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Maritime Transport is “Backbone of International Trade and the Global Economy” in Digital India
J. Hemalatha
Pages: 1-5 | First Published: 05 Mar 2020
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Maritime transport Services is the pace, structure and pattern of India's economic development. India is speedily connected to a position as a key player in the maritime sector globally by achieving its nation’s trade target, and therefore the growth of international trade successfully led to the growth in maritime services because a significant part of world trade is carried out by the sea. In the past days India has not been successful in maritime international trade since 2000, although during that time India had a higher potentiality to expand the international trade and considered largest merchant shipping fleet in the country. (Mukherjee 2001) . At present, Maritime transportation industry is far more liberalized than most of the other industries. It plays a vital role in the development of countries, comprises ports, shipping, ship building and Inland water transport services. Indian Shipping Industry with emergence of globalization and liberalization is firmly acquired a new dimensions in terms of demand, capacity enhancement of the ports and infrastructural development. (India: Government initatives to support shippig in coming time 2016). This paper helps to examine the how efficiently flagship initiatives/steps were taken by the Indian government by promoting various legislature to promote sustaining growth in the maritime shipping industry to uplift the international trade
Keywords: International trade, Industry, Negotiations, Economic development & Maritime services.


1. Arpita Mukherjee (2001)- India’s Trade In Maritime Transport Services Under The Gats Framework 

2. Ministry of Shipping 2017- Year of Consolidation Posted On 

3. Rebecca Furtado 2016- Maritime Laws in India: Interpretation and Analysis- 

4. Maritime Transport Is ‘Backbone of Global Trade and the Global Economy’, Says Secretary-General in Message - 

5. India: Government initiatives to support shipping industry in coming time- . 

6. Tax Incentives for the Sector 

7. Indian maritime sector—on the cusp of revolution

Social Commerce-Challenges and Opportunities
Divya Rani .R .L
Pages: 6-10 | First Published: 05 Mar 2020
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In the era of digital economy setting up a shop and waiting the customers to arrive via no longer enough. Instead, companies must be proactive by finding new ways to engage customers, build relationships and create communities. Which differentiate social commerce from an ordinary e-commerce sites includes social elements also. Here the importance of social media increasing for commercial activity .Digitalization expand our opportunities and threats of traditional business through social media like face book , Twitter, Lnikedln ,Whatsapp etc. The development of social networking was accompanied by the evolution of mobile technologies and e-commerce networks. The borders between countries melted, thanks to the commercial transactions made through social networks. This study should be made on the impact of social networking on the marketing and promotional information industry and the extent companies and businesses benefit from the networks.
Keywords: Commerce, Digitisation, Social media

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Awareness of Green Banking Practices from the Perspective of SBI Customers
Dhanya Rani .R .L
Pages: 11-15 | First Published: 05 Mar 2020
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Today, the world is facing many challenges to environmental sustainability during the process of achieving economic development. Protection and preservation of natural resources is very important in every respect. Nations' development without concentrating on environmental sustainability is meaningless. The banking industry, the biggest service sector in our country is now concentrating on the adoption of green banking practices for the well-being of society. Green banking means environmental or ethical banking practices adopted for reducing carbon footprints from the day to day activities. State Bank of India, the largest commercial bank in India has developed many initiatives for maintaining environmental sustainability by participating in the Go-Green movement. The Bank has put in place SMART i.e., Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound Green Banking Goals, some of which are obtaining star ratings at all state-level administrative office premises from the Bureau of Energy Efficiency. These include the construction of „Green‟ buildings, wastewater treatment, and programs to sensitize staff on energy savings. The present paper aims to review the green banking practices adopted by SBI and also highlight the awareness and adoption of these practices by its customers. The data were collected from secondary as well as primary sources to catch the descriptive.
Keywords: Green Banking, Awareness, Adoption.

1. Greeshma Das, Vijayachandran Pillai(2018).A Study on Awareness and Adoption of Green Banking Practices from the Perspective of SBI Customers.
2. Kumar S C(2017), A study on customer awareness of green banking initiatives in selected private sector banks concerning kunnamkulam municipality.
3. Vijay C and Nadarajan(2015), Customer Awareness towards Green banking products on a selected commercial bank in Cuddalore District

International Trade in a Digital ERA – An Overview
K. Ajitha
Pages: 16-21 | First Published: 05 Mar 2020
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Digital technology is shaping the future of global trade and investment. One aspect of the adoption of digital technology by global exporters and importers is the purchase and sale of goods and services online, which is part of what is broadly understood as “e-commerce”. The digital revolution is transforming the players, patterns, and possibilities of world trade. It is opening opportunities for millions of micro entrepreneurs and small businesses to engage in cross-border trade, grow into multinational sellers, and craft their own global supply chains. The rising importance of digital trade was already noted by international organizations in the late 1990s.
Keywords: International Trade, Digital Technology, Digital Trade

1. Kati suominen (2017), Fuelling Trade in the digital Era: policy Roadmap for developing countries.
2. Javier Lopez- Gonzalez and Janos ferencz (2018), Digital trade and market openness.
3. S.Eiselen (2007), The UNECIC: International trade in the digital era.
4. McKinsey (2016), Digital globalization: The new era of global flows.
5. Recent trends and developments (page: 103-108).
6. Communication from India, Working Party on Domestic Regulation, WTO, 14 November 2016.

Digital Marketing at the Forefront in Modern ERA
Nazneen Begum
Pages: 22-26 | First Published: 05 Mar 2020
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The term digital marketing evolved in the year 1990’s. Its rapid evolution created new opportunities and avenues for advertising and marketing. Digital marketing is often referred to as 'online marketing’, and also 'internet marketing'. The term 'digital marketing' gained more popularity over time. It involves the usage of the Internet to market the sale of goods or services. And India ranks 3rd in position. The research undertaken intends to study the phenomena related to the pros and cons and the trends in Internet marketing that help in building brand image and customer loyalty. The current paper focuses on the pros and cons, understanding digital customers, and trends in digital marketing. 

Keywords: Digital Marketing, Modern ERA

1. Digital Marketing – The Essential Guide to New Media & Digital Marketing - Kent Wertime,
2. Ian Fenwick Principals of Advertising and IMC - Tom Duncan Consumer Behavior 

3. Understanding Digital Marketing: Marketing Strategies for Engaging the Digital Generation- Damian Ryan.
4. “Marketing management”-Philip Kotler.