Investment is the next word that usually follows once an individual starts earning money. An investment is an asset that is created to allow money to grow. The wealth created can be used for various objectives such as meeting shortages of income, saving up for retirement, purchasing other assets or fulfilling certain obligations such as repayment of loans, etc. Nowadays, a wide range of investment avenues are available to the investor. Every investor wants to invest in the best investment avenues to avail maximum return in a specific tenure with minimum risk involved. Working individuals have a fixed flow of income, and their investment patterns are also different. In connection with this, research has been conducted to determine the investment behavior of salaried investors in Chennai city. The study will help understand the investment preferences of investors. The research serves a twin-fold purpose of finding the awareness of individuals about different investment avenues and analyzing the behavioral pattern of individuals while investing.
Keywords: Investment, Working Individuals, Returns.
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