles of Insurance - Publisher : Insurance  institute of India Universal Insurance Building, Sir Pherozshah Mehta Road, Mumbai  
2) 01,/2007
3) Insurance Business Environment : Publisher :  Insurance institute of India Universal Insurance Building, Sir Pherozshah Mehta Road, Mumbai 01,/2007 
4) Practice of Life Assurance : Publisher : Insurance institute of India Universal Insurance Building, Sir Pherozshah Mehta Road, Mumbai 01,/ 2006 
5) Insurance Principles and Practice (2006) M. N. Mishra, S. Chand and Company Ltd., New Delhi. Pp. 12-34. 
6) Introduction to Insurance (2006) Marks S. Dorfman, Prentice hall, Inc, Engle Wood Cliffs, N.J. 07632 pp. 124-254. 
7) Indian Insurance Industry (2006)D.C. Srivastava and Shashank Srivastava, New Century Publications, Delhi. Pp.256-275..

Strategies & Impact of on-Line Marketing – A Study with Specific Reference to Social Media Marketing
Dr. J. Suresh Kumar
Pages: 48-54 | First Published: 05 Oct 2017
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Today, the world is competitive.  Change exists everywhere.  We are in technological era.  Everyday new
technologies are coming up and Innovations are taking place.  This is one of the changes which were referred by
Lord Krishna in Bhagawat Gita.  We have to adapt to the changing situations prevailing in the environment
otherwise we cannot compete in this world and we will be thrown out of the race.  Especially the advancement in
communication technology brought everyone in the world, irrespective of their place and continent, much closer. Social media helps in connecting themselves with social networking sites through which now people can stay far and yet remain connected. Apart from this media like Face book create a loyal connection between product/service and individual which leads to large advertising opportunities. Similarly, other social media like Blogs create a platform to post comment on any event which needs to be publicized also can be utilized as a promotional technique for customer’s adoption as well as for promotions. In the present day, users are acquiring followers & subscribers and directing them to your social networking page. These media has a competitive edge over other popular public media like Television because there is a time gap between social event occurrence and the time it is being broadcasted. This research paper emphasizes on the strategies which can take this digital marketing mode
beyond the normal social media at present. Ultimately, digital marketer can build their community strong enough
to make their marketing effective & initiative buying.   

Keywords: Digital Marketing, Social Media, Blog,  Twitter, Face book, Social Advertising. 


1) 5 Advanced Social Media Marketing Strategies  for small business by Samir Balwani.
2) Chi, Hsu-Hsien. 2011. “Interactive Digital  Advertising VS. Virtual Brand Community: Exploratory Study of User Motivation and Social Media Marketing Responses in Taiwan.” Journal of Interactive Advertising 12: 44-61. 
3) Cox, Shirley A. 2010. “Online Social Network Member Attitude Toward Online Advertising Formats.” MA thesis, The Rochester Institute of Technology. 
4) Chu, Shu-Chuan. 2011. “Viral advertising in social media: Participation in Facebook groups
and responses among college-aged users.” Journal of Interactive Advertising 12: 30-43. 
5) Di Pietro, Loredana and ElenoraPantano. 2012. “An Empirical Investigation of Social Network Influence on Consumer Purchasing Decision: The Case of Facebook.” Journal of Direct Data and Digital Marketing Practice 14: 18-29. 
6) Harris, Lisa and Charles Dennis. 2011. “Engaging customers on Facebook: Challenges for e-retailers,” Journal of Consumer Behavior 10: 338-346.  

Servqual Attributes: The Multi Facet Expectations and Satisfaction Among the Customers of Diversified Cultural Background
Pages: 55-62 | First Published: 05 Oct 2017
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The number of arrivals of national and international tourists is gradually increasing in Tiruchirappalli. It is the need of the hour to analyze the quality of the services asserted by the star hoteliers in Tiruchirappalli. The central objective of this research is to examine the perceptions of the customers (national and international) regarding the services availed by them during their stay in the hotel. The perceptions are collected through SERVQUAL five attributes Tangibility, Reliability, Responsiveness and Empathy. By applying various analysis and tools, it was discovered that the guests were satisfied with the services but yet not delighted with the quality. The key discovery of the study is that the hotel guests’ perceptions of service quality provided by the hotel industries were not upto their expectations. The guests showed a positive attitude towards the reliable services rendered by the hoteliers. The hotels still have to conceptualize and enhance the quality of the services provided by the employees to the guests who belong to different cultural background.   


