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Journal Issues

Employees Job Satisfaction and ways to Improve it in the Current Scenario
Pages: 1-7 | First Published: 05 Jan 2024
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  Employees are considered as the vital resource in every organisation. They should be properly utilized to get maximum output. Contribution from satisfied employees is higher than normal contributors. Employee satisfaction is term used to define employee‟s feeling towards their work, whether they are happy and feeling fulfilled with their needs and desires. It is the measure of happiness of employee towards their work and work environment. The main objective of the study is to suggest the various ways to improve the employee job satisfaction level in current trend at workplace. This study also addresses the numerous variables that contribute to employee satisfaction and its impact on organisation such as retention, turnover and productivity level. The data for the study are collected from various journals, research papers and websites. Hence, this is a conceptual paper about the employee job satisfaction.
Keywords: employee satisfaction, variables, outcomes of satisfied employees, ways to improve satisfaction.



  1. Alok Kumar Srivastav, Priyanka Das (2015), “A Study on Employees Attitude
    Towards The Organization and Job Satisfaction” International Journal of Science and Research, Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015.
  2. Mohammed Inuwa (2016), “Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance: An Empirical Approach” The Millennium University Journal; Vol. 1, No. 1; 2016. ViolettaKhoreva, Heidi Wechtler (2018), “HR Practices and employee performance: the mediating role of well-being, Employee Relations, 40(2): 227243.
  3. Anitha.S (2011), “A Study on Job Satisfaction of Paper mill employees with special reference to Udumalpet Palani Taluk. Journal of Management and Science, 1 (1), 36-47.
  4. Websites
Potency of Artificial Intelligence in Human Resource Management
Mrs.Prita Davidson
Pages: 8-15 | First Published: 05 Jan 2024
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 Technology like artificial intelligence is defining modern paradigms for conducting business. It is a solution that automates and completes the majority of low-value HR tasks so that the strategic scope of work can receive more
attention. AI has the potential to drastically alter the employee experience
across the board, from hiring to talent management, by quickly and accurately analysing vast amounts of data. AI skills are reaching new heights and shaping the way we live today. Any organization's success depends on how well its people, processes, and technology work together to deliver value at the lowest possible cost. The majority of back office transactional labour is automated with artificial intelligence, allowing for speedy service delivery. The core objective of the study was examining the role of artificial intelligence in HR functions and understands the challenge in HR department The study focuses on the potency of AI in various functions of HRM like recruitment, learning and development, performance management employee relations. The data for the study are collected from various journals, research papers, HR blogs and websites. The study has concluded that a role of AI is larger into various functions carried out in human resource department whereby robotics companies can handle recruitment, hiring, analysing the data, collecting the data, reducing workload at workplace and enriching workplace efficiency. 
Keywords: artificial intelligence, machine learning, recruitment, talent management, learning and development and performance management. 

1. Jauhari, A., 2017. How AI and machine learning will impact HR practices. VC Circle. 
IJRAR-International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), 9(2), pp.149-168. 
3. Johansson, J. and Herranen, S., 2019. The application of artificial intelligence (AI) in human resource management: Current state of AI and its impact on the traditional recruitment process. 
4.   O'Connor, S.W., 2020. Artificial intelligence in human resource management. Accessed on July, 6, p.2020. 
5. Strohmeier, S. and Piazza, F., 2015. Artificial intelligence techniques in human resource management—a conceptual exploration. Intelligent Techniques in Engineering Management: Theory and Applications,

7. reinventing-human-resources/



A Study on Consumer Perceived risk in Online Shopping among the Student Special reference to Thiruvannamalai
Pages: 16-22 | First Published: 05 Jan 2024
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      This project is titled “A Study on consumer perceived risk in online shopping”. With the advancement of contemporary technology, people's lifestyles are changing constantly. Due to recent advances, consumers' buying behavior has also transformed. Online shopping is replacing traditional retail purchases. The goal of this research was to learn about people's attitudes toward online shopping and to determine if customers prefer online shopping or in-store purchasing, and why. The primary data for this study was gathered via a survey of 100 Thiruvannamalai customers utilizing a questionnaire. The findings of the survey showed that buyers have a good attitude towards online purchasing and that many aspects related to online shopping have emerged.

