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A Study on Factors Influencing towards the Purchase of Green Products in Chennai City

Issue Abstract


      The study is proposed to assess the factors influencing the purchase of green products in Chennai cityThe extensive writing on the consumer of green newly focuses by the marketers and markets. Even though consciousness environmental in Indian consumers is examined through the literature, their buying behavior towards green products is not so far implicit. Therefore, the present study is contemplated on factors influencing towards the consumption of green products in Chennai city. The research makes use of the survey method technique to test framed hypothesis of the study.  A simple convenience sampling method was used and collected the data from 681 users of green products consumers in the study region. The study found that the factors, namely environmental protection, environmental responsibility, Environmental kindliness, personal experience of green products, Social Appeal aspect, significantly influence the buying decision of green products in the study area. The study results are helpful to the marketing professionals of green products. It also helps the organizations frame the marketing aspect strategies and beneficial to the organizations to identify the consumer’s perception and satisfaction of using green products. 

Keywords: Green Products, Consumer, Purchase decisions

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Issue Publish Date
05 Aug 2023
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Issue References


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