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A Study on Buying Behaviour of Consumers towards Online Shopping in Karur District
Pages: 1-12 | First Published: 05 Sep 2015
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Online shopping is a form of electronic commerce that allows consumers to directly buy goods or services from a seller over the internet using a web browser. An online shop evokes the physical analogy of buying products or services at a brick-and-mortar retailer or shopping center; the process is called business-to-consumer online shopping. In the case where a business buys from another business, the process is called business-to-business online shopping. This is evident because of the increase in retailers now offering online store interfaces for consumers. With the growth of new market footprint coverage opportunities for stores that can appropriately cater to offshore market demands and service requirements. This study highlights the buying behavior of online shopping consumers.


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The Method of Finding A Best Alternative to Multiple Attribute Decision Making Problems by Grey System Theory using Fuzzy Concept
Pages: 13-17 | First Published: 05 Sep 2015
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This is one of the best ways to find an alternative in the situation of multiple attribute decision-making. This paper presents how to find a way the required alternative using fuzzy sets and a Grey system with interval numbers.
Keywords: Grey system theory, multiple attribute decision making, Fuzzy sets, AHP, TOPSIS.


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Information’s and Guidelines to the Mutual Funds Investors’ An Empirical Study
Pages: 18-26 | First Published: 05 Sep 2015
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Present time Indian economic highlighting in increase in domestic savings and improvement in operation of investment through markets, the need and scope for Mutual Fund operation has increased particularly. The Mutual Fund is an automobile that enables millions of small and large savers spread across the country as well as internationally to participate in and derive the benefit of the capital market growth. They are becoming increasingly popular in India and abroad due to higher investor return, relatively lower risk and cost. Mutual Funds are shake-up their business models to provide for increased efficiencies and investor satisfaction. The industry also faces a number of issues which are characterized by lack of investor awareness, systematic evaluation, low penetration levels, better services, inefficiency of Mutual Funds high dependence on corporate sector and spiraling cost of operations. The Indian Mutual Fund industry is currently in the phase of consolidation and growth stage of its life cycle. Therefore, it is appropriate to focus attention on the pre and post purchase informational requirements of Mutual Fund investors. This empirical study is an attempt in this regard. The present study endeavored to throw a light on the pre and post-purchase informational needs of the Mutual Fund investors and also to know the investors‟ knowledge of Mutual Fund evaluation. Understanding the requirements of investors
by the MFCs has become necessary to accelerate the required pace of growth. A detailed analysis of various requirements of the investors was made in this study.

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A Study on the Various Welfare Measures and their Impact on Quality of Work Life Provided by the Textile Mills with Reference to Coimbatore District
Dr. M. M. VASU
Pages: 27-35 | First Published: 05 Sep 2015
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The Cotton Textile plays a vital role in human life. Textile industries are one of the important industries of India for earning Foreign Exchange and giving employment to lakhs of workers Because of being a highly labor intensive industry it needs to concentrate more in the area of employee welfare. In this study, we selected Coimbatore District in Tamil Nadu, India to identify various methods and also to identify the effectiveness of the methods.
The study shows that 15% of the employees are highly satisfied with their welfare measures. 22 % of the employees are satisfied with their welfare measures.39 % of the employees are average with their welfare measures. 16% of them are at a highly dissatisfied level. Welfare measures plays an important role in employee satisfaction and it results in improved quality of work life. This study throws light on the impact of welfare measures on QWL among the employees of textile mills in the Coimbatore district.

