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Evaluation of Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) with Special Reference to Ernakulam District

Issue Abstract

ICDS, the integrated child development services is the best expression towards Children. ICDS is India’s most
ambitious multi-dimensional welfare programme to reach millions of children and women who are caught in the grip of malnutrition, diseases, ignorance and poverty which  provide health, nutritional well being, Psychological and cognitive development. Household deprivation has strongly influenced the malnutrition and health status among preschool children and women. It has been found that 37percent belonged to HDS II group and 63percent
belonged to HDS III group. On the basis of weight for age classification, 50 percent of preschool children indicated as adequately nourished, 40 percent were moderately malnourished and 25 percent and 10 percent were severely
malnourished. One the basis of height for age basis, 40 percent preschool children indicated as adequately
nourished, 41 percent moderately malnourished and 19 percent severely malnourished. The findings of this study
stress on the women education on nutrition and health care, thereby achieving an improvement in the nutritional status of preschool children.   
Keywords: Child development, deprivation, Health, Nutrition, Welfare. 

Author Information
Chinnu Mariam Chacko
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Oct 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References


1) Bajpai N, Dholakia R H,(2011) ‘Improving the integration health and nutrition sectors in India’ Working paper No-2, Columbia Global Centres South Asia, Columbia University. 
2) Census Report of Indian Population (2011) 

3) Census of Population Projection from 1996-2016
4) National Family Health Report -3 (2009)
5) Sixth World Food survey ‘Anthropometri cases  ment of Nutritional status,Appendix 4. WHO
report (2013).