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A Study on Labour Welfare Measures in Selected Textile Industries in Sipcot Area Perundurai, Erode District of Tamilnadu State

Issue Abstract

Labour welfare is a wider concept compared with health and safety measures, on account of today era is very
industrialized, competitive and technological based one.Above prescribed concepts derived from particular
consideration. At the same way each and every industrial worker should satisfied through benefits, here benefits
means in the form of any welfare to industrial workers. Labours is considered as an important person in all
working areas. Labour welfare legislation regulates industries for well management of industries and protects
the employees. 60% or 65% of Industries development mainly depend upon labour of the concern. Today era
about number of labour and industries more and more so, government must strict the rules and regulation imposed on labour of the concern. For example, Factories Act-1948, Trade union Act-1926, Industrial Dispute Act-1947, Payment of Wages Act-1936 etc., any such industrial concern act opposite or breach some rules and regulation they are punishable with imprisonment and penalties 
Keywords: Labour Welfare, Industrialized, Welfare Legislation, Imprisonment and Penalties. 

Author Information
Dr. A.C. Deepa
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Oct 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References


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3) Mallika.N, “Labour Welfare Measures in Public sector organization”, Alleyway to business competitiveness, 2008, Vol.18, p.129. 
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