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Consumer Attitude and Buying Behaviour Towards Organic Vegetables in Chennai City

Issue Abstract

“Eat healthy and Live healthy” organic vegetable can grow with natural fertilizers. This type of vegetables can give lot of energy to the users. Nowadays people are using non-organic vegetables. People also feel lot of physical problem not only their generation but also it spreads to next generation. Through pregnancy women can spread physical problem to the next generation. It gives lot pressure in the minds of users. That is why the researcher has taken this study. In this study the researcher have been applied percentage analyses, chi-square test, correlation, weighted average and Garrett’s ranking method for analysis. On the basis of this study the researcher has given some recommendations to the users for getting healthy life.
Keywords: Organic Vegetables, Consumer attitude, Market Price, purchasing behavior.

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Apr 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References


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