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A Study on Social Media as Marketing Platform
Dr. S. Radha
Pages: 1-9 | First Published: 05 Aug 2023
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In recent years, social media has reached new heights and has become an integral part of our lives. For a variety of purposes, people utilize social media. It has no restrictions. The outbreak of covid-19 pandemic has only improved the argument. The quantity of online institutions has been steadily increasing. Online classes are available for learning dancing, music, yoga, art, cuisine, and other subjects. The day when social media was exclusively used for fun is now a distant memory. The virtual market is now open for any of your goods or services. This indicates that you may use these platforms to advertise your goods. This study's major objective is to determine the consumer
perception of social media as a marketing tool. There are 75 samples utilized in this investigation. Standardized questionnaires served as the study's main method of data collection. This study primary data is used and descriptive-correlation analysis is used to analyze and handle the acquired data statistically. Results showed that users are satisfied when making social media as purchase material and the majority of 76% of consumers prefer buying products on social media. The value of the consumer is not considerably impacted. The result is fairly conclusive that social media does not significantly affect online product promotion. According to the survey, businesses should interact with customers more actively, use more creative yet informative product advertisements that aren't monotonous, and pay attention to customer feedback.
Keywords: Consumer, Social media, Product 

A Study on Factors Influencing Employee Retention in it Sector
Dr R Raja Gopal
Pages: 10-18 | First Published: 05 Aug 2023
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The research project entitled “A STUDY ON FACTORS INFLUENCING EMPLOYEERETENTION IN IT SECTOR” is an attempt to understand employee’s perception about the factors which are important for them to continue in
the same organization. The data were collected through well-structured questionnaires which contain closed end question. This survey is collected from the I. There search design used for this study is descriptive in nature. The descriptive study helps the researcher to find out various characteristics of the population. Snowball sampling technique was adopted for selecting sample units from the respondents. The methods of data collection for the study include both primary and secondary data. A sample data of 105 respondents helped to analyze their perception on factors influencing employee retention and provide valuable suggestions. The statistical tool used for analyzing and interpreting the opinions of the users and the tools includes hypothesis testing (chi-square and weighted average). The results were presented with the help of different charts and diagrams were drawn from the analyzing of data’s, suggestions and conclusions have been made based on the findings. The rankings of the factors were identified using weighted average method. Association between gender & factor and variance on factors with respect to work experience are identified by chi-square and ova respectively.
Keywords: Employee retention, Influencing factors, IT sectors.

A Study on Investment Patterns of Working individuals in Chennai City
Dr. Minothi. J
Pages: 19-26 | First Published: 05 Aug 2023
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Investment is the next word that usually follows once an individual starts earning money. An investment is an asset that is created to allow money to grow. The wealth created can be used for various objectives such as meeting shortages of income, saving up for retirement, purchasing other assets or fulfilling certain obligations such as repayment of loans, etc.  Nowadays, a wide range of investment avenues are available to the investor. Every investor wants to invest in the best investment avenues to avail maximum return in a specific tenure with minimum risk involved. Working individuals have a fixed flow of income, and their investment patterns are also different. In connection with this, research has been conducted to determine the investment behavior of salaried investors in Chennai city. The study will help understand the investment preferences of investors. The research serves a twin-fold purpose of finding the awareness of individuals about different investment avenues and analyzing the behavioral pattern of individuals while investing.
Keywords: Investment, Working Individuals, Returns.  


  • Chaudhary, Deep and Rai, Priyanka (2020), 'To Study the Awareness, Saving and Investment Pattern of Salaried Class People with Reference to Gorakhpur City'. Mukt Shabd Journal, IX (V), 4929-4940. 

  •  Charkha, Sanket and Lanjekar, Jagdeesh (2018), 'A Study of Saving and Investment Pattern of Salaried Class People with Special Reference to Pune City (India)'. International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM), 4(3), 439-444. 

  • Jisha V.G. and Gomathi V. (2017), 'A Study on the Perception of Investment Pattern among Urban Working Women with Reference to Coimbatore City'. International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing (IJESC), 7(2), 43034307.

  • Selva Kumar P & Gayathri Harikumar (2023), "An Empirical Study on the Saving and Investment Behavioral Patterns of Assistant Professors In Private Colleges In Chennai" The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning, 11(2), 19601965.

A Study on Perception of Self Esteem Among Employees in a Mutual Fund Company, Chennai
K. Padmavathi
Pages: 27-34 | First Published: 05 Aug 2023
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The Human always wants to know himself as a gentleman, worthy and creditable and also they want to be supported and commended from others and like to be proud of him and others. When he/she does his job successfully he/she feels worth-full. On several occasions it has been suggested that an individual’s self-esteem, formed around work and organizational experiences, plays an important role in determining worker motivation, work related attitudes, and behaviors. Organizational-based self-esteem (OBSE) is a positive emotion and consciousness which one posses with regard to workplace situation, it is that state of mind in which an employee believes he or she can satisfy his or her needs by participating in roles within the organization.The researcher initiated this study with an aim to study the various opinion of mutual fund employees with respect to self-esteem. To get the results for stated objectives the researchers collected the primary information from 105
samples using self-administered questionnaire through convenience sampling. The questionnaire weighed on two major variables namely, independent variables being age, gender, marital status, number of children, type of family, educational qualification, experience and dependent variable, namely, self-motivation, in-role performance, job satisfaction, and organization related attitudes. The data collected is analysed after converting them into numbers using percentage analysis and it reported that the majority of the respondents have a satisfied level of self-esteem. TTo conclude, in development of selfesteem self-efficacy is a crucial aspect to focus on since the development of a high sense of self-efficacy leads to an increase in one’s self-respect and generally their self-esteem is improved.

Keywords: Self-Esteem. Self-Motivation, In-Role Performance, Job Satisfaction, Organization Related Attitudes.

Arslan, C. (2010). “Relationship between conflict communication, self-esteem and life satisfaction in university students” - Academic journals of Educational Research and Reviews, vol. 5( 1), 031-034  Chen, Y., Rendina- Gobioff, G. and Dedric, R.F. (2010). “Factorial Invariance of a Chinese Self- Esteem Scale for Third and Sixth Grade Students: Evaluating Method Effects Associated with Positively and Negatively Worded Items” – The International Journal of Educational and Psychological Assessment, Vol.6 (1), 2135.