1) Chang, T-Y., & Horng, S-C. (2010).  Conceptualizing and measuring experience quality: The customer’s perspective. The Service Industries Journal, 30(14), 2401-2419 
2) Kuo, C. (2007). The importance of hotel employee service attitude and satisfaction of 36 international tourists. The Service Industries Journal, 27(8), 1073-1085. 
3) Luka I., Vaidesvarans S., Vinklere D. (2013), Educating Tourism Students for Work in a Multicul-tural Environment, “Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism”, 13(1), pp. 1–29 
4) Markovic, S., Raspor, S., & Segaric, K. (2010) .Customer satisfaction and customer loyalty measurement in hotel settings: An empirical analysis. Tourism & Hospitality Management, 125-137. 
5) Morgan, N. A., Anderson, E.W., & Mittal, V. (2005). Understanding firms’ customer satisfaction information usage. Journal of Marketing, 69(3), 131-51. 
6) Nasution, H. N., & Mavondo F. T. (2005). The impact of service quality on customer value in the hotel industry. ANZMAC Conference: Tourism Marketing. 
7) Nicholls R. (2011), Customer-to-customer interaction (CCI): a cross-cultural perspective, “International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management”, 23(2), pp. 209–223. 
8) Patterson, P. G., & Mattila, A. S. (2008). An examination of the impact of cultural orientation and familiarity in service encounter evaluations. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 9(5), 662-681.  

Role of Sebi Towords Investors Education and their Grievance Redressal
Dr.S.Narasimha Chary
Pages: 63-69 | First Published: 05 Oct 2017
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SEBI was set up in the year 1988 and hind to wait for almost four years before Securities and Exchange Board of  India ordinance, 1992 was promulgated in the of that year followed by Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 conferring statutory powers. The SEBI act made provisions for establishment a Board with the twin major objectives: Promotion Development and Regulation of Securities market and Investor protection with regards to investor protection, no doubt SEBI the securities market to watch dog made an impact as investor felts  that finally they had someone to complain to with regard to their grievances and problems. The study aims to measure the investors’education and their grievance redressal with reference to Securities and Exchange Board of India. With a developing financial market in India, there is an urgent need for more involvement of investors about the education and the grievance redressal in the financial market. Hence, it is  important to enable them, depending on their needs, to understand the role of education, money, the need and use of savings, the advantages of using the formal financial sector and the various options to convert their savings into investments, the protection available to them. A realistic recognition of the attributes of these options, with the aim of spreading financial literacy, SEBI has been conducting following programmes across the country. SEBI has been taking various steps including regulatory measures to facilitate the redressal of investor grievances. The grievances lodged by investors are taken up with the respective listed company or intermediary and monitored on a regular basis.   
Keywords: SEBI, education, financial literacy, ATR. 


1) Dalal Suchta, (2011), Manifesto for retail  investors and senior citizens, March 10, 2011.
2) Lovric M, Kaymak U and Spronk J (2008), A  Conceptual Model of Investor Behaviour, Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), Report series Research in Management, Vol7, No1, pp. 30-45. 
3) Government of India (2010), Compilation of Guidelines for Redress of Public Grievances, Dept. of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances.  

Potential of Blockchain in Financial Services
Deepasri Zenith
Pages: 70-74 | First Published: 05 Oct 2017
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Blockchain is a shared ledger database, in a distributed network,  which allows two parties to execute a transaction securely without any intermediary and records the transaction permanently.  It maintains a list of chronologically ordered records called blocks. Each block is linked to a previous block, thus forming a Blockchain. Smart contracts can be made with Blockchain technology where the provisions implied by a contract are embedded in the Blockchain to be executed with the transaction. Blockchain could be applied in many areas in financial services like trade finance, payments, securities settlement, regulatory compliance, etc. The Blockchain technology can significantly bring down the costs and reduce in efficiencies in the financial sector. This paper seeks to investigate the  potential of the Blockchain application by examining exactly what it is, the most likely areas within financial services where it could be applied, the current state of application of Blockchain in the industry, the implication of
the technology on the current financial market participants, the multiple uses to which it can be put, the challenges in implementing the technology in the financial markets,  the future prospects of the  Blockchain technology. 
Keywords: Blockchain, Emerging Trends, Financial Services. 



