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A Study on Marketing of Housing Flats in Coimbatore City

Issue Abstract

The basic needs of the mankind are food, clothing and shelter. Of these, housing/shelter is not only a basic need
but it also provides a sustainable base for up gradation of the economic status and quality of life of the people. This study explains the preference of consumers towards housing flats , moreover, the effect in corporation
performance based on consumer behavior and recognition of the quality of residential environment of housing flats. Residential environmental satisfaction is comprised of residents satisfaction, apartment building satisfaction,
environmental satisfaction, societal satisfaction, relationship satisfaction and  corporation performance. The idea of the flat is launched mainly with the objective to overcome the scarcity of land. Nowadays, the preference towards housing flats is developed in the society due to economical improvements and changing trends. Hence the study examines consumers attitude, preference, their views, ideas, needs and the criticisms about the housing flats. 
Keyword: Housing flats, Customer preference, Corporation performance, Satisfaction level. 

Author Information
Dr.M.Renuka Devi
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Oct 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References


1) Robin J. Birn, the International Hand Book of  Market Research Techniques, Second Edition, the Market Research Sociality, 2004. 
2) Auerbach, A., Feldstein M., Different Years, Handbook of Public Economics, Vols. 1–3. North-Holland, New York.