A Study on the Effectiveness of E-Advertising in Business
Pages: 35-49 | First Published: 05 Aug 2023
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Advertisement plays a major role to boost the sales of any business. With the fast growth of
technology, E advertising plays a major role and is used as a strategy for the growth of the
company. Electronic advertising uses the other forms of social media to help a business
promote and sell goods and services. Traditional advertising has created the foundation of
digital marketing.  Online advertising has become a need now for all businesses to win the
competition. Online advertising is one of the easiest mediums through which the company
can reach consumers from all corners of the world. with millions of consumers all over the
world using the internet every day, online advertising is now crucial for every company.
Online advertising is a great way to grow the business and increase revenue. Thus, the
effectiveness of E-advertising in business paves the way for the following benefits global
reach, cost-effective, focus on the target audience, measurable, engagement, Flexible, etc., 
Key Words E- Advertising, Traditional advertising, Digital Marketing, Online advertising,
Target audience, Global reach, Measurable 

1. Kotler, P. & Keller, K. 2011. Marketing Management 14th Edition, Upper Saddle River, 
2. NJ, Prentice Hall. 
3. Advertising Association of the UK. (n.d.). 
4. Dash, M., Belgaonkar, P. (2012). Comparative effectiveness of Radio, Print, and  Web advertising. Social Science Research Network, 1-8.
5. Mary Meeker's. (2016). Internet Trends Report.
6. Rodgers, S., &Thorsons, E. (2000). The Interactive Advertising Model: How users  Perceive and process online Ads. Journal of interactive advertising, 1(1), 42-61. 
7. Interactive Advertising Bureau. (2002).
8. Interactive Advertising Bureau. (2013). 
9. Nielsen Norman Group. (n.d.). E-Commerce User Behavior and Executive  Summary for the Series. [9] Chatterjee, P. (2001). Modeling consumer network navigation in World Wide Web sites: Implications for Advertising. Unpublished Dissertation Proposal.  
10. Price Waterhouse Coopers. (2010). Measuring the effectiveness of Online Advertising.  
11. Dreze, X., & Xavier, F. (2003). Internet Advertising: Is Anybody Watching? Journal of   Interactive Marketing, 17(4), 8-23.  
12. Scott, M., Everard, A., Galleta, D., & Polak, P. (2004). A Study of the effects of Online Advertising: A focus on PopUp and In-Line Ads. Proceedings of Third Annual Workshop on HCI Research in MIS, (p. 53). Washington, D.C. 

13. Deshwal, P. (2016). Online Advertising and its impact on consumer behavior. International Journal of Applied Research, 2(2), 200-204. 
14. Chaubey, D. S., Sharma, L. S., & Pant, M. (2013). Measuring the Effectiveness of Online Advertisement in Recalling a Product: An Empirical Study. Management Convergence. 

A Study of consumer Buying Behavior of Eco-Friendly Products – Chennai District
Sree keerthana V
Pages: 64-72 | First Published: 05 Aug 2023
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The lifestyle of people changing towards environmental protection is becoming a trend worldwide and effective measures are being taken to preserve the environment. Companies have begun to name themselves as globally approachable and the companies have to position themselves by certain environmental guidelines only if they want to remain active and functions player in the market. It also follows a protective environmental tactic that
helps to raise the resource efficiency of processes, products, and services, and decrease the risk to environment and to people. Generally, consumers most frequently used terms associated with eco-product or eco-friendly products. The terms are eco-friendly, ozonefriendly, phosphate-free, and ecologically friendly. The based on the researchers made an empirical study to awareness of eco-friendly products, and their influence on buying behavior of consumers and collected sample data from 150 consumers by distributing well structured  questionnaires. The study reveals that the majority of respondents are aware of eco-friendly products from the major sources is social media (54%) followed by newspapers and television/radio advertisements.

Keywords: Environment, Consumers, Eco friendly, Awareness. 

A Study on Consumer Brand Preference Towards FMCG Products
Ms. S. Nithya
Pages: 73-79 | First Published: 05 Aug 2023
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This study examines consumer preferences and attitudes towards Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) products. FMCG products play a pivotal role in the everyday lives of consumers, as they encompass items like food, beverages, personal care, and household essentials. The product operates at low profit margin. Indian FMCG sector is the major contributor to Indian economy. The taste and preference of consumer are changed often. Every customer in the market has own brand preference. Customer will be looking for certain attributes before purchasing the FMCG products.
Keywords: consumer preference, brand loyalty, perceived quality, FMCG


  • Md. Abbas Ali, Venkat Ram Raj Thumiki and Naseer Khan (2012), “Factors Influencing Purchase of FMCG by Rural Consumers in South India: An Empirical Study”, International Journal of Business Research and 
    Development ISSN | 1929‐0977 | Vol. 1 No. 1, pp. 48‐57 (2012).

  • Mohammad Ali Daud (2013), “Awareness of Brand and Increasing Customer’s Demand for FMCG Products in Rural Market: The Rural Market of Uttar Pradesh”, International journal of engineering and management
    science, I.J.E.M.S., VOL.4 (1) 2013:79-82. 

  • Anupam Jain and Meenakshi Sharma (2012), “Brand Awareness and Customer Preferences for FMCG Products in Rural Market: An Empirical Study on the Rural Market of Garhwal Region”, VSRD International Journal of Business & Management Research Vol.2 (8), 2012.

  • Kavitha T. C. (2012), “A Comparative Study of Growth, Challenges and Opportunities in FMCG of Rural Market”, Inter science Management Review (IMR), ISSN: 2231-1513, Volume-2, Issue- 3, 2012. 

  • Dr. Mohammad naquibur rahman(2012), “Impact of advertisement: an empirical study of FMCG products in ksa”, Asian Journal Of Multidimensional Research vol.1 issue 4, September 2012, ISSN 2278-4853.

  • Sulekha & Dr. Kiran Mor (2013), “An Investigation of Consumer Buying Behaviour for FMCG: An Empirical Study of Rural Haryana”, Global Journal of Management and Business Research Marketing, Vol. 13, Issue 3(1), pp. 4549.

  • Deliya, Mitul, “Consumer Behavior towards the New Packaging of FMCG Products”, Journal of Research in Commerce and Management, Vol.1, No. 11, 2012, ISSN: 2277-1166, pp. 119-211.

  • Tauseef, Ahmad, “The Impulse Buying Behavior of Consumers for the FMCG Products in Jodhpur”, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 11, 2011, ISSN: 1991-8178, pp. 1704- 1710.



