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Digital Marketing at the Forefront in Modern ERA

Issue Abstract

The term digital marketing evolved in the year 1990’s. Its rapid evolution created new opportunities and avenues for advertising and marketing. Digital marketing is often referred to as 'online marketing’, and also 'internet marketing'. The term 'digital marketing' gained more popularity over time. It involves the usage of the Internet to market the sale of goods or services. And India ranks 3rd in position. The research undertaken intends to study the phenomena related to the pros and cons and the trends in Internet marketing that help in building brand image and customer loyalty. The current paper focuses on the pros and cons, understanding digital customers, and trends in digital marketing. 

Keywords: Digital Marketing, Modern ERA

Author Information
Nazneen Begum
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Mar 2020
Issue Pages

Issue References

1. Digital Marketing – The Essential Guide to New Media & Digital Marketing - Kent Wertime,
2. Ian Fenwick Principals of Advertising and IMC - Tom Duncan Consumer Behavior 

3. Understanding Digital Marketing: Marketing Strategies for Engaging the Digital Generation- Damian Ryan.
4. “Marketing management”-Philip Kotler.