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A Study no Consumer Preception Towards Delivery Apps

Issue Abstract

The purpose of  this research is to find consumer behaviour towards Food Delivery Apps. The study shows most preferred app used by consumer to order food online and factors leading to us consider it the most preferable app. There are many factors related to customer‟s ordering behaviour- like price, on time delivery, packaging, peer service provider behaviour, platform design etc. There is gradual shift in way people order food. The purpose of  this research is to know what are factors that defines consumer‟s perception and to find most popular app in the food delivery industry.
Keywords: Consumer Behaviour, Consumer preference, most affordable Food delivery App, most preferred online food delivering app, Factors related to customer‟s ordering behaviour

Author Information
E. Swetha
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jan 2024
Issue Pages

Issue References

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