Research Paper on Overview of Human resource in Pvt. Sector
Pages: 80-83 | First Published: 05 Aug 2023
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A Human Resource Management System (HRMS) is a set of systems and procedures that exist at the interface between human resource management (HRM) and information technology. It combines HRM as a discipline, and particularly its essential HR activities and procedures, with the field of information technology, whereas data processing system programming grew into standardized routines and packages of enterprise resource planning
software. The major goal of this article is to lessen the effort required by the administrator to keep track of everyday occurrences such as attendance, projects, tasks, appointments, and so on. 

Impact of Perception of Destination Brand on Destination Brand Equity
Vishali K
Pages: 84-93 | First Published: 05 Aug 2023
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This research was conducted to investigate the relationship between Perception, Attitude, Satisfaction, Intention to visit, Loyalty of Destination Branding on Destination Brand Equity. A survey data from 319 students were collected using questionnaire method. The finding implies that Perception, Attitude, Satisfaction, Intention to visit, Loyalty has a significant positive impact on Destination Brand Equity. Understanding the target market will allow one to effectively cover and deliver your destination’s unique selling point. The recommendations from the analysis are the travel agents should also consider the perception of the travelers, get the feed backs about their stay and must try to incorporate them in their advertising strategies. It is also very important for the travelers through proper sources to take into considerations the reviews, ratings, recommendations and feed backs given by the travelers before they plan to travel.

Keywords: Destination, Travelers, Attitude, Intention to visit and Loyalty. 


  1. Abad, P. E. S., & Bourbon, N. M. D. (2021). Influence of travel vlog: Inputs for destination marketing model. International Journal of Research, 9(3), 47-66.

  2.  Acosta Pereira, L., Flôres Limberger, P., da Silva Flores, L. C., & de Lima Pereira, M. (2018). An empirical investigation of destination branding: the case of the City of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Sustainability, 11(1), 90.

  3. Boo, S. (2010). Destination brand attitude and loyalty as factors in revisitation of competitive destinations. Tourism Review International, 14(4), 163-178. 

  4. Bianchi, C., Pike, S., & Lings, I. (2014). Investigating attitudes towards three South American destinations in an emerging long haul market using a model of consumer based brand equity (CBBE). Tourism
    management, 42, 215-223.

  5. Ezeuduji, I. O., & Mhlongo, P. S. (2019). Tourists’ perceptions of a destination brand image: KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 8(4), 1-11. 

  6. Folgado-Fernández, J. A., Hernández-Mogollón, J. M., & Duarte, P. (2017). Destination image and loyalty development: the impact of tourists’ food experiences at gastronomic events. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 17(1), 92110.

  7.  Hultman, M., Skarmeas, D., & Robson, M. (2016). The effects of destination personality on tourist satisfaction, identification, and behavior. In Marketing Challenges in a Turbulent Business Environment (pp. 285-286). Springer, Cham. 

  8. Jalilvand, M. R., Shahin, A., & Vosta, L. N. (2014). Examining the relationship between branding and customers’ attitudes toward banking services: Empirical evidence from Iran. International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management. 

  9. Jiménez-Barreto, J., Rubio, N., Campo, S., & Molinillo, S. (2020). Linking the online destination brand experience and brand credibility with tourists’ behavioral intentions toward a destination. Tourism Management, 79, 104101. 

  10.  Kulshreshtha, S. (2011). Destination Branding: Improving Tourist Perception of UK. perception, 6, 2-3.

  11. Krupka, Z., Dobra, A., & Vlašić, G. (2021). Factors Influencing the Perception of Destination Brand Luxuriousness. Naše gospodarstvo/our economy, 67(4), 74-85. 

  12. Kumar, V., & Kaushik, A. K. (2018). Destination brand experience and visitor behavior: The mediating role of destination brand identification. Journal of Travel  & Tourism Marketing, 35(5), 649-663. 

  13.  Králiková, A., Peruthová, A., & Ryglová, K. (2020). Impact of destination image on satisfaction and loyalty. Act a University at is Agricultural et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 68(1), 199-209. 

  14.  Lai, M. Y., Khoo-Lattimore, C., & Wang, Y. (2018). A perception gap investigation into food and cuisine image attributes for destination branding from the host perspective: The case of Australia. Tourism Management, 69, 579-595.  

  15. Sigala, M. (2020). Tourism and COVID-19: Impacts and implications for advancing and resetting industry and research. Journal of business research, 117, 312-321. 

  16. Tobias-Mamina, R. J., Kempen, E., Chinomona, R., & Sly, M. (2020). The influence of instagram advertising on destination visit intention. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 9(3), 274-287. 

  17. Trembath, R., Romaniuk, J., & Lock shin, L. (2011). Building the destination brand: An empirical comparison of two approaches. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 28(8), 804-816. 

  18. Sigala, M. (2020). Tourism and COVID-19: Impacts and implications for advancing and resetting industry and research. Journal of business research, 117, 312-321. 

  19. Tobias-Mamina, R. J., Kempen, E., Chinomona, R., & Sly, M. (2020). The influence of instagram advertising on destination visit intention. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 9(3), 274-287. 

  20. Trembath, R., Romaniuk, J., & Lock shin, L. (2011). Building the destination brand: An empirical comparison of two approaches. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 28(8), 804-816. 

A Study on Marketing Strategy in Business
Daisy Rani. R
Pages: 94-98 | First Published: 05 Aug 2023
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The intention of this paper is to qualitatively explore the current Marketing Strategy. Marketing is one of important department in business. It helps us to influence marketing in the market. Marketing Strategy is a business game plan for reaching prospective consumers and turning them into customers of the products or service .Activities a company undertake to promote the buying or selling of a product or service. The answers are provided in the
finding and suggestions. The stratified sampling approach is used in the research methodology under the probability sampling technique. The Study’s pollution consisted of firm customer and main data was acquired by questionnaire. The descriptive analysis includes percentage analysis, and One – way ANOVA has taken also this study and interpreted the data. So finally concluded the overall the performance and the suggestion included in the study to take up the improvement of the company next level to improve the growth and develop of the future as well as overall the relationship with the costumer. Marketing strategy is used by different companies to               collaborate with their consumer. It is also employed to aware the customers about the features, specifications and benefits of company’s product. Effective marketing strategies help to get ahead in the competition.  
Keywords: Prospective consumer, Stratified sampling, Marketing Strategy.