1) Swan, M (2015). Blockchain: Blueprint for a 
New Economy 
2) The Hutch Report – Insights, Ideas and Tools for 
the New Economy 
3) Top trends in Capital Markets 2017 – Capgemini 

Evaluation of Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) with Special Reference to Ernakulam District
Chinnu Mariam Chacko
Pages: 75-82 | First Published: 05 Oct 2017
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ICDS, the integrated child development services is the best expression towards Children. ICDS is India’s most
ambitious multi-dimensional welfare programme to reach millions of children and women who are caught in the grip of malnutrition, diseases, ignorance and poverty which  provide health, nutritional well being, Psychological and cognitive development. Household deprivation has strongly influenced the malnutrition and health status among preschool children and women. It has been found that 37percent belonged to HDS II group and 63percent
belonged to HDS III group. On the basis of weight for age classification, 50 percent of preschool children indicated as adequately nourished, 40 percent were moderately malnourished and 25 percent and 10 percent were severely
malnourished. One the basis of height for age basis, 40 percent preschool children indicated as adequately
nourished, 41 percent moderately malnourished and 19 percent severely malnourished. The findings of this study
stress on the women education on nutrition and health care, thereby achieving an improvement in the nutritional status of preschool children.   
Keywords: Child development, deprivation, Health, Nutrition, Welfare. 


1) Bajpai N, Dholakia R H,(2011) ‘Improving the integration health and nutrition sectors in India’ Working paper No-2, Columbia Global Centres South Asia, Columbia University. 
2) Census Report of Indian Population (2011) 

3) Census of Population Projection from 1996-2016
4) National Family Health Report -3 (2009)
5) Sixth World Food survey ‘Anthropometri cases  ment of Nutritional status,Appendix 4. WHO
report (2013). 

A Study on Marketing of Housing Flats in Coimbatore City
Dr.M.Renuka Devi
Pages: 83-91 | First Published: 05 Oct 2017
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The basic needs of the mankind are food, clothing and shelter. Of these, housing/shelter is not only a basic need
but it also provides a sustainable base for up gradation of the economic status and quality of life of the people. This study explains the preference of consumers towards housing flats , moreover, the effect in corporation
performance based on consumer behavior and recognition of the quality of residential environment of housing flats. Residential environmental satisfaction is comprised of residents satisfaction, apartment building satisfaction,
environmental satisfaction, societal satisfaction, relationship satisfaction and  corporation performance. The idea of the flat is launched mainly with the objective to overcome the scarcity of land. Nowadays, the preference towards housing flats is developed in the society due to economical improvements and changing trends. Hence the study examines consumers attitude, preference, their views, ideas, needs and the criticisms about the housing flats. 
Keyword: Housing flats, Customer preference, Corporation performance, Satisfaction level. 


1) Robin J. Birn, the International Hand Book of  Market Research Techniques, Second Edition, the Market Research Sociality, 2004. 
2) Auerbach, A., Feldstein M., Different Years, Handbook of Public Economics, Vols. 1–3. North-Holland, New York. 


A Study on Labour Welfare Measures in Selected Textile Industries in Sipcot Area Perundurai, Erode District of Tamilnadu State
Dr. A.C. Deepa
Pages: 92-94 | First Published: 05 Oct 2017
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Labour welfare is a wider concept compared with health and safety measures, on account of today era is very
industrialized, competitive and technological based one.Above prescribed concepts derived from particular
consideration. At the same way each and every industrial worker should satisfied through benefits, here benefits
means in the form of any welfare to industrial workers. Labours is considered as an important person in all
working areas. Labour welfare legislation regulates industries for well management of industries and protects
the employees. 60% or 65% of Industries development mainly depend upon labour of the concern. Today era
about number of labour and industries more and more so, government must strict the rules and regulation imposed on labour of the concern. For example, Factories Act-1948, Trade union Act-1926, Industrial Dispute Act-1947, Payment of Wages Act-1936 etc., any such industrial concern act opposite or breach some rules and regulation they are punishable with imprisonment and penalties 
Keywords: Labour Welfare, Industrialized, Welfare Legislation, Imprisonment and Penalties. 


1) Sarma, A.M 2003, “Aspects of Labour Welfare  and Social Security”, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai, P-2. 

