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A Study on Buying Behaviour of Consumer at Big Bazaar in Tiruvannamalai District

Issue Abstract

 This research study delves into the intricate aspects of  consumer buying behaviour within the context of  Big Bazaar, a prominent retail chain operating in Tiruvannamalai, India. Understanding consumer behaviour is crucial for businesses seeking to improve their marketing strategies and enhance customer satisfaction. Big Bazaar, with its diverse product range and competitive pricing, provides an ideal setting for such an investigation. The primary objectives of  this study are to analyse the factors influencing buying behaviour, identify customer preferences, and evaluate the impact of  promotional activities on purchasing decisions within Big Bazaar's outlets in Tiruvannamalai. To achieve these objectives, a mixed-methods approach was employed, incorporating surveys, interviews, and observational research. 
Keywords: consumer buying behaviour, big bazaar, customer satisfication. 

Author Information
Ms. N. Priyadharshini,
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jan 2024
Issue Pages

Issue References


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