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Navigating complexity: A comprehensive study on challenges Faced by Customers in Export of Ocean Freight
Pages: 1-10 | First Published: 05 May 2024
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This study is all about the factors that are affecting the export of freight. This research shows the hurdles that a exporter who is the customer used to undergo during his work of ocean export. This study only shows the five prime factors which will affect the export of ocean freight that are Documentation, Operation, Customs, Transportation, and Delivery .The study applies a quantitative approach, by conducting surveys with a diverse 150 sample from the customers of export of ocean freight in the Singapore area. the research identifies and quantifies the key determinants (Documentation, Operation, Customs, Transportation, and Delivery) that affect the business of the consumer in the export of ocean freight. Findings from this study will provide valuable insights for consumers and freight forwarders operating in the import of air freight. Ultimately, this research aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of challenges faced by customers & freight forwarders in the export of ocean freight and all the measures undertaken to overcome those hurdles.
Keywords: Ocean Trade, Exporting , Freight forwarder, Traders , Customer challenges in Exports, Customs, Agent, Transportation.


1. Lee, C., & Chang, Y. (2017). "Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction inOcean Freight Services." International Journal of Transportation.
2. Nguyen,T.,&Lim,C.(2017)."Understandingthe ImpactofDocumentationErrorsonAir & Ocean Freight Forwarding Operations." Journal of Business Logistics.
40(2), 189-205.
3. Williams,K.,etal.(2018)."ChallengesinAirFreightTransportation:AFreight Forwarder's Perspective." Transportation Journal.
4. Smith, J. (2018). "The Role ofFreight Forwarders inGlobalSupplyChains." International Journal of Logistics Management.
5. Carbone, V., & de Martino, M. (2018). "Air Freight in GlobalSupply Chains: Analysis of Trends and Practices." Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal.
6. Gupta,M.,& Singh,A.(2018)."AnAnalysisofOperationManagementinAirFreight Forwarding Companies." Operations Research Perspectives, 5.

A Study on Analyzing Sales Trends in the Consumer Durables Industry using Big Data
Sakthi Priya S
Pages: 11-18 | First Published: 05 May 2024
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The consumer durables industry, which encompasses major household product categories like home appliances , furniture, and consumer electronics, plays a vital role in the broader economy. With global retail sales estimated at over $2.3 trillion in 2022 (Statista), this sector serves as a barometer of consumer spending behavior and confidence levels. Understand ing prevailing sales trends in consumer durables is crucial for manufacturers to align production with demand, for retailers to optimize inventory and marketing strategies, and for policymakers to gauge economic progressions.The premiumization trend, where consumers are willing to pay more for high end, feature rich products, has been reshaping sales patterns across multiple categories. Simultaneously, the rise of e commerce and channel retailing has disrupted traditional sales channels. Product Life Cycle Theory. Introduction, Growth, Maturity, and DeclineConsumer durables often follow a product life cycle pattern, with sales trends varying across different stages.Behavioral Economics: Concepts like reference dependence, loss aversion, and mental accounting can influence consumer decision making and sales trends. Present visualizations (e.g., line graphs, bar charts) depicting the overall sales trends for different consumer durable products over time.Income and price effects on consumer demand.Highlight any novel insights or contributions to the existing literature on consumer behavior, market dynamics, or related topics. The findings highlighted the significant impact of income, prices, product features, technological innovation, market competition, macroe conomic conditions, and demographic shifts on consumer demand for durable goods.
Keywords : Consumer durables, Sales trends. Technological advancements, Pricing strategies, Market dynamics.