2) Mamoria and Doshi, 1998, “Labour Problem and Social Welfare in India”, Allahabad” Nitabmchal. 
3) Mallika.N, “Labour Welfare Measures in Public sector organization”, Alleyway to business competitiveness, 2008, Vol.18, p.129. 
4) Bennet, “Labour welfare measures towards effective industrial relations”, Southern Economist, Dec 2009, Pp 43-44. 
5) Bennet.S ,“Health care Measures for labour welfare”, HAFA, April 2009, PP 28-29. 

A Study on Recruitment and Retention Activities of Human Resources with Special Reference to the it/ites-Bpo Industries in Tamilnadu State in India
Pages: 95-102 | First Published: 05 Oct 2017
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1) Indian Software Industry‖, International  Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, Vol.3, Issue 3, pp: 249– 264. 
2) Bhatnagar, J. (2007). ―Talent Management Strategy of Employee Engagement in Indian ITES 
3) Employees: Key to Retention‖, Employee Relations, Vol. 29, Issue 6, pp: 640- 663. Budhwar, P. S.; Varma, A.; Singh, V. & Dhar, R. (2006). ―HRM Systems of Indian Call Centres: 
4) An Exploratory Study‖, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol.17, Issue 5, pp: 881-897. 
5) Gering, J. & Conner, J. (2002). ―A Strategic Approach to Employee Retention‖, Healthy Finance Manager, Vol. 56, Issue 11, pp: 40-4. 

A Study on Human Resource Practices in Private Educational Institutions in Chennai City
Pages: 103-107 | First Published: 05 Oct 2017
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This present study is concerned with human  resource practices in private education institutions in CHENNAI city. Every organization is facing the problem to selecting the employee and dividing job to them and the organization success is also depended on the human resources. This study is elaborated to knowing about the selection process of employees in educational institutions and training programs and atmosphere and infrastructure of work place and satisfaction of employees. This study helps the researcher to identify the problems of employees and is being faced them and give suggestions to solve the problem. Nowadays educational industry is one of most developing industry in our country. 


1) Olusegun, S.O., (2013): "Influence of Job  Satisfaction on Turnover Intentions of Library Personnel in Selected Universities in South West Nigeria", Library Philosophy and Practice (ejournal). Paper 914

2) N. Shaik Mohamed and G.Pasupathi (2013)  “Human resource management practise in hotel industry in Tiruchirappalli city” Contemporary issues and challenges of Indian business global  scenario.PP 27-317. 
3) P.M.S.Abdul Gaffoor and K.S.M.D .Akmal (2013) “Innovative HR practices in Larsen & Toubro limited” Contemporary issues and challenges of Indian business global scenario.PP38-47 

4) Mostafizur Rahman, Rafia Akhter, Solaiman Chowdhury, Saiful Islamc,Md. Reiazul (2013), HRM Practices and its Impact on Employee Satisfaction: A Case of Pharmaceutical Companies in Bangladesh, Vol.2 No.3, 2013 ISSN: 2147-4478 

An Insight into the Passport Seva Project in India
Noora Mohamed Kutty
Pages: 108-111 | First Published: 05 Oct 2017
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Climate is the main factor that influences any  agricultural operation starting from field preparation to harvesting. Agriculture which relays on them Climate condition contributes to 10 percent of gross Domestic product and provides employment for about two percent of the rural work force in Tamil Nadu Temperature, humanity, rainfall, wind atmospheric pressure. Precipitation and other Metrological condition decide the climate condition of a particular place. Since,the past few years the cropping pattern is experiencing a change due to the weather prevailing in the area. The effects of Climate change have been found to have implications for dry land and irrigate
crop yield as well as irrigation water use (Reserving and Iglesi as 1994) Except rain fall, all other climate factors are uniform and little influence on crop field. The drastic changes in the rainfall pattern of Tamil Nadu affect the significant area under cultivation. 


1) Rosenzweig.C and A.Iglesias (eds) (1994).  Implications of climate change for International Agriculture. Crop modeling study. EPA 230-B  94-603. 
2) Bazzaz, F.A, Fajer E.D (1992), Plant life in a [02-rich world - scientis Author 1992 1821. 
3) Darwin. R.F.TsigesM,Lawandrowski.J. & Ram (1995) world Agriculture and climate change - E Adapations. U.S.Department of Agriculture, Washington . Pp-703. 
4) Houghton.J.T, Jeakiss.G.J. andEphrauma.J Climate Change. The PCC scientific Assest Cambridge university press, Cambridge UK 365 Pp. 
5) IPCC, (1996) Climate Change 1995. The IPCC Assessment Report, volume 2: Scientific - Technical analysis & Impacts, Adaptions and mitigation of climate change Watson.R.T,MC.Zinyowera and R.H.Moss Cambridge university press: Cambridge and Newyark. 

