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Maritime Transport is “Backbone of International Trade and the Global Economy” in Digital India

Issue Abstract

Maritime transport Services is the pace, structure and pattern of India's economic development. India is speedily connected to a position as a key player in the maritime sector globally by achieving its nation’s trade target, and therefore the growth of international trade successfully led to the growth in maritime services because a significant part of world trade is carried out by the sea. In the past days India has not been successful in maritime international trade since 2000, although during that time India had a higher potentiality to expand the international trade and considered largest merchant shipping fleet in the country. (Mukherjee 2001) . At present, Maritime transportation industry is far more liberalized than most of the other industries. It plays a vital role in the development of countries, comprises ports, shipping, ship building and Inland water transport services. Indian Shipping Industry with emergence of globalization and liberalization is firmly acquired a new dimensions in terms of demand, capacity enhancement of the ports and infrastructural development. (India: Government initatives to support shippig in coming time 2016). This paper helps to examine the how efficiently flagship initiatives/steps were taken by the Indian government by promoting various legislature to promote sustaining growth in the maritime shipping industry to uplift the international trade
Keywords: International trade, Industry, Negotiations, Economic development & Maritime services.

Author Information
J. Hemalatha
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Mar 2020
Issue Pages

Issue References


1. Arpita Mukherjee (2001)- India’s Trade In Maritime Transport Services Under The Gats Framework 

2. Ministry of Shipping 2017- Year of Consolidation Posted On 

3. Rebecca Furtado 2016- Maritime Laws in India: Interpretation and Analysis- 

4. Maritime Transport Is ‘Backbone of Global Trade and the Global Economy’, Says Secretary-General in Message - 

5. India: Government initiatives to support shipping industry in coming time- . 

6. Tax Incentives for the Sector 

7. Indian maritime sector—on the cusp of revolution