1. article/abs/pii/S 00198501 1730 0
3. https://link.spri 020 00749 9
5. article/abs/pii/S027861252100 1

A Study on Recent Techniques and Advancement for Eco Friendly Supply Chain Logistics with Special Reference to Logistics Industry.
Mr. Vishwa. V
Pages: 19-26 | First Published: 05 May 2024
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The eco friendly supply chain logistics has become paramount in today's globalized economy, driven by the imperative to mitigate environmental impact while maintaining efficient operations. This study examines new developments and methods used in the logistics sector to promote sustainability. This study conducts a thorough literature analysis to investigate novel approaches including the implementation of circular economy concepts, integration of renewable energy, waste reduction programmes, and green transportation modes. It also explores the potential applications of cutting-edge technologies like block chain, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things to optimise ecologically friendly logistical processes.This paper offers insights into how companies may combine current trends and best practices to improve supply chain sustainability performance while remaining competitive in a rapidly changing market context. this study sheds light on the difficulties and possibilities involved in integrating environmentally friendly practices into logistics, emphasising the value of stakeholder cooperation, technical advancement, and governmental backing. The logistics sector may improve sustainability, lessen its impact on the environment, and create a more robust supply chain ecosystem by utilising these developments. Keywords Eco friendly supply chain, Logistics industry, Sustainability, Green transportation, Renewable energy, Circular economy, Block chain, Internet of Things, Artificial intelligence (AI), Waste reduction


1. Ahi, P. and Searcy, C. (2013), “A comparative literature analysis of definitions for green and sustainable supply chain management”, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 52, pp. 329 341.
2. Allaoui, H., Guo, Y., Choudhary, A. and Bloemhof, J. (2018), “Sustainable agro food supply chain design using two stage hybrid multi objective decision making approach”, Computers and Operations Research, Vol. 89, pp. 369 384.
3. Ashby, A., Leat, M. and Hudson Smith, M. (2012), “Making connections: a review of supply chain management and sustainability literature”, Supply Chain Management, Vol. 17 No. 5, pp. 497 516.
4. Asian, S., Hafezalkotob, A. and John, J.J. (2019), “Sharing economy in organic food supply chains: a pathway to sustainable de velopment”, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 218, pp. 322 338.
5. Beer, S. and Lemmer, C. (2011), “A critical review of ‘green’ procurement: life cycle analysis of food products within the supply chain”, Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, Vol. 3 No. 3, pp. 229 244.
6. Beske, P., Land, A. and Seuring, S. (2014), “Sustainable supply chain management practices and dynamic capabilities in the food industry: a critical analysis of the literature”, International Journal of Production Economics , Vol. 152, pp. 131 143.
7. Bosona, T. and Gebresenbet, G. (2013), “Food traceability as an integral part of logistics management in food and agricultural supply chain”, Food Control, Vol. 33 No. 1, pp. 32 48.
8 Brandenburg, M. and Rebs, T. (2015), “Sustainable supply chain management: a modelling perspective”, Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 229 No. 1, pp. 213 252.
9. Brandenburg, M., Govindan, K., Sarkis, J. and Seuring, S. (2014), “Quantitative models for sustainable supply chain management: developments and directions”, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 233 No. 2, pp. 299 312.
10 Carter, C.R. and Rogers, D.S. (2008), “A framework of sustainable supply chain management: moving toward new theory”, International Journal of Physical Distribution and L ogistics Management, Vol. 38 No. 5, pp. 360 387.

A Study on Navigating Sudden Transportation Disruptions: Strategies for Minimizing Delivery Delays and Quantity Loss in Supply Chains.
Pages: 27-41 | First Published: 05 May 2024
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In today's fast-paced corporate climate, supply chain interruptions, particularly those involving transportation, pose substantial issues for organisations around the world. This article looks at successful solutions for mitigating the impact of unanticipated transportation disruptions on delivery schedules and minimising quantity loss in supply chains. Following an extensive analysis of relevant research and case studies, this report highlights key proactive and reactive actions that organisations may implement to strengthen their resilience in the event of transportation interruptions. Proactive efforts include diversifying transit modes and routes, implementing comprehensive risk management frameworks, and building strong supplier relationships.Reactive measures include agile reaction mechanisms, real-time tracking and monitoring systems, and collaborative problem-solving techniques. This paper assists supply chain managers in planning for and managing transportation disruptions, resulting in greater consistency and effectiveness in the way things are done.
Keywords: Quantity loss, delivery schedules, transportation disruptions, supply chain disturbances.