An Insight into the Passport Seva Project in India
Noora Mohamed Kutty
Pages: 112-115 | First Published: 05 Oct 2017
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In recent years, the issuance of passport has  emerged as the most noticeable statutory citizen service rendered by Ministry of External Affairs. For improving the delivery of this service, MEA has come up with many quantitative and qualitative  improvements. A network of 37 passport offices have been working in the country for rendering this service which has been expanded by adding 77 passport sevakendras in PPP(Pubic Private Partnership) mode in the recent past. This study intends to have an insight into the passport issuance system in the country 
Keyword: Passport, Passport SevaKendras,  Public Private Partnership, Mission Mode Project. 


1) Oliver, Alex, “The irrelevant Diplomat- Do we  need embassies anymore?”, Foreign Affairs, March 14, 2016 retrieved on 10 Nov 2016. 

Design and Analysis of S-Shaped Locomotive Wheel Profile
Pages: 116-123 | First Published: 05 Oct 2017
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Wheel is one of the heavily loaded components of  railway rolling stock. They support the locomotive weight and provide the traction to pull the entire train. The important tasks provided by the wheels are, aid in train movement, supporting the car load and acts as a brake drum. The S-Shaped locomotive wheel profile has been developed by using commercial tool CATIA V5 which is modeled as Axi-symmetric model. We have chosen the AAR class C high carbon steel, ASTM A897 grade5 (230-185-00) Austempered ductile iron (ADI) and Aluminum silicon carbide materials for this study so as to check the feasibility of other materials for railway wheel other than steel. Static, Modal and thermo-mechanical analyses are conducted by using finite element analysis commercial tool ANSYS 15.0. 2-D Axi symmetric analysis is chosen for the wheel profile in ANSYS. The stress distributions, displacements are analyzed in Static analysis. The natural Frequencies and mode shapes are analyzed in Modal analysis. Stresses and displacements due to both mechanical and thermal loads will be analyzed from the Thermo mechanical analysis. Comparison of stresses, displacements and natural frequencies for the S Shaped wheel profile are studied to determine the better material for the wheel profile. 
Keyword: Locomotive wheel profile, Stress concentrations, displacements, Natural frequencies, Ansys 15.0. 


1) P.Vinod1 ,U.Kotswara Rao2, Ch.Kishore  Reddy 3,” Analysis of Railway Wheel to Study the Stress Variations”, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Vol. 3 Issue 2, February – 2014, PP1286-1291. 
2) Pramod Murali Mohan, “Analysis of Railway Wheel to study Thermal and Structural Behaviour”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 3, Issue 11, November-2012, PP 1-4. 
3) Kexiu Wang1, Richard Pilon2,” Investigation of Heat Treating Of Railroad Wheels and Its Effect On Braking Using Finite Element Analysis”, Griffin Wheel Company. 
4) M.R.K. Vakkalagadda1, K.P. Vineesh2, A.Mishra3, V. Racherla4,” Locomotive wheel  failure from gauge widening/condemning: Effect of wheel profile, brake block type, and braking conditions”, IEEE, Engineering Failure
Analysis 59 (2016), PP1–16. 
5) H.Soares1, T.Zucarelli2, M.Vieira3, M.Frietas4, L.Reis5,” Experimental characterization of the mechanical properties of railway wheels manufactured using class B material”, IEEE, Procedia Structural Integrity 1 (2016), PP 265– 272. 

Hedonic Pricing Approach on Pollution and Land Values in Selected Areas of Karur District in Tamilnadu
Pages: 124-134 | First Published: 05 Oct 2017
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This paper mainly concentrates on the livelihood affordable conditions of living in the polluted areas and the people attribution against of pollution. To support the study researcher has also studied and analyzed the hedonic pricing method to assess the ten years government guideline value and present market value of the select type of land.  The market value of per square feet rate is normally higher than the government guideline value of select type of land in villages in Karur district and it is highly is decreased. Many villages nearby the factory zones are priced higher value and many remote villages are priced too low. Hence, there is no pollution impact on the price of the land value. Therefore, researcher has studied the impact of pollution and price of the land.  The demand level of the market price and supply of government guideline value are taken to the hedonic pricing method (HPM) and it is based on assumption. 
Keyword: Environmental quality, Hedonic pricing approach, Livelihood, Surrogate markets. 


