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Marketing Strategies of Readymade Garments Industry of India
Pages: 1-6 | First Published: 05 Apr 2017
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 The present study is concerned with Marketing Strategies of Readymade garments industries in India. The marketing practices of garments units, problems faced by them in implementing the marketing strategies and measures needed to solve these problems, come under the purview of this study. The main focus is on the marketing strategies used by the various sectors in the area of production, promotion, distribution and pricing. In a layman language the term strategy is a term related to„warfare or a plan to win a war‟. But in the business world it refers to plans relating to marketing, financing and manufacturing operations. Executives of different business organizations concentrate their efforts to win the biggest possible share of the targeted market. The field of strategy planning is much wider. It deals with the adjustment of controllable factors, viz, production, physical distribution, promotion and pricing within the environment of uncontrollable factors,viz, competition, legal barriers, interference of different behaviors and scientific and technological differentiation.


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Impact of Mobile Banking on Customer Satisfaction with Special Reference to Kollam Corporation
Pages: 7-14 | First Published: 05 Apr 2017
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  Recently Banks have radically converted from the traditional use of banking to branch less positions of banking. The latest adoption of using technology has helped banks to extent their customer base, while electronic banking has proved to be the main advancement. Mobile banking categorized as the latest development in electronic banking services, where the bank customers can review balance inquiry, fund transfer, check account, SMS,payment transaction and other business according to bank’s instruction. From customers perspective the benefits of mobile banking services are convenience to perform banking transactions anytime, anywhere and easily. Security is ensured, as banking transactions are encrypted and password –protected. In a meanwhile the rapid growth of using technology by phones helped banks to achieve their goals. In this paper the researcher tries to analyse the impact of mobile banking on customer satisfaction  with special reference to kollam corporation,kerala.
Keywords: Mobile banking, Customer satisfaction


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Relationship Between Financial Structure and Productivity of Selected Indian Firms
Pages: 15-21 | First Published: 05 Apr 2017
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 This present study is concerned with relationship between financial structure and productivity of selected Indian steel firms. Traditionally financial structure has been seen as a purely financial problem without any reference to production theory. In as much as all the firms are responsible for economic activity which involves production of goods and services, it should be obvious that there would be some relationship between production theory and finance theory. While firms needs to be financially viable for continuing production, it is equally true that economic activity, production and real variables, including productivity, would contribute to this financial viability. For a continued existence and growth, firms have to undertake decisions in relation to financing of growth.


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  4. Aghion, P., et al., (2004). ‘Technology and Financial Structure: Are Innovative Firms Different?’ Journal diffusion of technology, best practices in technology etc. that could then be linked to long term finance.

  5. Although all of these factors are given and are found in certain firms but finance theory has never recognized such synergies. 

  6. One lesson learned is that the emphasis on cost of capital in financing decision is over emphasized, by which the integration of finance with productivity, efficiency and growth is less understood. 

  7.  The relationship between determinants of financial structure and debt to equity ratio is not straight forward. From our analysis it is apparent that the same determinants could behave differently by either increasing debt or decreasing equity. Similarly, the same determinants could have different implications in different industries. 

Marketing of Banking Services in Chennai District
Pages: 22-28 | First Published: 05 Apr 2017
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   Marketing is essential resource for success of organization. Marketing helps the product to reach the people right time in a right place. It assists customers to know about product in market, features and specifications of product and the place where the customers can get the products. According to banking services marketing assists the customers to know the various features and details about bank,interest levels, deposits details, loan, insurance policies and various features about bank. After well knowing about banks makes to open new account, do all financial transactions and realizing various features and specialties in banking services. This study is concerned about marketing of banking services in Chennai district. It is absolutely essential to have a positive attitude and willingness to serve customer. Providing quick service to customer is the need of the hour. It is necessary to provide requisite information to the customer and guide the members  of the public. 


Customer Relationship Management as Tool to Enhance Customer Loyalty at Selected Retail Stores in Chennai
Pages: 29-37 | First Published: 05 Apr 2017
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The present study is concerned with customer relationship management as a tool to enhance customer loyalty at selected retails stores in Chennai city. With the passage of time, the characteristics and the number of activities in retailing as well as approaches to manage customer relationship in retail sector have changed across the globe, including India. CRAM has emerged as the latest buzzword in retailing, especially in organized retail sector, and an important tool to enhance retailer performance. But, before understanding CRAM in this sector, one must know the dynamic retailing scenario in India.

Consumer Attitude and Buying Behaviour Towards Organic Vegetables in Chennai City
Pages: 38-46 | First Published: 05 Apr 2017
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“Eat healthy and Live healthy” organic vegetable can grow with natural fertilizers. This type of vegetables can give lot of energy to the users. Nowadays people are using non-organic vegetables. People also feel lot of physical problem not only their generation but also it spreads to next generation. Through pregnancy women can spread physical problem to the next generation. It gives lot pressure in the minds of users. That is why the researcher has taken this study. In this study the researcher have been applied percentage analyses, chi-square test, correlation, weighted average and Garrett’s ranking method for analysis. On the basis of this study the researcher has given some recommendations to the users for getting healthy life.
Keywords: Organic Vegetables, Consumer attitude, Market Price, purchasing behavior.