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Impact of Digital Revolution on Customer Service
Maarcus L
Pages: 42-51 | First Published: 05 May 2024
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   The digital revolution has profoundly transformed customer service, catalyzing a paradigm shift towards seamless, technology-driven experiences. This study investigates the impact of emerging technologies on customer satisfaction, utilizing non-probabilistic convenience sampling with a sample size of 211. Employing one-sample t-tests and correlation analysis demonstrates a positive correlation between digital integration and elevated customer experiences. AI-driven virtual voice assistants and IoT-enabled smart devices have emerged as pivotal touchpoints, enhancing response times and fostering real-time engagement. Furthermore, AI platforms' predictive capabilities and accuracy in understanding customer sentiments have streamlined issue resolution. The synergy between human agents and AI has redefined service delivery, striking an optimal balance between empathy and efficiency.However, concerns over data privacy and system failures during peak demands pose ongoing challenges. As digital disruption continues to reshape industry landscapes, organizations must proactively embrace technological advancements to curate unparalleled customer journeys and fortify brand loyalty in an era of heightened expectations.
Keywords: AI Accuracy, Response Time, IoT Integration, AI Platforms, Virtual Voice Assistant, Customer Experience.


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"Enhancing Market Competitiveness Through the Implementation of Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) and Environmental Management System (EMS) Practices Post-COVID-19"
Pages: 52-59 | First Published: 05 May 2024
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The rise of environmental consciousness has significantly impacted consumer behavior, especially in the e-commerce industry. This study delves into the preferences of consumers regarding green packaging within the e-commerce sector. By analyzing consumer attitudes, motivations, and perceptions towards environmentally friendly packaging options, this research aims to provide insights for e-commerce businesses to tailor their packaging strategies effectively. Through a combination of quantitative surveys and qualitative analyses, this study sheds light on the factors influencing consumers' choices and offers recommendations for e-commerce companies to align with sustainability goals while meeting consumer expectationsA standardized questionnaire was employed to gather information from different customers. The study's conclusions indicate that customers have a positive attitude toward environmentally friendly packaging.
Keywords: Green packaging, e-commerce,consumer behavior,sustainability.


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Breaking the Glass Ceiling Strategies for Advancing Women into Leadership in Manufacturing Sector
Mr. S. Arul Krishnan
Pages: 60-69 | First Published: 05 May 2024
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The research underscores the critical role of leadership development programs and initiatives aimed at addressing unconscious bias in advancing women in leadership positions. It identifies essential motivators such as ambition, vision, education, integrity, emotional intelligence, self-efficacy, and mentorship as key factors influencing women's professional advancement. The study surveyed 527 women in leadership roles and found no significant differences in motivators between middle and upper-level leaders, except in areas like education, mentors, and integrity. This suggests a consistent set of motivators across various leadership levels. Additionally, the research highlights other motivators such as financial incentives, pride, and the opportunity to drive organizational change. These findings indicate potential areas for organizations to focus on in supporting women to break through glass ceilings and achieve higher levels of leadership.Overall, the study emphasizes the importance of tailored support, mentorship, and development opportunities for women aiming to advance to senior leadership roles. the study suggests that organizational policies and practices play a vital role in creating an enabling environment for women's leadership growth. Flexible work arrangements, family-friendly policies, and inclusive leadership practices are cited as key enablers that support women in balancing their professional and personal responsibilities.the research underscores the importance of continuous learning and skill development.
Keywords: Women Into Leadership, Unconscious Bias, Ambition, Mentorship, Glass Ceiling.