  1. Ferrell, O. C., Hartline, M., & Hochstein, B. W. (2021). Marketing strategy. Cengage Learning.
  2.  Morgan, N. A., Whitler, K. A., Feng, H., & Chari, S. (2019). Research in marketing strategy. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 47, 4-29.
  3. Tong, S., Luo, X., & Xu, B. (2020). Personalized mobile marketing strategies. Journal of  the Academy of Marketing Science, 48, 64-78.
  4. Kings north, S. (2022). Digital marketing strategy: an integrated approach to online  marketing. Kogan Page Publishers. 
  5. Li, F., Larimo, J., & Leonidou, L. C. (2021). Social media marketing strategy: definition,  conceptualization, taxonomy, validation, and future agenda. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 49, 51-70.
  6. Goncharova, N. A., Solosichenko, T. Z., & Merzlyakova, N. V. (2019). Brand platform as an element of a company marketing strategy. International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 8(4), 815.


Impact of Mobile Banking on Customer Satisfaction with Reference to Retail Banking in Kanyakumari District
Nandhini. D
Pages: 99-106 | First Published: 05 Aug 2023
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Banking has always been a highly information-intensive activity that relies heavily on information technology (IT) to acquire, process, and deliver the appropriate information to all relevant users and differentiate their products and services. The banking industry is one of the leading segments of the financial services sector in adopting and utilizing the technology on consumer markets and consequently, its service delivery has undergone
changes unprecedented in its history. The retail banking distribution system witnessed a major shift in the 1970s, due to the emergence of new technologies that simplified remote access to banks. Over the past few years, the world has witnessed significant changes in wireless communication systems. This has provided various opportunities to business, while consumers are enhancing the use of mobile devices for their daily activities. . One area of interest is the growing adoption and acceptance of mobile payment services around the
world. The use of mobile payment technology has tripled in the last few years. Despite its growth potential, researchers have paid little attention to the factors that influence the intention to use mobile payment services in the emerging market. The main aim of the study is to identify the impact of mobile banking on customer satisfaction with reference to retail banking in Kanyakumari district. Both primary and secondary data are extensively used in this study. Then, the primary data was collected through the questionnaire method from the
mobile banking users. For this study 75 respondents were selected positively. For collecting necessary data, 75 respondents have been collected in Kanyakumari district by using convenience sampling method. From this study, we can see that among many factors that determine the customers’ satisfaction for mobile banking services; accessibility, convenience, privacy, security, design, content, speed and Fees and Charges appear to be the most
important determinants of customers’ satisfaction.
Keywords: Information technology, Banking, Mobile Payment, Wireless communication. 


  1. Acharya, Ram N., Kagan, Albert, Lingam & Srinivasa Rao (2008). Online Banking  Applications & Community Bank Performance. The International Journal of Bank Marketing, 26(6), 418-439.  

  2. Kaleem, A., & Ahmad, S., (2008). Bankers’ perceptions of electronic banking in Pakistan. Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, 13(1).  

  3. Akesson, M., (2007). Value proposition in M-commerce: Exploring service provider and user perceptions. Los Angeles, 19. 

  4. Akinci S., Aksoy S., Atilgan E., (2004). Adoption of Internet Banking Among Sophisticated Consumer Segments in an Advanced Developing Country. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 22(3), 212-232. 

  5. Alalwan, A. A., Dwivedi, Y. K., Rana, N. P., & Algharabat, R., (2018). Examining factors influencing Jordanian customers’ intentions and adoption of internet banking: extending UTAUT2 with risk. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 40, 125138

A Study on Customer Perception towards Mobile Phones with Special Reference to Samsung in Chennai City
Nivetha. A.R
Pages: 107-116 | First Published: 05 Aug 2023
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The major aim of this study is to analyze customer preference and perception towards the
purchase and willingness of Samsung mobile phones specifically in Chennai city. Samsung
specializes in the production of wide variety of consumer products particularly in mobile
industry. Samsung has become a true digital leader in the electronics sector. The finding
implies that satisfaction, preference, brand loyalty and  as significant  and positive impact on
customer preference towards Samsung mobile phones, A sample of 100 customers of
mobile phone users is taken. Questionnaire has been analyzed with the help of interpretation
have been made to study of impact. The study concludes that mostly customers prefer
opting for Samsung mobiles are popular so many customer using good features here good
backup, good camera, best quality, more user friendly, at a budget-friendly rate. The
company makes them to get satisfied which provides good value for their money.

Key words: Smart phones, perception, Samsung, Brand and customer satisfaction



  1. An ASADI The effect of marketing mixes on buying decision: Empirical study on brand of Samsung smart phone product (2020).
  2. Dr AHMED MUNEEBMMHETA The Game Changer; Understanding How Brand Image and Customer Satisfaction Influences Brand Loyalty. A Study of Samsung Mobile Phones in Pakistan (2021). 
  3. AVNI SHARMA An Empirical study on customer satisfaction towards Samsung
    products (2019) 
  4. ARASH NEGABHAN Discovering determinants of user’s perception of mobile devices functionality fit (2014)
  5. BAYU R Analysis of the effect of brand image, product quality and after sales service on repurchase decision of Samsung smart phones (2019).
  6.  BAGER ASGARNEZHAD A Mod el of brand loyalty with emphasis on brand dimensions in Samsung mobile phones market. (2016). 
  7. CHIN -HSUAN WANG Incorporating the concept of systematic innovation into quality function deployment for developing multi-functional smart phones (2017). 
  8. ERKAN BAYRAKTAR Measuring the efficiency of customer satisfaction and loyalty for mobile phone brands (2011). 
  9. HYUN-JONG Comparison of customers perception of feature and smart phone users mainly in 20s (2011).
  10. JERRY JAY Effect of celebrity endorsement on consumer buying behavior of Samsung mobile phones in Ghana (2018). 



A Study on Customer Perception towards UPI in Chennai
Pages: 117-128 | First Published: 05 Aug 2023
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Exponential growth in the fin tech industry and with the support of Mobile phone usage, UPI has become popular. Cashless economy was possible with the emergence of UPI. Pandemic has paved the way for seamless use of UPI which led to establishment of many e-payment companies.UPI has become ‘order of the day’ rather than a ‘ lifestyle’. The study was carried to understand the customer preference towards UPI and factors influencing customer preference towards various UPI are analyzed. A Questionnaire was used to understand the preference of
UPI. The factors like convenience, speed of transaction, ease of usage, storage of data and security of data play significant roles in determining the use of UPI. Structured Questionnaire was used to collect Primary data of approximately a minimum of 65 respondents using Disproportionate stratified sampling from customers of 5 different UPIs. Convenience was the significant factor in preferring UPI, followed by trust. Ranking analysis and percentage analysis were used to study various factors and determine the relationship between the variables.
Keywords: Digital payments, cashless economy, UPI unified payment interface. 


