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Marketing Strategies of Readymade Garments Industry of India

Issue Abstract

 The present study is concerned with Marketing Strategies of Readymade garments industries in India. The marketing practices of garments units, problems faced by them in implementing the marketing strategies and measures needed to solve these problems, come under the purview of this study. The main focus is on the marketing strategies used by the various sectors in the area of production, promotion, distribution and pricing. In a layman language the term strategy is a term related to„warfare or a plan to win a war‟. But in the business world it refers to plans relating to marketing, financing and manufacturing operations. Executives of different business organizations concentrate their efforts to win the biggest possible share of the targeted market. The field of strategy planning is much wider. It deals with the adjustment of controllable factors, viz, production, physical distribution, promotion and pricing within the environment of uncontrollable factors,viz, competition, legal barriers, interference of different behaviors and scientific and technological differentiation.

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Issue No
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Issue Publish Date
05 Apr 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References


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