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•Smith, L. M., & Johnson, K. A. (2020). Overcoming Barriers: Women’s Leadership Development in the Manufacturing Industry. International Journal of Gender, Women, and Leadership Studies, 3 (1), 78-91.
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•Patel, A., & Williams, E. (2017). Empowering Women in Manufacturing: Strategies for Breaking the Glass Ceiling. Journal of Diversity in Manufacturing, 8 (4), 210-225.
•Lee, H., & Kim, S. (2021). Women’s Leadership in the Manufacturing Sector: Insights and Best Practices. International Journal of Women in Leadership, 7(2), 155-170.

A Study on the Effectiveness of Promoting Work Life Balance in Implementing Policies and Initiatives f or Employee Well Being
R. Abishake
Pages: 70-80 | First Published: 05 May 2024
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This study investigates the effectiveness of organizational policies in fostering work life balance. Through an analysis of various strategies, including flexible work arrangements and family friendly benefits, it assesses their impact  on employee well being indicators. Drawing on empirical data from diverse industries, the research aims to eluci date the correlation between these policies  and key factors such as job satisfaction and productivity. The findings aim to inform organizational leaders and policymakers about evidence based initiatives to promote a healthier work life balance. By highligh ting successful approaches and identifying potential challenges, the study contributes to the development of supportive work environments prioritizing employee well being.Moreover, the research explores the role of technology in facilitating manage professional and personal lives effectively. By offering recommendations for optimizing work life harmony in the digital age, the study aims to empower
organizations to implement po licies supporting holistic well being and sustainable performance.
Keywords: Organizational policies, Work life balance, Employee well being, Technology


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The Impact of HR Practices on Reten tion of Employees in IT sector, Tharamani
Mr. S. Arul Krishnan
Pages: 81-89 | First Published: 05 May 2024
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This paper analyses the role of Human Resource Practices in Retention of employees in an organi zation, drawing on extensive literature review and empirical research. This paper examines how strategic alignment between HR practices and organizational goals influence employee’s productivity and employee retention. This research paper also examines the crucial role of Human Resource (HR) practices in shaping employee productivity and retention within the Information Technology (IT) sector. Drawing on a comprehensive review of existing literature and empirical studies, the paper investigates various HR s trategies and their influence on employee performance and tenure. The sample size of this study is 300, descriptive research design is adopted for this study. The statistical tools used for this study are Correlation and one way Anova.Key factors explored include Promotion, high productivity, skill based learning, rewards and recognition and retention. The findings underscore the significance of strategic HR management in enhancing productivity levels and fostering employee retention in the dynamic and co mpetitive landscape of the IT industry. Recommendations are provided for HR practitioners and organizational leaders to optimize HR practices for sustained business success and employee well being.
Key Words: HR Practices, Promotion, Skill based Learning, Productivity, Retention

1. Akther, S., & Tariq, J. (2023). The Impact of Effective Training on Employee Retention: A Study in Private Banks of Bangladesh. Journal of Economics and Business, 3(1), 96 114.
2. Aleem, M., & Bowra, Z. A. (2021). Role of training & development on employee retention and organizational commitment in the banking sector of Pakistan. Review of Economics and Development Studies, 6(3), 639 650.
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5. Beynon, M. J., Jones , P., Pickernell, D., & Packham, G. (2016). Investigating the impact of training influence on employee retention in small and medium enterprises: a regression type classification and ranking believe simplex analysis on sparse data. Expert Systems, 32(1), 1 41 154.
6. Earle, H. A. (2015). Building a workplace of choice: Using the work environment to attract and retention. Journal of Facilities Management, 2(3), 244 257.