  1.  Radhika Arora (2016): “A Study on customer perception towards UPI and its growing  Influence in the realm of digital payments: an empirical study”,

  2. C. Poorna Pushkala, and C. Pappeswari, (2021): A Study on Awareness and Customer Satisfaction of Unified Payment Interface (UPI) For Digital Payments With Reference To Amba samudram Area SCOPUS Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 17783–17789.Retrieved  from 

  3. N.Bharath(2023): A study on consumer preference of UPI with reference to Chennai  city  Journal of Development Economics and Management Research Studies(JDMS)

  4. Dr.Jayasubramanian.P, Mr. RamGuhan.R.S, Mr.Sanjay.K (2023) A STUDY ON CUSTOMER PERCEPTION TOWARDS M-WALLET (with a special reference to Coimbatore City)

The Influence of Chat bots and Conversational AI on the Marketing Strategies of Service Sectors in Chennai.
Dr. Uthira. D
Pages: 129-135 | First Published: 05 Aug 2023
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Marketing strategies have undergone significant changes and have become a crucial element in a business's success. Being in tune with current trends and pioneering new ones has become essential for companies to stay competitive in the global market. To gain an edge, businesses are leveraging advanced technologies, including artificial intelligence, particularly in their marketing efforts. This study examines the impact of chat bots on both customers and companies. It gathered responses from 102 participants through a tailored questionnaire, analyzing their perspectives on Chabot adoption and its implications for businesses and customer interactions.

Keywords: Marketing, Artificial Intelligence, Chat bots, Adoption, Trend Maker, Global Platform. 


  • Liss Jenneboer, Carolina Herrando and Efthymios Constantinides, (2022) The  Impact of Chat bots on Customer Loyalty: A Systematic Literature Review

  •  Ramesh Aishwarya, Chawla Vaibhav (2020). Chat bots in Marketing - A  morphology of literature.

  • Bouchra El Bakkouri, Samira Raki, Touhfa Belgnaoui, (2022). The Role of Chat bots  in Enhancing Customer Experience. 

  • ParaskeviGatzioufa, Vaggelis Saprikis, (2022). A literature review on users' behavioral intention toward chat bots' adoption. 


Contribution of E-Commerce to the economic Development of India.
E. Ramya
Pages: 136-`141 | First Published: 05 Aug 2023
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This article explores the significant contribution of e-commerce to the economic development of India. E-commerce, the buying and selling of goods and services over the internet, has transformed the way businesses operate and has witnessed substantial growth in India in recent years. This study examines the various ways in which e-commerce has impacted India's economy and its potential for further growth One of the key contributions of e-commerce is its role in boosting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). E- commerce platforms have provided a digital marketplace for SMEs to showcase and sell their products, empowering them to reach a broader customer base domestically and internationally, fostering innovation and entrepreneurship.
The growth of e-commerce has also led to the creation of numerous job opportunities across various sectors. From logistics to digital marketing, e-commerce companies have generated employment opportunities for diverse skill sets, contributing to a more inclusive job market. E-commerce has played a pivotal role in bridging the urban-rural divide in India, providing access to goods and services in remote areas and empowering rural communities. It has also attracted foreign direct investment (FDI) into the sector, contributing to the development of logistics and supply chain infrastructure in the country. Furthermore, the adoption of digital payment systems driven by e-commerce has contributed to financial inclusion, reducing cash dependency, and fostering a transparent economy. The data-driven insights obtained from e-commerce platforms have enhanced market efficiency and helped businesses tailor their offerings to customer preferences.  Despite its positive impact, e-commerce also presents challenges related to data security, privacy, and fair competition. The article emphasizes the importance of addressing these challenges through effective regulations and policies to fully harness the potential of ecommerce for sustainable economic development. Looking ahead continued advancements in e-commerce technology, infrastructure, and digital payment systems are expected to  further accelerate economic growth in India. By creating an enabling environment for e-commerce innovation and ensuring a level playing field, India can continue to leverage e commerce as a key driver of its economic
development journey.

Keywords: E-commerce, Economic development, Job creation, Financial inclusion


1. Drăgănescu, M. (2003). "From informational society to knowledge society." Bucharest:  Technical Publishing House. 
2. Ghibuţiu, A. (2003). "Electronic commerce – integration and development factor. Challenges for Romania." Oeconomica, no. 3, 165-194. 
3. Kshetri, N. (2007). "Barriers to e-commerce and competitive business models in developing countries: a case study." Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, In Press, Corrected Proof,doi:10.1016/j.elerap.2007.02.004. 
4. OECD (1999). "The Economic and Social Impact of Electronic Commerce– Preliminary Findings and Research Agenda." Paris: OECD Publications. 
5. Purohit, M., Purohit, V. (2005). "E-commerce and Economic Development." New Delhi: Publishing House of the Foundation for Public Economics and Policy Research. 

Adapting to Digital Transformation: Challenges and Strategies in Contemporary Recruitment and Selection
Pages: 142-147 | First Published: 05 Aug 2023
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This paper examines the challenges and strategies associated with recruitment and selection in the digital transformation era. As technology advances, organizations face hurdles such as managing high volumes of applications, assessing online profiles, and protecting candidate privacy. To overcome these challenges, organizations are leveraging digital platforms, employing advanced screening tools, and emphasizing candidate engagement. By utilizing these strategies, organizations can expand their talent pool and improve the efficiency of
candidate evaluation. The study highlights the importance of adapting recruitment and selection processes to embrace digital transformation. It emphasizes the need for personalized experiences, clear communication, and interactive assessments to enhance candidate engagement. The suggestions underscore the significance of continuous adaptation and flexibility in recruitment and selection strategies to effectively attract and secure top talent in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Keywords: Digital Transformation, Candidate engagement, Digital platforms, Screening tool.


  1. Catherine Lissette and Walker, Arlene 2010, Work readiness in graduate recruitment and selection: a review of current assessment methods, Journal of teaching and learning for graduate employability, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 13-25. 

  2.  Dave Bartram (2000), “Internet Recruitment and Selection: Kissing Frogs to find Princes”, “International Journal of Selection and Assessment”, Volume-8, Issue 4, PP. 261-274.

  3. David Yoon Kin Tong (2009), “A study of e-recruitment technology adoption in Malaysia”, “Industrial Management & Data Systems”, Volume-109, Issue-2, PP. 281-300. 

  4. Derek S. Chapman and Jane Webster (2003), “The Use of Technologies in the Recruiting, Screening, and Selection Processes for Job Candidates”, “International Journal of Selection and Assessment”, Volume-11, Issue-2, PP. 113-120.

