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Strategies & Impact of on-Line Marketing – A Study with Specific Reference to Social Media Marketing

Issue Abstract


Today, the world is competitive.  Change exists everywhere.  We are in technological era.  Everyday new
technologies are coming up and Innovations are taking place.  This is one of the changes which were referred by
Lord Krishna in Bhagawat Gita.  We have to adapt to the changing situations prevailing in the environment
otherwise we cannot compete in this world and we will be thrown out of the race.  Especially the advancement in
communication technology brought everyone in the world, irrespective of their place and continent, much closer. Social media helps in connecting themselves with social networking sites through which now people can stay far and yet remain connected. Apart from this media like Face book create a loyal connection between product/service and individual which leads to large advertising opportunities. Similarly, other social media like Blogs create a platform to post comment on any event which needs to be publicized also can be utilized as a promotional technique for customer’s adoption as well as for promotions. In the present day, users are acquiring followers & subscribers and directing them to your social networking page. These media has a competitive edge over other popular public media like Television because there is a time gap between social event occurrence and the time it is being broadcasted. This research paper emphasizes on the strategies which can take this digital marketing mode
beyond the normal social media at present. Ultimately, digital marketer can build their community strong enough
to make their marketing effective & initiative buying.   

Keywords: Digital Marketing, Social Media, Blog,  Twitter, Face book, Social Advertising. 

Author Information
Dr. J. Suresh Kumar
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Oct 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References


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