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Marketing of Banking Services in Chennai District

Issue Abstract

   Marketing is essential resource for success of organization. Marketing helps the product to reach the people right time in a right place. It assists customers to know about product in market, features and specifications of product and the place where the customers can get the products. According to banking services marketing assists the customers to know the various features and details about bank,interest levels, deposits details, loan, insurance policies and various features about bank. After well knowing about banks makes to open new account, do all financial transactions and realizing various features and specialties in banking services. This study is concerned about marketing of banking services in Chennai district. It is absolutely essential to have a positive attitude and willingness to serve customer. Providing quick service to customer is the need of the hour. It is necessary to provide requisite information to the customer and guide the members  of the public. 


Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Apr 2017
Issue Pages