  5.  Filip Lievens, Karen van Dam and Neil Anderson (2002), “Recent trends and challenges in personnel selection”, “Personnel Review”, Volume-31, Issue-5, PP. 580-601.     

  6. M. Saidi Mehrabad and M. Fathian Brojeny (2007), “The development of an expert system for effective selection and appointment of the jobs applicants in human resource management”, “Computers & Industrial Engineering”, Volume53, PP. 306–312.

  7. Madera, J.M., Using social networking websites as a selection tool: The role of selection process fairness and job pursuit intentions. Int. J. Hospitality Manage. (2012), doi: 10.1016/j.ijhm.2012.03.008. 

  8. Phillip Brown (1995), “Cultural Capital and Social Exclusion: Some Observations on Recent Trends in Education, Employment and the Labour  Market”, “Work, Employment & Society”, Volume-9, Issue-1, PP. 29-51. 

  9. Robert E. Ployhart (2006), “Staffing in the 21st Century: New Challenges and Strategic Opportunities”, “Journal of Management”, Volume-32, Issue-6, PP. 868-897. 

  10. Robert J. Lavigna and Steven W. Hays (2004), “Recruitment and Selection of Public Workers: An International Compendium of Modern Trends and Practices”, “Public Personnel Management”, Volume-33, Issue-3, PP. 237-253. 

  11. Russell A Poldrack & Krzysztof J Gorgolewski (2014), “Making big data open: data sharing in neuro imaging”, “Nature Neuroscience”, Volume-17, Issue-11, PP. 1510-1517. 

  12. Talya N. Bauer, Donald Truxillo, Matthew E. Paronto, Michael A. Campion and Jeff A. Weekley (2004), “Applicant Reactions to Different Selection Technology: Face-to-Face, Interactive Voice Response, and Computer-Assisted Telephone  Screening Interviews”, “International Journal of Selection and Assessment”, 
    Volume-12, Issue-1, PP. 135-148. 

  13.  Wei-Hung Hsiao1, Tsung-Sheng Chang, Ming-Shang Huang and Yi-Chia Chen (2011), “Selection criteria of recruitment for information systems employees: Using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method”, “African Journal of  Business Management”, Volume-5(15), PP. 6201-6209.

Understanding Consumer Perceptions Towards Green Products: Implications for Sustainable Marketing and Environmental Concerns
Dr. D. Shanmugam
Pages: 148-155 | First Published: 05 Aug 2023
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This research paper examines consumer perceptions towards green products and their impact on consumer buying behavior. The study analyzes data from 150 respondents in Chennai City, focusing on the influence of demographic variables such as age, education, occupation, income, and gender. The findings highlight that consumers with higher education and income levels exhibit more positive perceptions of green products. Additionally, the research explores consumers' environmental concerns and their role in shaping consumer attitudes. The study emphasizes the significance of demographic variables in influencing consumer perception towards green products, providing valuable insights for businesses seeking to promote sustainability and cater to environmentally conscious


  1. Sanjeev Kumar, Radha Garg, and Anita Makkar, "Consumer Awareness and Perception   Towards Green Products: A Study of Youngsters in India," International Journal of Marketing & Business Communication, Volume 1, Issue 4, October 2012, pp. 35-43.

  2. Haron, S. A., Paim, L., & Yahaya, N. (2005). "Towards sustainable consumption: An examination of environmental knowledge among Malaysians." International Journal of Consumer Studies, 29(5), 426-436.

  3.  Gupta C.B, Rajan Nair., N, "Marketing Management," Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi, 2012, P-20.17.

  4.  Philip Kotler, "Marketing A South Asian Perspective," Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt Ltd, licenses of Pearson education in South Asia, 2011.

  5. Dr. Shruti P Maheshwari, "Awareness of Green Marketing and its Influence on Buying Behavior of Consumers: Special Reference to Madhya Pradesh, India," AIMA Journal of Management & Research, February 2014, Volume 8 Issue 1/4, ISSN 0974-497, Copyright ©  2014 AJMR-AIMA. 

A Study on Central Banking Digital Currency
N.vijai Kumar. Y
Pages: 156-161 | First Published: 05 Aug 2023
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In barely a few years, central banks have significantly intensified their research and development activities on central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). These efforts are aided by an increasing body of economic research, much of which focuses on the "reserves for all" component of CBDCs for retail use. CBDCs, on the other hand, must be considered in the context of the digital economy and the value of data, raising concerns about competitiveness, payment system integrity, and privacy. This research takes readers on a tour of the emerging CBDC literature, concentrating on micro economic issues such as operational designs, technology, and privacy, as well as macroeconomic implications for the financial system, financial stability, and monetary policy. A number of unsolved questions, particularly concerning the cross-border characteristics of CBDCs, demand more research to widen the research field. 
Keywords: CBDCs vs. Crypto currencies, Goals, Digital Currency.


  1. An dolfatto, D. (2021). Assessing the impact of central bank digital currency on private banks. The Economic Journal, 131(634), 525-540.

  2.  Bord o, M. D., & Levin, A. T. (2017). Central bank digital currency and the future of monetary policy (No. w23711). National Bureau of Economic Research. 

  3. Carapella, F., & Flemming, J. (2020). Central bank digital currency: A literature review. 

  4. Chaum, D., Grothoff, C., & Moser, T. (2021). How to issue a central bank digital currency. arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.00254. 

  5. Engert, W., & Fung, B. S. C. (2017). Central bank digital currency: Motivations and implications (No. 2017-16). Bank of Canada Staff Discussion Paper. 

  6. Fernández-Villaverde, J., Sanches, D., Schilling, L., & Uhlig, H. (2021). Central bank digital currency: Central banking for all?. Review of Economic Dynamics, 41, 225-242. 

  7. Minesso, M. F., Mehl, A., & Stracca, L. (2022). Central bank digital currency in an open economy. Journal of Monetary Economics, 127, 54-68. 

  8. Ozili, P. K. (2023). Central bank digital currency research around the World: a review of literature. Journal of Money Laundering Control, 26(2), 215-226. 

A Study on Comparing Student Participation in Urban and Rural Schools in the Tirunelveli District
Pages: 162-166 | First Published: 05 Aug 2023
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In this study, the various student behavioral factors are compared between student locations of schools. The current study contrasts student participation across several school locations in the Tirunelveli region. Data from both primary and secondary  sources have been gathered. The study's methodology relies on unbalanced quota sampling. From the 42775 students enrolled in the Tirunelveli municipal schools, 382 were chosen as the sample size. For the purpose of selecting the sample units, a disproportionate quota sampling technique was used. The respondents were divided into two groups: metropolitan areas and rural areas. ANOVA and the 'F' test were the
research instruments employed in this study. Comparisons between location and behavior factor are found by the study to be I like Most days when I go to school, I do my.

