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Social Commerce-Challenges and Opportunities

Issue Abstract

In the era of digital economy setting up a shop and waiting the customers to arrive via no longer enough. Instead, companies must be proactive by finding new ways to engage customers, build relationships and create communities. Which differentiate social commerce from an ordinary e-commerce sites includes social elements also. Here the importance of social media increasing for commercial activity .Digitalization expand our opportunities and threats of traditional business through social media like face book , Twitter, Lnikedln ,Whatsapp etc. The development of social networking was accompanied by the evolution of mobile technologies and e-commerce networks. The borders between countries melted, thanks to the commercial transactions made through social networks. This study should be made on the impact of social networking on the marketing and promotional information industry and the extent companies and businesses benefit from the networks.
Keywords: Commerce, Digitisation, Social media

Author Information
Divya Rani .R .L
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Mar 2020
Issue Pages

Issue References

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