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The Impact of Consumer Buying Behaviour Towards Home Appliances in Kanchipuram City
Pages: 36-44 | First Published: 05 Sep 2015
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In today's world of overexcited opposition and globalization, every company is trying to survive and perform their best in the existing conditions to attain the desired level of their possible customers. In this global economy, the change is created by liberalization in our country. India is now playing a major role. Today Indian market is
growing in the world and many companies exist with superior product lines, especially in the electronic home appliances range so it is very important to pay attention to products and king i.e., customers. In the present scenario, customers are more aware of and sound enough to make the most rational decision only to achieve satisfaction. Home appliances are that without which a modern home is considered incomplete, especially in urban areas. In metro cities and big towns, appliances are regarded as a boon, as they are instrumental in cutting down the time involved in most of the domestic chores. So the researchers studied the consumers' buying behavior towards electronics home appliances in Kanchipuram, Home appliance products like TVs, refrigerators, air-conditioners, washing machines, and microwaves are taken for this study. A convenience sampling method was adopted in this study to select 100 respondents in Kanchipuram City. The research design used in this study was descriptive; a questionnaire was used as a tool to collect information from respondents.

2. McGoldrick, P. (2002): Retail Marketing, McGraw-Hill, London.
3. Michael, R., Solomon.(1996):Consumer Behavior, Prentice-Hall International, Inc.

A Theoretical Structure of Sustainable Hospitality Supply Chain Management
Pages: 45-50 | First Published: 05 Sep 2015
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In recent years, companies have under increasing difficulty from consumers, working-class and community organizations, governments, and shareholders to develop and apply sustainable business practices. While individual companies‟ sustainability efforts are important, true sustainability can be achieved only if all members of a supply chain participate in sustainable practices. This study proposes a conceptual hospitality supply chain framework that is developed based on a comprehensive review of sustainability literature in hospitality. This study also discusses the antecedents, consequences, actions, evaluation mechanisms, and sustainability practices that can be implemented by all members of the supply chain on three dimensions of sustainable supply chain management in the hospitality business following the principles of triple bottom line reporting (3BL) approach. Managerial implications and future research extensions are also discussed.
Keywords: Corporate responsibility; social responsibility; observation; environment


  1. Adriana, B. (2009). Environmental supply chain management in tourism: The case of large tour operators. Journal of Cleaner Production, 17, 1385-1392.

  2. Ashby, A., Leat, M., & Smith, M. H. (2012). Making connections: a review of supply chain management and sustainability literature. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 17(5), 497-516.

  3. Assaf, A. G., Josiassen, A., & Cvelbar, L. K. (2012). Does Triple Bottom Line reporting improve hotel performance? International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31, 596-600.

  4. Baker, C. (2009). Marriott thinks green for its supply chain. H & MM, 1, 8.

  5. Berezan, O., Raab, C., Yoo, M., & Love, C. (2013). Sustainable hotel practices and nationality: The impact
    on guest satisfaction and guest intention to return. International Journal of Hospitality Management,
    34, 227-233.

Performance of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA): with Special Reference to Tamilnadu
Pages: 51-61 | First Published: 05 Sep 2015
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Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) implemented by the Ministry of Rural
Development (MoRD), is the flagship program of the Government that without delay lines to lives of the poor and promotes comprehensive growth. The Act aims at good-looking livelihood safety of households in rural areas of the country by providing at least one hundred days of guaranteed wage employment in a financial year to every household whose adult members have unpaid assistance to do unskilled manual work. Mahatma Gandhi NREGA is the first ever law universal that guarantees wage employment at an outstanding scale. The primary objective of the Act is to augment wage employment and its supplementary objective is strengthening natural resource management through works that address causes of chronic poverty like drought, deforestation, and soil erosion and encourage sustainable development. The process outcomes include strengthening grassroots processes of democracy and infusing transparency and accountability in governance. Keeping this view, the authors have attempted to review the performance of MGNREGA as the main objective of this paper. It also explains the objectives, features, permissible works under this Act, and the funding pattern of MGNREGA.
Keywords: MGNREGA, Performance, Rural Employment, Households, Persons-days


  1. Dr. Debasish Biswas, (2012), “Performance of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme with Special Reference to Jalpaiguri District of West Bengal”, National Monthly Refereed Journal of Research in Commerce & Management, Vol. 1, No. 3, March 2012, pp. 94-102.