Keywords: Behavior, Location Student Engagement etc.


  1.  Appleton, J. J., Christenson, S. L., Kim, D., & Reschly, A. L. (2006). Measuring Cognitive and Psychological Engagement: Validation of the Student Engagement Instrument. Journal of School Psychology, 44(5), 427-445. 

  2. Arastaman, G. (2006). Ankara Ili Lise Birinci SinifÖğrencilerinin Okula BağlilikDurumlarinaIlişkinÖğrenci, ÖğretmenveYöneticilerinGörüşleri. (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek LisansTezi), Ankara Üniversitesi, Ankara. 

  3. Appleton, J. J., Christenson, S. L., & Furlong, M. J. (2008). Student Engagement with School: Critical Conceptual and Methodological Issues of the Construct. Psychology in the Schools, 45(5), 369-386. 

  4. Baraiya, V.V, "A Study of the Organizational Climate of Higher Secondary Schools of Gujrat State in relation to Certain Variables," Doctoral Dissertation. M.B. Buch (Ed.) Fourth Survey of Research in Education. p. 1073, 1985. 

  5. Casuso-Holgado, M. J., Cuesta-Vargas, A. I., Moreno-Morales, N., Labajos Manzanares, M. T., Barón-López, F. J., & Vega-Cuesta, M. (2013). The association between academic engagement and achievement in health sciences students. BMC Medical Education, 13(1). doi:10.1186/1472-6920-13-33.

  6.  Gunuc, S. (2014). The Relationship between Student Engagement and Their Academic Achievement. International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications,5(4). Retrieved from .

  7. Groves, M., Sellars, C., Smith, J., & Barber, A. (2015). Factors Affecting Student Engagement: A Case Study Examining Two Cohorts of Students Attending a Post 1992. University in the United Kingdom. International Journal of Higher Education, 4(2). doi:10.5430/ijhe.v4n2p27 

Swot Analysis of Nationalised Banks
Pages: 167-172 | First Published: 05 Aug 2023
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Currency serves as a legal tender in all parts of the country. Apart from the money now a day’s various form of money are being in use like plastic cards, Gpay, UPI payments,etc. these are accepted against payment for goods and services and for the repayment of debts in a given socio-economic context of a country.  Money is the medium of exchange and today we use this money in various forms like g-pay, phone pay, credit card, debit card, etc. and all these are backed up with the help of internet banking and the vast growth in technology. Money also measures the value of all the things whether it is a new gadget or labor hours worked. The excess money in the society are saved in the banks. Thus banks act as our agent for using as well as protecting our money. This paper comprises of the SWOT analysis of the Banks in India. Banks apart from performing banking operations they also carry out other services like insurance, housing development, paying utility bills, helping the customers in buying and selling of securities, etc.  
Keywords: Lending rates, nationalization, economy growth, banks, capitalist.


  1. Chowdhury Manas Ranjan 2015 Managing stress in banking professionals: A study in nationalized bank

  2. Dr. Tripathi .LK 2015 Non-Performing Assets in Public Sector Banks – A  Comparative study between SBI Group & Nationalized Banks Group 

  3. Dinesh Kumar 2010 Impact of Merger of One Nationalized Bank with Another Nationalized Bank – Lessons from Merger in Indian Banking Industry 

  4. Dileep Kumar Mohana Chandran 2004 A Study on Job Stress of Nationalized and Non Nationalized Bank

  5.  Dharmesh N. Rana (2017) Analytical financial performance of nationalized banks in India, 

  6. Hemal Pandya 2012 Profitability Analysis of Selected Nationalized Banks in India 

  7.  Md. Tufail Hossain Majumder and Mohammad Jasim Uddin 2017 The Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on Trade in East Asia 

  8. Nam palli Sri shylam, et. al. 2021 Review for Performance of Indian Nationalized Banks 

  9. Varuna Agarwala, Nidhi Agarwala 2019A critical review of non-performing assets in the Indian banking industry 

  10. Ruktai Prurapark 2020 Assessing Coal Use in Thailand: Current and Future Trends (pp.83 92 

  11.  Mike Clara 2021Time for a SWOT Analysis 

A Study on Impact of Talents Management Practices on Employee Retention in the Modern Management Era: A Case Study of it Companies in Chennai
Pages: 173-179 | First Published: 05 Aug 2023
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Talent Management refers to all the integrated processes we employ to attract, compensate, create, and recompense individuals. Before delving into the methods of talent management, it is critical to recognize that ability' is everywhere in today's enterprises. Employee retention is essential in organizations. In an IT company, talent management refers to managing an organization's staff strength, skill level, and potential. The study's primary goal is to examine the influence of job skills and employee engagement on staff retention in a sample of IT businesses in Chennai. The Cronbach alpha was used to test the dependability and uniqueness of the investigation strategy and its components. The researcher investigated talent management techniques in several dimensions in this study. In addition, the study looked at how talent management techniques aid in the retention of personnel in the information technology sector.. According to the current study's findings, it is discovered through the association examination that at whatever point educational qualification, monthly income, insight in the organization, and working hours out of each day improves their skills, their abilities planning also significantly increases. Furthermore, as people become older, their talents and planning abilities deteriorate. According to the study's findings, male respondents have a high degree of satisfaction with their jobs.So, IT businesses should determine whether the issue requires training programs, assistance, or comfort time, and then take the required measures to correct the situation. With expanding competitiveness, a lack of capacity, globalization, and a consistent requirement to direct capacity, the augmentation for capacity examination board practice is becoming increasingly important.
Keywords: Talent Management, Modern management, Information technology, Employee retention. 


  1. Agarwal, T. (2018). Effect of talent management practices and organizational  performance on employee retention: Evidence from Indian IT Firms. Journal of internet Banking and commerce, 23(1), 1-16.

  2. Balasaravanan, K. (2020). A Study On Talent Management And Its Impact On Employee Retention In Selected It Organizations In Chennai. International Journal of Management (Ijm), 11(9), 1951-1966. 

  3. Duraiarasan, R. M., & Ramila, M. (2019). An Empirical Study On Relationship Between Causes And Effects Of Employee Turnover In Indian Manufacturing Industry (A Study With Special Reference To Chennai City In TamilNadu). International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, 3(6), 116-120. 