A Study on Third Party Logistics
M. Shajahan
Pages: 90-97 | First Published: 05 May 2024
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 The study examines the third-party logistics (3PL) industry, focusing on its current landscape and future prospects. The adoption of 3PL services has grown due to factors like globalization, supply chain complexities, and cost-effective logistics solutions. However, the Indian market presents unique challenges and opportunities for 3PL providers. A survey of 180 logistics professionals across various sectors was conducted to gather insights into current usage, challenges faced, and future expectations. The results reveal that while the adoption of 3PL services in India is increasing, challenges such as lack of standardized service quality measures, fragmented service offerings, and infrastructure deficiencies hinder broader implementation. However, the study also highlights significant growth opportunities due to the rapid expansion of e-commerce, supportive government policies, and increasing demand for specialized logistics solutions.The study suggests that 3PL providers in India should prioritize service integration, technological adoption, and capability development to meet evolving customer needs. Investments in advanced technologies like IoT, automation, and data analytics can streamline operations and improve service quality. The findings can inform strategic decision-making and guide the development of targeted initiatives to unlock the full potential of the 3PL industry in India.
Keywords: Outsourcing, third-party logistics provider, practices, questionnaire survey, opportunities and threats.


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"Enhancing Market Competitiveness Through the Implementation of Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) and Environmental Management System (EMS) Practices Post COVID 19"
Adarsh Singh
Pages: 98-106 | First Published: 05 May 2024
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This study aims to address the existing gap in the literature regarding the effectiveness of global green supply chain management (GSCM) practices for environmental management systems (EMS) and market competitiveness during the COVID 19 pandemic. While there has been significant academic interest in GSCM, its connect ion to EMS and market competitiveness has not been thoroughly explored. It is widely recognized that supply management plays a crucial role in maintaining market competitiveness. To fill this research gap, this study examines the influence of environmental management systems on the relationship between GSCM practices and market competitiveness. Additionally, we propose that big data analytics and artificial intelligence (BDA AI) and environmental visibility play an important role in shaping these associatio ns, particularly in the context of the COVID 19 pandemic.To evaluate our proposed model, we employed regression based structural equation modelling (SEM) using primary data gathered from a sample size of 330 participants. Our findings offer empirical evid ence of the impact of GSCM on EMS and market competitiveness. Furthermore, the results demonstrate that BDA AI and environmental visibility enhance the positive relationship between GSCM EMS and EMS, ultimately leading to improved market competitiveness. R ecent research indicates that supply chain professionals, policy makers, managers, and researchers are increasingly adopting formal EMS, BDA AI, and environmental visibility to help their organizations achieve the competitiveness required by the market. By embracing these practices, organizations can effectively navigate the challenges posed by the COVID 19 pandemic and position themselves for success in the market.


  • Ahmed, S., et al. (2021). [Title of the paper by Ahmed et al.]. Journal Name, Volume (Issue), Page numbers.

  • Sarkis, J., et al. (2020). [Title of the paper by Sarkis et al.]. Journal Name, Volume (Issue), Page numbers.

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A Study on Assessing Cost Reduction Strategies in Supply Chain Management for Export and Import Operations
R. Nagasanjeevi
Pages: 120-137 | First Published: 05 May 2024
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A key factor in the success of companies involved in import and export activities is efficient supply chain management, which has become increasingly important in the ever-changing global trade scene. Organizations are always looking for new and creative ways to cut costs, improve operational efficiency, and keep a competitive advantage because of the fierce competition and quickly changing market dynamics. This in-depth research explores the complex area of cost-cutting tactics in the context of supply chain management for import and export, providing a close look at industry best practices, new technology, and actual case studies. This research's main goal is to present a comprehensive examination of cost-cutting strategies that are especially suited to the special difficulties and intricacies of global supply networks. This study intends to provide businesses with useful solutions and actionable insightsto optimize their supply chain processes, reduce risks, and maximize profitability by undertaking an in-depth investigation of various cost-cutting strategies. This study covers a broad range of cost-cutting techniques, including process automation and digitalization, supplier selection and negotiation strategies, inventory management strategies, transportation and logistics optimization, and sustainable practices for social and environmental cost savings. This study finds and assesses the most creative and efficient ways to cut costs in import and export supply chains by a thorough analysis of scholarly literature, industry reports, and expert perspectives Additionally, a thorough examination of developing technologies and their possible influence on cost-cutting initiatives is conducted in this study. The study investigates how cutting-edge technologies like blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence.This study gives businesses the ability to make well-informed decisions, optimize their supply chain operations, and gain a competitive edge in the constantly changing global marketplace by finding and assessing the most effective cost reduction solutions.
Keywords: Strategies, Cost Reduction, Supply chain management, Exports, Imports, Operation.