Keywords: Online shopping, Factor Analysis, Consumers’ Perception.


Research Methodology for Commerce – K. Venugopalan Research Methodology – C.R.Kothari

Quantitative Technology – L.R.Potty

E-Commerce – Pooja, Walia Mann Niphi

E-Commerce ( an Indian Perspective) –P.T.Joseph.S.J

A Study on Buying Behaviour of Consumer at Big Bazaar in Tiruvannamalai District
Ms. N. Priyadharshini,
Pages: 23-32 | First Published: 05 Jan 2024
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 This research study delves into the intricate aspects of  consumer buying behaviour within the context of  Big Bazaar, a prominent retail chain operating in Tiruvannamalai, India. Understanding consumer behaviour is crucial for businesses seeking to improve their marketing strategies and enhance customer satisfaction. Big Bazaar, with its diverse product range and competitive pricing, provides an ideal setting for such an investigation. The primary objectives of  this study are to analyse the factors influencing buying behaviour, identify customer preferences, and evaluate the impact of  promotional activities on purchasing decisions within Big Bazaar's outlets in Tiruvannamalai. To achieve these objectives, a mixed-methods approach was employed, incorporating surveys, interviews, and observational research. 
Keywords: consumer buying behaviour, big bazaar, customer satisfication. 


 Kotler, P and G. Armstrong (2012). Principles of  Marketing. Fourteenth Edition. Pearson Global Edition.Page:458.  
 M.R, Shahabuddin and A, Hasan (2010). The relationship between extrinsic attributes of  product quality with brand loyalty on Malaysia national brand. Accessed, 17th 2016.   
 D.P.E. Searing., F.G. Wring., Analytica Hierarchy Journal EMBA Vol.6 No.1 January 2018, Hal.191- 200   
 M.Y and Chang. L. (2003). Determinants of  Habitual Behaviors for National and Leading Brands in China: Journal of  Product and Brand Management, Pages: 94-107. April 15th, 2016.    
 Zikmund and William, G. (2003). Business Research Method. 7th edition. Oklahoma State University.  Accessed June 12th, 2016.   

A Study on Factors Influencing the Consumer Buying Behaviour of Nykaa
Mrs. S.Dhanusri
Pages: 33-40 | First Published: 05 Jan 2024
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The Role of Marketing Strategies to Attract Consumers Towards E-Commerce Platform
K. Salai Kirthiga
Pages: 41-48 | First Published: 05 Jan 2024
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“Consumer is the sole end and purpose of all production; and the interest of the producer ought to be attended to only so far as it may be necessary for promoting\ that of the consumer." -Adam Smith. In today’s world there is a lots of thedevelopment of modern technologies and developments made a great impact on the quality, availability and safety of products and goods. A customer who purchases or continuously consumes the goods and Products. The development of electronic transactions includes both e-commerce and e-customers. Internet is changing the way of the customer’s shopping and buying the products and goods, and has increasingly evolved into a global aspect. The study is very relevant because it can give a clear picture of the future of online markets in India and the emerging trends in this particular field. The study also tries to have a comparison of online shopping habits
among different age group as well as income group. Even Government institutions have started replacing their paper work. Lots of companies were also use the Internet to progress, communicate the lots of information, to sell the product, to take feedback and also to conduct satisfaction surveys with customers. Internet is changing the way
consumers shop and buys goods and services, and has rapidly evolved into a global phenomenon.
Keywords: Internet, Marketing, Consumer, Commerce, Electronic.


 Alan Herrick (2014), “2014 Insights – Connecting Technology and Story in an Always-On World”, Sapient Nitro, report. 
 Ann Handley, David Meerman Scott (Foreword by), C.C. Chapman(2010), “Content Rules: How to Create Killer Blogs, Podcasts, Videos,E books, Webinars (and More) That Engage Customers and Ignite Your Business”, book. 
 Basu, Dev (June 29, 2011), “Inbound marketing: The customer finds you”.The Globe and Mail. February 27, 2012.  
 Benner Michael (January 19, 2012), “Get Found: 7 Steps to Fire Up Your InboundMarketing”.Business2Community. February 27, 2012. 
 Brandon Leibowitz (2014), “5 Content Marketing Trends for 2014”,Business2Community, online article. 