1) Ridker, R.G., 1967, “Economic Costs of Air Pollution: Studies and Measurement”. Praeger, NewYork.  
2) Ridker, Ronald G., and John A Henning (1967) “The Determinants of Residential Property Values with Special Reference to Air Pollution”. The Review of Economics and Statistics 49:2, 246-57.  
3) Haripriya, Gundimeda and Vinish Kathuria,  (2004), Can Markets value Water scarcity and Quality: an analysis using Hedonic approach, Project report submitted to the South Asian Network for economic institutions, August
4) Murhy, M, N, S. C. Gulati and A. Banerjee (2004), Hedonic Property Prices and valuation of Benefits from Reducing Urban Air Pollution in India. (revised paper) E/249/ 

A Study on HR Practices on Promoting Perception of Public Sector Banks in Vellore District
M. Amudha
Pages: 135-143 | First Published: 05 Oct 2017
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Banking was a flourishing industry in ancient India. Initially, the industrial houses founded banks with a view to produce funds for productive activities and at the same time offered considerable security, fluid and fair returns to the depositors. In a way, banking continued to be a conventional industry .This study hr practices on promoting perception of public sector banks is carried in VELLORE district. 
Keyword: Human Resource, Human Resource Practices, Public Sector, Promotion. 


1) Agarwal, Manish Kumar (1993), “An Analysis  of Cost of „human Resource in Public Sector Undertakings: A case study of Life Insurance Corporation of India”. 
2) Kane, B.; Crawford, J.; and Grand, D.(1999), “Barriers to Effective HRM”, International Journal of Manpower, Vol.20 No.8, 1999, pp.494-515. 
3) Guest, D.E. (1997), “Human Resource Management and Performance: A Review and Research Agenda”, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol.8, N0.3,pp.263-276. 
4) Kelly, Mark Christopher (2008), “Comparison of Human Resource Management Practices and perception of Agri- business Employees Across Three Indonesian Subcultures”.A Ph.d. Thesis submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies of Texas A and M University. 
5) Kumari, L. (2012), “Employees‟ Perception of Work-Life Balance and its Relation with Job Satisfaction in Indian Public Sector Banks”. IJEMR, February, Vol.2, Issue 2, online ISSN  2249-2585 Print ISSN 2249-8672. 

A Study on Problems Faced by the Policy holders in Insurance Companies- Special Reference to LIC & ICICI Prudential in Chennai City
Dr. S. Muthukumaravel
Pages: 144-148 | First Published: 05 Oct 2017
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Insurance companies play a vital role in the  economy. This study deals with the problems faced by the policyholders among the insurance companies. The research mainly concentrates on the dimensions such as problems of policyholders like do not have adequate knowledge, no proper clarification and negative attitude of the advisor. The primary data for the research work was collected through the structured questionnaire. A sample of 100 policyholders was taken for this research purpose. The main intention of this paper is to impart the level
of problems faced by the policyholders among the insurance companies. The study reveals that the private sector has done its best to canvas the people by door to door in village and urban campaigns. The private Life Insurance companies put its efforts it becomes the boon for the LIC to increase its business in the Indian market. It is seen that most of the customers preferred to opt LIC over the other private insurer. 
Keyword: Insurance policyholders, Indian Market, LIC Life Insurance Corporation. 


1) Economic Survey of India, 2013. 
2) Fan, Chiang Ku & Cheng, Chen-Liang (2006), “A study to identify the training needs of life insurance sales representatives in Taiwan using the Delphi approach”, International Journal of Training and Development, 10 (3): 212-226. 
3) Harpreet Singh Bedi and Preeti Singh (2011) an Empirical Analysis of Life Insurance Industry in India: ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Vol.1 Issue 7, November 2011. 
4) Hasan banu and Naga jyothi, (2007) A Study of Insurance Perspective in Uthamapalayam  taluk, Indian Journal of Marketing, May Edition, pp 10-16. 
5) Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Annual Report (IRDA) (2002–2003) 
6) Ketan Prajapati and Kishor Barad (2013) To  Study the Investors’ Behavior towards Life Insurance Products: International Journal for Research in Management and Pharmacy (IJRMP), Vol.2, Issue 1, January.  