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    Economic Research Service (ERS), U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Washington, D.C. 

A Study on Revolutionary Changes in Banking Services on Usage of Mobile Banking and its Difficulties
Pages: 48-55 | First Published: 05 Apr 2017
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The Internet transforms the search for information. The IT has primarily been used under two different purpose one is business process other is connectivity and communication. In the current scenario usage of mobile phones increased rapidly, few factors are influencing the clients of banking services to use a particular mode of
mobile for mobile banking. Mobile banking technology changes the world banking and cash transfers. Mobile banking tenders modern opportunities for the banks to offer convenience to the banking customers in developing countries and the extent of huge population of unbanked clients in arising markets. At the end of the year 2017, more than 900 million customers are anticipated to perform mobile transactions.  This study outline relates the gap of research to adopt of mobile banking between the customers. In the banking services a wireless and latest mobile technical into wider area to provide their clients for planning for  paying of bills, payments without going into long queues and they don’t want to waste of their valuable time.  The number of samples Bank account holders 150 in various banks.  
Keywords:  Mobile, internet, transactions, sample banks


  1. Thornton, Jennifer and White, Lesley @Mayas Publication  (2001), "Customer Orientations and
    Usage of Financial Distribution Channels," Journal of Services Marketing.  

  2. Bångens L and Söderberg, B. (2008), Mobile Banking –Financial Services for the Unbanked? ISBN:978-91-85991-01. accessed on 02/01/2011.

  3. Black, N. J. & Lockett, A. & Winklhofer, H. & Ennew, C. 2001. The adoption of Internet Financial services: a
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  4. Cheney, Julia S. (2008), an Examination of Mobile Banking and Mobile Payments: Building Adoption as
    Experience Goods? Discussion paper, the Federal Reserve System, USA, E. M. 1995. Diffusion of innovations. 4th edition. New York: Journal of the Association for Information Systems. 

  5. How croft, B. & Hamilton, R. & Hewer, P. 2002. Consumer attitude and the usage and Adoption of home-banking in the United Kingdom. International Journal of Bank Marketing.  

Women Entrepreneurs in Rayalaseema Region
Pages: 56-68 | First Published: 03 Apr 2017
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In India, women had begun to participate in entrepreneurial work much before either china or Japan. The process in India had started in the early 1970‟s, whereas the same had taken place in the late 1980‟s in Japan and china. Women own one-third of small business in USA and Canada. As far as the number of women work force, Brittan has over three times than that of men ever since the 1980s. Women are employed in firms and businesses, initiated by women. The basic purpose of the study is to give broad idea on empowerment of women through entrepreneurship and analyze various dimensions of empowerment. There is dearth of research on the topic for the less developed area like Rayalaseema Region and this study is a very good addition in the existing research data base for future reference. To study the significant relationship between women empowerment & entrepreneurship, women empowerment is taken as dependent variable and entrepreneurship as independent variable. All other variables such as job, education, financial status, family background and so on were considered to be as extraneous variables. The paper aims outlining and functioning of 240 women entrepreneurs selected based on multi stage cluster sampling method in Rayalaseema region (Anantapur, Chittoor, Kadapa & Kurnool) of Andhra Pradesh. Especially discussions and individual interaction have been conducted with 240 women for collection of relevant data in the preparation of this study. The data were collected through questionnaire method and subsequently arranged in tabular forms to infer conclusions.
Keywords:  Empowering, Extraneous variable, Independent variable, Work force


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  5. Soundra Pandiyan, M., ‘Women Entrepreneurship’, Kaniska Publishers, Distributors, New Delhi, 1999. 

  6. Usha, Rao, N.J., ‘Women in a Developing Society’, Ashish Publishing House, New Delhi 1983. 

  7. Vinze, Medha Dubhashi, ‘Women Entrepreneurs in India’, Mittal Publications, New Delhi, 1987.

A Study on Banana Cultivation with Special Reference of Thiruvaiyaru Taluk in Thanjavur District
Pages: 69 -75 | First Published: 05 Apr 2017
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 The present study is commenced to study on banana cultivation with special reference of Thiruvaiyaru Taluk in Thanjavur district. Banana cultivation is related to the agriculture; hence this study assists to emerge the power of agriculture. It helps to data improvements for better research, better results, and sustainable planning, judicious
land use resource surveys, efficient management practices and sustainable use of natural resources. Although no direct reference was made to agriculture, it was argued that the new macro-economic policy framework, in particular, changes in exchange and trade policy, devaluation of the currency, gradual dismantling of the industrial licensing system and reduction in industrial protection would benefit tradable agriculture by ending discrimination against it and by turning the terms of trade in its favor. This, is in turn, was supposed to promote exports leading to rapid agricultural growth. 

Post Purchase Behaviour of Consumers towards Fast Moving Consumer Goods
Pages: 76-81 | First Published: 05 Apr 2017
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