  4. Edeh, F. O., Zayed, N. M., Perevozova, I., Kryshtal, H., &Nitsenko, V. (2022). Talent management in the hospitality sector: predicting discretionary work  behaviour. Administrative Sciences, 12(4), 122.

  5.  Emanikor, J. (2020). Effect of talent management practices on employee performance among Mobile Telecommunication Firms in Kenya (Doctoral dissertation, University of Nairobi). 

  6. Jindal, P., & Shaikh, M. (2021). Talent retention: A mediator of the relationship between talent management strategies and succession planning. Asian Academy of Management Journal, 26(2), 117-142.

  7. MM, S. (2021). Influence of empowerment, psychological contract and employee engagement on voluntary turnover intentions. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 70(2), 325-349.

  8. Ogbari, M. E., Onasanya, Y. A., Ogunnaike, O. O., & Kehinde, O. J. (2018). Talent management as a determinant of firm performance: A conceptual approach. Business & Social Sciences Journal, 3(1), 21-32.


Marketing Strategies in Banking Sectors
Uma Parvathy.S.
Pages: 180-188 | First Published: 05 Aug 2023
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This study outlines marketing strategies used in India's banking service industries.
Marketing strategy is one of the most important subjects that bank policymakers must
thoroughly research. This results from the need to enhance bank performance and
ensure long-term growth as the banking industry faces increased competition. An
overview of the banking industry's marketing strategies is provided in the article. In
this era of sophisticated and fiercely competitive challenges, it is crucial for banks to
keep a loyal clientele. Therefore, banks' perspectives on customer and market demands
and advertising strategies should be broader.
Keywords: Banks, consumer loyalty, marketing strategies, and competition


  1. Bhatt’s, Snehal and Krishna Gor; Recent Trends in Marketing Strategy in Banking Sector; IBMRD’s Journal of Management & Research ;Volume 1,March 2012 .

  2. Madan, Rupali, Rachna Agrawal and Mitu G Matta, Relationship Banking Strategies in Banking Sector: A Review; International Journal of BRIC Business Research (IJBBR) Volume 4, Number 4, November 2015.

  3. Pandey, Sujeet Kumar ,Dr. C. B. P. Singh, Marketing Strategies for Effective Banking, International Journal of Recent Research in Commerce Economics and Management (IJRRCEM) Vol. 3, Issue 2, pp: (67-71), Month: April 2016 - June 2016, 


  5. strategy.html#google_vignette

A Study on Customer Perception towards Mobile- Wallet among Youth with Special reference to Coimbatore City (G Pay & PhonePe)
Dr. S.Murugan,
Pages: 189-193 | First Published: 05 Aug 2023
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According to the examine it seems that many human beings truely consider the authorities at the usefulness of cashless financial system because it enables to  combat towards terrorism, corruption, cash laundering however one largest hassle with inside the running of cashless financial system in India is cybercrime and unlawful get right of entry to number one facts.  It became observed that demographic component anticipate schooling does now no longer have a good deal effect at the adoption of the virtual fee. It shows that adoption of virtual fee is inspired through the instructional  degree of the Payments. The increase of customers of clever telecast smartphone and net penetration in such location additionally facilitated the adoption of virtual fee.
Keywords: G Pay, Payt m ,Phone Pe ,UPI Cashless financial system, and virtual fee.



  1. V. Parvathy1 and D. Durairaj2 (2021) A Study on Users Perception and Awareness closer to Digital Payment Security Threats amongst Youngsters in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. Asian Review of Social Sciences, pp.30-3.

  2.  Shinki Katyayani Pandey (2022) A Study on Digital Payments System & Consumer Perception: An Empirical Survey., Journal of Positive School  Psychology. Vol. 6, No. 3, 10121  10131.

  3. Prakash M(2022) A Study on Consumer Perception Towards Digital Payment,  East Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 1, No. 6, 2022: 1033-10.

  4.  Mr. Sunil R Hegde, Ms. Shalya Accamma(2022), A Study On Customer  Perception Towards Digital Payments in Tamil Nadu, International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, Volume 10, Issue 4 April 2022 | ISSN: 2320-2882


A Study on Problems and Prospects of Digital Payment Systems in the Next Scenario
Dr.K. Sountharapriya,
Pages: 190-200 | First Published: 05 Aug 2023
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Now-a-days, all the payments are done via online mediums and require no physical exchange of money. The trend towards digitalization and the use of the internet paves the way for a cashless economy. The digital payment system enables consumers to move traditional cash payment system to electronic cash payment system. These rapid developments of digital payment technologies lead to make innovation in the financial sector, through which payers and payees both use digital apps to send and receive money. Thus, the payment system is rapidly changing from cash based payment to digital forms of payments. The people use digital payment system due to convenience, fast and cost-effective. The Government also supports digital payment system because it helps to increasing the tax revenues of the governments.


1. Puneet Singh Bhatia, (2019) "Fundamentals of Digital Marketing", (2nd ed.), Pearson Education Pvt. Ltd, Noida.
2. Seema Gupta, (2022) "Digital Marketing",(3rd ed.), McGraw Hill Publications Noida.
3. Kailash Chandra Upadhyay, (2021) "Digital Marketing: Complete Digital Marketing Tutorial", Notion Press, Chennai.
4. Michael Branding, (2021) "Digital Marketing", Empire Publications India Private Ltd, New Delhi.
5. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 119, No.15, 2018.
6. Journal of Positive Social Psychology, Vol 6, No.3, 2022.
7. International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management, Volume 03, Issue 08, August 2019.
8. https// marketing.pdf
10. sheets/gamification-and- game-based-learning.

A Study on Factors Influencing towards the Purchase of Green Products in Chennai City
Pages: 201204 | First Published: 05 Aug 2023
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      The study is proposed to assess the factors influencing the purchase of green products in Chennai cityThe extensive writing on the consumer of green newly focuses by the marketers and markets. Even though consciousness environmental in Indian consumers is examined through the literature, their buying behavior towards green products is not so far implicit. Therefore, the present study is contemplated on factors influencing towards the consumption of green products in Chennai city. The research makes use of the survey method technique to test framed hypothesis of the study.  A simple convenience sampling method was used and collected the data from 681 users of green products consumers in the study region. The study found that the factors, namely environmental protection, environmental responsibility, Environmental kindliness, personal experience of green products, Social Appeal aspect, significantly influence the buying decision of green products in the study area. The study results are helpful to the marketing professionals of green products. It also helps the organizations frame the marketing aspect strategies and beneficial to the organizations to identify the consumer’s perception and satisfaction of using green products. 

Keywords: Green Products, Consumer, Purchase decisions


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