  2. Ajay Kumar Singh, Niti Sury and Sameer Lama (2012), “MGNREGA: A Critical Assessment of Issues and Challenges”, The Indian Journal of Commerce, Vol. 65, No. 2, April-June 2012, pp.151-164.

  3. Harsimran Singh (2012), “Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA): Issues and
    Challenges”, International Journal of Research in Commerce, Economics & Management, Vol. 2, No. 1, Jan 2012, pp 136-140.

  4. A.P.Palanichamy, (2011), “A Study on Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Program (MGNREGP) in Thuinjapuram block Thiruvannamalai district in Tamilnadu”, International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, Vol. 1, No. 3, 2011, pp. 37-46.

  5. Moitri Dey (2010) National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) A Range of Possibilities”, International
    Journal of Rural Studies (IJRS), Vol. 17 No. 2 Oct 2010, pp.1-7.

  6. Pramathesh Ambasta, (2010), “MGNREGA and Rural Governance Reform- Growth with Inclusive Through Panchayats”, International Conference on Dynamics of Rural Transformation in Emerging Economies, New Delhi, India, April 14-16, 2012.

Scientific and Systematic Sports Training
Pages: 74-79 | First Published: 05 Sep 2015
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Over the past 45 years or so, we have achieved significant scientific understanding of many physical factors
involved in the development of various aspects of training. Including specific strength and conditioning components training. This has allowed more effective programs to be used for athletes’ safety and preparation for competitions especially; several components of training such as skills, speed strength, stamina, and psychological skill training have been a focus of numerous texts and research. The current conceptualization of the science of training basic principle of training theories as well and specific safe methods of strength and conditioning for athletes have been summarized in Science and Practice of Strength Training. The major theme of this proper exercise, sports-specific drills, and/or regular physical and psychological load is a very powerful stimulus for adaptation. Accordingly, the major objective of athlete’s preparation should be inducing specific adaptations to improve sports performance via (a) carefully planned (b) skillfully executed; and (c) goal-oriented training programs. From a practical perspective, at least four important features of the adaptation on process should be considered by a coach To make training programmes and most importantly safe for the athletes. Otherwise, athletes may experience and express various forms of responses to training and associated performance on deteriorate on high risk for sport-related traumatic injuries. Athletes' responses are usually characterized by an
increase in both physical properties, such as strength, speed, etc., and associated psychological indices, including emotional stability, the proper level of motivation, and vigor. According to Zatsiorsky (1995), there are four essential features of the adoption process as outlined below:

1. Zatsiorsky, V. M. (1995). Science and practice of strength training, Champaign, IL Humankind cs. University Press.
2. Dawson, B. (1996). Periodiza on of speed and endurance training. In P. Reabum & 0. Jenkins (Eds.), Training for speed and endurance, (pp.76.96). St. Leonards, Australia; Allen & Unwin. Insuring, V., & Kaverin, V. (1985)
3. Planning and design of annual prepare on cycle in Issurin, V., & Lus g 6. (2004). K ca on, Dauer und prak sche Komponenten der Reste ekte von Training.
4. Leistungsport. 34, 55-S9issurin, V., & Shktiar, V. (2002}.Zur Konzep on der Blockstuktur in Training von hochklassi zierten Sportlern. Lelstungsport, 6,42-45. Journal of Swimming Research, 7,5-12.

A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards Hotel Industry in Vellore District
Pages: 80-84 | First Published: 05 Sep 2015
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This research paper is aimed at studying customer satisfaction with respect to Hotels in and around Vellore District. The main objective is to explore the level of customer satisfaction towards the hotel industry in the Vellore district to retain the customers in the business to help for improvement of customer services and to know the factors that motivate the customers towards hotels. A well-structured Questionnaire is used to collect primary data. The sample size is 100, and variance and confidence methods are used to determine sample size. The researcher
adopted simple random sampling for the study. Finally, it has been identified that the overall assessment of customer satisfaction in the hotel industry is good.
Key Words: Customer Satisfaction, Hotel Industry, and Service Sector.


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