A Study on Employability Skills in Information Technology Sector
P.Carolin Golda
Pages: 149-155 | First Published: 05 Oct 2017
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This article aims to identify the employer’s  perception of employability skills in IT sector. To employ a person in the organization qualification is more important. The second most important for a person have to be eligible for the employment is operating skills. Operating skills should be acquired, improved and developed. In this article we have identified four important skills which help a person to be eligible for employment in IT sector specifically
the person should have Individual Skill, Group Skill,  Functional Awareness Skill and World of Work Skill.
A Survey was conducted with 105 Human Resource department staff working in different organizations that were surveyed by structured questionnaire. The questionnaire is designed with a 5 point Likert Scale (Not at all Important-1 to Very Important-5) to identify the  skills required from an employer point of view. Employer’s perception is most important in determining the skills needed for employment in IT sector. The statistical tool used for Factor Analysis with help of SPSS software. The major findings are critical thinking, reading attributes. 

Keyword: Skills, Perception, Employability, IT Sector. 

1) The University of Sydney Careers Centre  (2010), “Identifying Your Employability Skills”, The University of Sydney, January, pp. 1-2, CRICOS Provider No. 00026A. 

2) Yorke, M., & Knight, P. (2004). Embedding employability into the curriculum York, England: Higher Education Academy. 
3) Orlich, C, Harder, R., Callahan, R., Trevisian, M., and Brown, A. (2004). Teaching strategies: A guide to effective instruction. (7th Ed.), Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, MA. 
4) Overtoom, C. (2000). Employability skills: An update. ERIC Digest, No. 220. 

A Study on: “Opinion of Indian Customers towards Smartphones of Android and Windows Version”
R. Ravi
Pages: 156-159 | First Published: 05 Oct 2017
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Indian youth has a strong inclination towards the gadgets with preference for latest software. The factor of success for smartphones over the years has been not only in their ability to run well, but also to give access to extended capabilities via third-party apps. A customer attitude model is being developed through the variable taken as service quality, service value and service involvement is being designed and validated through the empirical method of factor analysis by using the questionnaire of sample size 200 technical and non-technical students and
executives in India. The SEM of customer preferences has developed through the factor analysis of 20 statements about the different smartphone companies. 
Keyword: Smartphones, Customer Attitude Model, Third-Party apps. 


1) Gronroos C (1994) From marketing mix to relationship marketing: towards a Paradigm shift in marketing. Management Decision 32: 420.

2) Oliver RL (1999) Whence consumer loyalty.Journal of Marketing 63: 33-44. 
3) Blomqvist R, Dahl J, Haeger T (1993) Relationship Marketing: Strategy and Methods for Service Competition, IHM Forlag, Goteborg. 
4) Ranjbarian B, Berari M (2009) Relationship marketing approach to improve customer satisfaction. Journal of Executive Management. 

A Study on Saving Outline of Women Investors’ Behavior Special Reference to Chennai District
Pages: 160-166 | First Published: 05 Oct 2017
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The investors felt very much the effect of  introduction of New Economic Policy, 1991.In this situation greater investment opposition and also inexpensive change in perception are the greater challenges to the investors. These changes are due to many factors. The primary objective of this study is to create good speculation and awareness for the country. Demographic factors such as Age, Income, Family hold, Occupation, Family circumstances, Employment Status and Investment conditions such as Choice of Portfolio, Risk Bearing Capacity, and Sources of Information also play a vital role in determining investments. By analyzing these demographic and environmental factors, the study gives an idea how to create woman investor awareness. 
Keyword: Portfolio, household, risk bearing. 


1) BajtelsmitV.L. and VanDerhei J.A. (199), Risk  aversion and retirement income adequacy. 
2) Positioning pensions for the twenty first  centuries,  University of Pennsylvania Press,Philadelphia. 
3) Hinz R.P., McCarthy D.D., and Turner J.A. (1997), Are women more conservative investors: gender differences in participant directed pension investments. 
4) Bajtelsmit, V.L., Bernasek A. and  Jianakopolos (1996), Gender effects in pension investment
allocation decisions. Working paper: Centre for pension and retirement research 145 – 156. 
5) Sung J. and Hanna S. (1996), Factors related to risk tolerance, Financial counseling and planning, 7,11 – 20. 

