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Scientific and Systematic Sports Training

Issue Abstract


Over the past 45 years or so, we have achieved significant scientific understanding of many physical factors
involved in the development of various aspects of training. Including specific strength and conditioning components training. This has allowed more effective programs to be used for athletes’ safety and preparation for competitions especially; several components of training such as skills, speed strength, stamina, and psychological skill training have been a focus of numerous texts and research. The current conceptualization of the science of training basic principle of training theories as well and specific safe methods of strength and conditioning for athletes have been summarized in Science and Practice of Strength Training. The major theme of this proper exercise, sports-specific drills, and/or regular physical and psychological load is a very powerful stimulus for adaptation. Accordingly, the major objective of athlete’s preparation should be inducing specific adaptations to improve sports performance via (a) carefully planned (b) skillfully executed; and (c) goal-oriented training programs. From a practical perspective, at least four important features of the adaptation on process should be considered by a coach To make training programmes and most importantly safe for the athletes. Otherwise, athletes may experience and express various forms of responses to training and associated performance on deteriorate on high risk for sport-related traumatic injuries. Athletes' responses are usually characterized by an
increase in both physical properties, such as strength, speed, etc., and associated psychological indices, including emotional stability, the proper level of motivation, and vigor. According to Zatsiorsky (1995), there are four essential features of the adoption process as outlined below:

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Sep 2015
Issue Pages

Issue References

1. Zatsiorsky, V. M. (1995). Science and practice of strength training, Champaign, IL Humankind cs. University Press.
2. Dawson, B. (1996). Periodiza on of speed and endurance training. In P. Reabum & 0. Jenkins (Eds.), Training for speed and endurance, (pp.76.96). St. Leonards, Australia; Allen & Unwin. Insuring, V., & Kaverin, V. (1985)
3. Planning and design of annual prepare on cycle in Issurin, V., & Lus g 6. (2004). K ca on, Dauer und prak sche Komponenten der Reste ekte von Training.
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