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Information’s and Guidelines to the Mutual Funds Investors’ An Empirical Study

Issue Abstract

Present time Indian economic highlighting in increase in domestic savings and improvement in operation of investment through markets, the need and scope for Mutual Fund operation has increased particularly. The Mutual Fund is an automobile that enables millions of small and large savers spread across the country as well as internationally to participate in and derive the benefit of the capital market growth. They are becoming increasingly popular in India and abroad due to higher investor return, relatively lower risk and cost. Mutual Funds are shake-up their business models to provide for increased efficiencies and investor satisfaction. The industry also faces a number of issues which are characterized by lack of investor awareness, systematic evaluation, low penetration levels, better services, inefficiency of Mutual Funds high dependence on corporate sector and spiraling cost of operations. The Indian Mutual Fund industry is currently in the phase of consolidation and growth stage of its life cycle. Therefore, it is appropriate to focus attention on the pre and post purchase informational requirements of Mutual Fund investors. This empirical study is an attempt in this regard. The present study endeavored to throw a light on the pre and post-purchase informational needs of the Mutual Fund investors and also to know the investors‟ knowledge of Mutual Fund evaluation. Understanding the requirements of investors
by the MFCs has become necessary to accelerate the required pace of growth. A detailed analysis of various requirements of the investors was made in this study.

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Issue Publish Date
05 Sep 2015
Issue Pages

Issue References

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