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A Study on Effectiveness of E-Marketing with Reference to Consumer Goods
Pages: 1-11 | First Published: 14 Aug 2016
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Electronic commerce, commonly known as e-commerce is a type of industry, where the buying and selling of products or services are conducted over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks. Electronic commerce draws on technologies such as mobile commerce, electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange (EDI), inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems. Modern electronic commerce typically uses the World Wide Web at least at one point in the transaction's lifecycle, although it may encompass a wider range of technologies such as e-mail, mobile devices, social media, and telephones as well. Therefore, it can be attributed that electronic commerce is generally considered to be the sales aspect of e-business. It also consists of the exchange of data to facilitate the financing and payment aspects of business transactions. This study focuses on the effectiveness of purchasing consumer goods through an E-Market finding facility and strength of online purchasing and having potential sources of using online purchases.
Keywords: E-Market, Effectiveness, Consumer goods.


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An Investigation of Share Price Volatility and its Impact on Capital Market – A Pivotal Focus
Pages: 12-24 | First Published: 05 Aug 2016
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An efficient Stock Exchange promotes industrial growth, economic developments, and capital formation, channelizes capital into productive sectors of the economy, mobilizes community savings, and offers opportunities to individuals to improve their economic well-being. Security analysis forms an essential activity of stock exchange operations. It would have been difficult to deal in the stock exchange without proper knowledge of security analysis. In the present scenario, stock market return volatility is a matter of great concern for policymakers and investors. The present research is entitled “AN INVESTIGATION OF SHARE PRICE VOLATILITY AND ITS IMPACT ON CAPITAL MARKET – a PIVOTAL FOCUS”. Is a humble effort to know share price volatility and its impact on the capital market for the specific period. The chapter being introductory spells out the nature, scope objectives, and methodology adopted for the study along with a review of the studies on share price volatility. An overview of the stock market starting from the origin, major stock indices, and how they are calculated, and the concept of volatility in the stock market is presented study. Finally, the major findings, conclusion, and suggestions emerging from the study are presented in the study.


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Determinants of Working Capital in Tancem
Pages: 25-34 | First Published: 05 Aug 2016
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In this research work, an attempt is made to investigate the role of financial factors in determining the working capital requirements for TANCEM. The data for analysis are the financial statements of TANCEM’s two cement manufacturing units at Ariyalur and Alangulam for the period of 10 years from 2003-2004 to 2012-2013. A model is specified with WCTA as dependent as a proxy for working capital and Annual cash conversion cycle), Sales growth, Leverage, Firm size, and Return on assets as independents and run using multiple regression techniques. The results of the analysis have shown that the cash conversion cycle is the most important factor in determining the working capital requirements of TANCEM.
Key Words: Working capital, Descriptive analysis, Correlation analysis, Multiple regression, Cash conversion cycle and Causal relationship


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Stressful Work-Organization: A Systematic Study on Occupational Health
Pages: 35-46 | First Published: 05 Aug 2016
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This study could also be useful in preventing delinquency and trait among employees that is commonly common under stressed conditions. This study will give helpful data regarding characteristics and up-to-date behavioural structure of employees, to those that wish to assist and guide them in their overall adjustment. It'll even be useful in distinguishing those negative psychological mechanisms/ behaviours adopted by them to beat the strain which can be harmful to their Mental state if persist for an extended time and corrective measures could also be developed to substitute this mechanism with a positive Mental state and applicable behaviour. Given this idea, it's the boldness of the investigator that this study can bring to lightweight and at the forefront of some silent problems that may facilitate to utilisation of the potentials of employees for the good thing about the society furthermore as our nation. Ultimately, the study can facilitate to exploration satisfactory web that may facilitate workman to measure each part of their life with dignity, purpose and peace with a positive frame of mind.
Keywords: Stress, Work organisation, Occupational Health


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A Study on Effectiveness of Online Campus Recruitment Methods
Pages: 47-56 | First Published: 05 Aug 2016
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This paper is aimed at developing a web-based and central recruitment Process system for the HR Group of a company. Some features of this system will be creating vacancies, storing application data, Interview process initiation, Scheduling interviews, storing Interview results for the applicant, and finally Hiring the applicant. Reports may be required to be generated for the use of the HR group. This study based on the „Online Recruitment System‟ is an online website in which jobseekers can register themselves and then attend the exam. Based on the outcome of the exam the job seekers will be shortlisted. For freshers, the exam will be conducted at some venue after a short listing of the preliminary Aptitude Test. The details of the examination, venue and date of the examination will be made available to them through the website.


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A Study on Customer Perception on Service Quality of Car Dealer in Thanjavur District
Pages: 57-62 | First Published: 05 Aug 2016
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An Economic Analysis of Packaged Drinking Water in Tamil Nadu with Special Reference to Chennai City
Pages: 78-89 | First Published: 05 Aug 2016
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Water is an important resource available for humans and fresh water is much more important given its limited availability and erratic distribution over space and time. Water is a renewable and finite resource available globally to the tune of 200,000 km3. The human population, on the other hand, has been continuously growing, which means that there is less water per head to satisfy the need for living a healthy life. Global water resources may be summarized as 97 percent, or 1350x106km3, in ice-caps and glaciers (enough to raise the sea level appreciably if it is melted). The balance of 1 percent is made up of groundwater (7x106 km3), saline and freshwater lakes (0.26x106 km3), soil moisture (0.15x106 km3), plus negligible amounts in rivers and biological systems. Water supply and sanitation is a State subject in India and State/Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) are vested with the constitutional rights to plan, design, implement, operate, and maintenance of water and sanitation projects. The Union Ministry provides technical assistance to States/ULBs in project formulation. National Water Policies provide guidelines on the priority of allocation, methods of management, resource management and institutional issues, emerging approaches, and trends. The National Water Policy, of 2002, assigned overriding priority to drinking water in the planning and operation of water resources. Hence it is ideal to study the supply of drinking water and water rights of the people in the global scenario, national scenario, state level of Tamil Nadu, and particularly the study area of Chennai.
Key Words: Water, Packaged Drinking Water, Effective Management and Safe Drinking Water.


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