A Study no Consumer Preception Towards Delivery Apps
E. Swetha
Pages: 49-57 | First Published: 05 Jan 2024
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The purpose of  this research is to find consumer behaviour towards Food Delivery Apps. The study shows most preferred app used by consumer to order food online and factors leading to us consider it the most preferable app. There are many factors related to customer‟s ordering behaviour- like price, on time delivery, packaging, peer service provider behaviour, platform design etc. There is gradual shift in way people order food. The purpose of  this research is to know what are factors that defines consumer‟s perception and to find most popular app in the food delivery industry.
Keywords: Consumer Behaviour, Consumer preference, most affordable Food delivery App, most preferred online food delivering app, Factors related to customer‟s ordering behaviour

Arji Mariam Jacob, N.V. Sreedharan, Sreena. K. (2019). Consumer Perception of Online Food Delivery Apps in Kochi. International Journal of  Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE). Suryadev-Singh-Rathore. (2018). Consumer's Perception on Online Food Ordering. ijmbs, 17. wire agency feed. (2020, Jan 28). Indian online food delivery market to hit $8  bn by 2022: Report. Retrieved from livemint: https:// mint. com/technology/technews/indianonline-food-delivery-market-to-hit-8-bn-by-2022-report11580214173293.html

BusinessInsider. 2020. Swiggy Says It's The Most Loved Brand and Doesn‟t Need Discounts. [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 March 2020]. Copeland, A. (2017). The Pros and Cons of  Open and Closed Questions. [e-book]
Available at: [Accessed 20 Dec. 2019]. Apuke, O. (2017). Quantitative Research Method: A Synopsis Approach. Kuwait Chapter of  Arabian Journal of  Business and Management Review, 6(11), pp.40-47. ARY, D., Jacobs, L. and Sorensen, C. (2010). Introduction to research in education. 8th ed. Belmont: Wadsworth Cengage Learning


A Study on Students Perception on Online Learning Platforms
S. Tamil Bharathi
Pages: 58-66 | First Published: 05 Jan 2024
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 In the twenty-first century, online learning has evolved as a worldwide platform to connect, collaborate and engage users in the learning process. Online learning today is integrated with social network connectivity, which builds an ecosystem for interaction between students, teachers, and professors from every corner of  the world, providing them with free and accessible online resources. However, in order to promote active engagement of  the learners and delivery of meaningful learning in the online learning settings, it is also necessary to determine
students’ perceptions towards online learning. The implications of  the present study are important for instructional designers, educators, and institutions that are planning to offer, or are currently offering, online courses. Online learning has become a global platform for collaboration. In search of  better economical ways to train and educate people, universities and enterprises have expanded their use of  online learning. The purpose of  this paper is to measure students' perceptions of  online learning in higher education. The results indicated that the critical factors influence students’ perceptions.  
Keywords: Online learning, Student’s Perceptions, Online classes. 

 Adarsh Garg, “Online Education: A Learner’s Perspective During COVID-19” \Asia-Pacific Journal ofManagement, 2021, 16(4).  
 Abhinandan Kulap and Anupama Nayak , Asian Association of  Open Universities Journal” 2020, Vol. 15 , Issue No. 3 2020, pp-279-286.  
 Anshu, Arora, Young Adults Mass Online learning, Jan 2013.   
 Anja Lambrecht And Catherine Tucker, When Does Retargeting Work? Information Specificity In Online learning, Volume No.50, Issue5, Oct 2013, Isan No.0022-2437.   
 P. Anderson, Advertising on The Internet, Jan 2011.   
 Dr V. Aslihan Nasir, Dr Meltem Osterman, Beliefs About And Attitudes Towards Online learning, Jan2010.   
 Amin Saberi, Rakesh Vohra, Dynamic Cost-Per-Action Mechanisms And Applications To Online learning, March 2004.   
 Asad Ibrahim khan, impact of  Deceptive advertising on consumer Behaviours and attitude, pp no.244248, 5jan2014, Isan no.1990-9233.   