Retirement Planning of New Middle Class
Dr S. Mohan
Pages: 167-170 | First Published: 05 Oct 2017
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1) Hinz, R. P., McCarthy, D. D., & Turner, J. A.  (1997). Are women conservative investors? Gender differences in participant-directed pension investments. Positioning pensions for the twenty-first century, 91, 103. 
2) Hirshleifer, D. (2001). Investor psychology and asset pricing. Journal of Finance, 56(4), 15331597.

3) Holzmann, Robert and Hinz, Richard, (2005) Old Age Income Support in the 21st Century,vvThe World Bank, Washington DC 
4) Miller, M. H. (1986). Behavioral rationality in finance, Journal of Business, 59 (4), S451-S468. 
5) Powell, M., & Ansic, D. (1997). Gender differences in risk behaviour in financial decision-making: An experimental analysis. Journal of Economic Psychology, 18(6), 605628.

Investment Pattern of the Retail Equity Investors in Tiruchirappalli District
Daggy Reddy Venkata Krishna
Pages: 171-177 | First Published: 05 Oct 2017
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The investors felt very much the effect of introduction of New Economic Policy, 1991.In this situation greater investment opposition and also inexpensive change in perception are the greater challenges to the investors. These changes are due to many factors. The primary objective of this study is to create good speculation and awareness for the  country. Demographic factors such as Age, Income, Family hold, Occupation, Family circumstances, Employment Status and Investment conditions such as Choice of Portfolio, Risk Bearing Capacity, and Sources of Information also play a vital role in determining investments. By analyzing these demographic and environmental factors, the study gives an idea how to create investor awareness.
Keywords: Portfolio, Household, Risk Bearing.  


1) Cohen, Jerome B, Edward D Zinbarg and Arthur Zeikel. Investment analysis and portfolio management V. Eden. Fllioois. Richard D. Irwin Inc 1987. 
2) Cox E.B. Trends in the distributing of stock ownership Philadelphia: university of pennsylvanis press 1960. 
3) Demby. Emanvel ‘’ phychographics; who, what, why, when, where, and how’’ attitude research reaches new heishts Ed. Charles kind was doubles tisert . Chicago. American marketing association 1971. Pp 196-199. 
4) Dichter, Ernest hand book of consumer motivations New York. Mcgraw hill book co. 1964. 
5) Dichter Ernest. Hand book of consumer motivation Mcgraw hill 1964. 
6) Douglas H.Bellemore . realistic goals for the conservative investor the strategic investors New York simmons boardman publishing corporation 1963. 

A Study on Customer’s Expectations in Hotel Industry in Trichy Districts
Pages: 178-185 | First Published: 05 Oct 2017
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The aim of this paper was to examine the  Customer’s expectations in the hotel industry in Trichy district.  Descriptive statistics and regression analysis were employed for the test of the hypotheses. The findings revealed that customer expectation has a significant effect on both customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. In addition, clear statistic revealed that increased services such as babysitter and internet reserving system are highly expected by customers. Collected data was analyzed according to the objectives of the present research and result of
the statistical analysis to compile the result. Hence it is suggested that customers should proactively monitor hotels’ preferences with regard to the service charges; delivering of doorsteps of the food promptly and issue of new taste and recipe due to loss of modernization in order to retain their customers. 
Keywords: Hotel Industry, Expectations, Preferences, etc. 


1) Adee Athiyaman (2004). "Antecedents and  Consequences of Student Satisfaction with University Services: A Longitudinal Analysis", Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, January. 
2) Adopted from Yc Youjic "A Critical Review of Customer Satisfaction" in Zothumt, Valore "Review of Marketing 1989, Chicago, American Marketing Association, 1991. Cited in Terry G. Vavra (1997). Improving Your Measurement of Customer Satisfaction: A Guide to Creating, Conducting, Analyzing, and Reporting Customer Satisfaction Measurement Programs. Americal Society for Quality. p.46. 
3) Agarwal, H.S. (2007) "Achievements and Possibilities of Tourism in India: Important Facts, Pratiogita Darpan, Nov. 2007, SVol.2: 17.p. 
4) Akan, P. (1995). dimensions of Service Quality: A Study in Istanbul. Managing Service Quality. 5(6): pp. 39-43. 
5) Alex M. Susskind (2002), "I told you so!: Restaurant Customers' World-of-mouth Communication Patterns", Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly: Apr 2002, Vol.43, No.2.