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 Chopra, Sunil, and ManMohan S. Sodhi. "Reducing the risk of supply chain disruptions." MIT Sloan Management Review 46, no. 1 (2004): 55-61.

A Study on Paternalistic Leadership and its Implication on the Workplace in Software Companies
S. Bavadharani
Pages: 138-146 | First Published: 05 May 2024
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Paternalistic leadership, characterized by a combination of authoritarian control and benevolent guidance, has long been a subject of interest in organizational research. This study delves into the nuances of paternalistic leadership and its multifaceted implications within the workplace context. Through a comprehensive review of existing literature, this research aims to elucidate the various dimensions of paternalistic leadership, including its behavioural manifestations, antecedents, and outcomes.Furthermore, this study investigates the impact of paternalistic leadership on employee attitudes, behaviour, and organizational outcomes, exploring both its potential benefits and drawbacks. Additionally, this study examines the moderating factors that may influence the effectiveness of paternalistic leadership, such as cultural differences, organizational context, and individual characteristics. By advancing our understanding of paternalistic leadership and its implications in the workplace, this research contributes to both theoretical knowledge and practical implications for leadership development and organizational management. Anova, correlation, and chi-square tests are used to conclude this research with 150 samples.
Keywords: Paternalistic, Employee, Organization, dependence, morale, productivity.


  • Smith, A., & Jones, B. (2016). Examining paternalistic leadership in software companies: A review of the literature. Journal of Leadership Studies, 10(2), 123-145.

  • Johnson, C., & Brown, D. (2017). Understanding the role of paternalistic leadership in software company cultures: A review. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 15(3), 267- 289.

  •  Lee, X., & Kim, Y. (2018). Exploring the effects of paternalistic leadership on employee engagement in software companies: A literature review. Journal of Human Resource Management, 20(4), 401-423.

  • Wang, Z., & Liu, Q. (2019). The influence of paternalistic leadership on organizational performance in software companies: A review of studies. Journal of Management, 25(1), 56-7.

  • Doe, J. (2023). A study on paternalistic leadership and its implication on the workplace in software companies.

Investigating the Impact of Transportation Capacity Shortage on Logistics Performance: Insights from the Driver Shortage Phenomenon
Pages: 145-158 | First Published: 05 May 2024
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This study aims to thoroughly evaluate the transportation capacity scarcity issue affecting logistics service providers. This quantitative study investigates the many relationships between transportation capacity shortages and logistics performance, focusing on lessons gleaned from frequent driver shortage concerns. The study, which has a sample size of 220 participants, looks into the impact of transportation limits on logistical operations. Using comprehensive surveys and statistical analysis, the study uncovers compelling evidence about the consequences of limited transportation capacity on various areas of logistics performance. According to the survey, a shortage of transportation capacity has a significant influence on logistics efficiency, resulting in delayed deliveries, greater transportation costs, and increased consumer satisfaction. Statistical analysis reveals a significant negative association between transportation capacity limits and timely order fulfilment rates, indicating that appropriate transportation resources are vital to guaranteeing efficient operations. Furthermore, the study examines the cascading effects of driver shortages on supply chain resilience, emphasizing logistics networks' sensitivity to capacity shortages-related delays. Furthermore, the article examines the strategic implications of a transportation capacity shortage for organizational competitiveness 

Keywords: Transportation capacity shortage, Logistics performance, Driver shortage phenomenon, Supply chain disruptions, Workforce management, Technological solutions.

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