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A Study on Recent Techniques and Advancement for Eco Friendly Supply Chain Logistics with Special Reference to Logistics Industry.

Issue Abstract

The eco friendly supply chain logistics has become paramount in today's globalized economy, driven by the imperative to mitigate environmental impact while maintaining efficient operations. This study examines new developments and methods used in the logistics sector to promote sustainability. This study conducts a thorough literature analysis to investigate novel approaches including the implementation of circular economy concepts, integration of renewable energy, waste reduction programmes, and green transportation modes. It also explores the potential applications of cutting-edge technologies like block chain, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things to optimise ecologically friendly logistical processes.This paper offers insights into how companies may combine current trends and best practices to improve supply chain sustainability performance while remaining competitive in a rapidly changing market context. this study sheds light on the difficulties and possibilities involved in integrating environmentally friendly practices into logistics, emphasising the value of stakeholder cooperation, technical advancement, and governmental backing. The logistics sector may improve sustainability, lessen its impact on the environment, and create a more robust supply chain ecosystem by utilising these developments. Keywords Eco friendly supply chain, Logistics industry, Sustainability, Green transportation, Renewable energy, Circular economy, Block chain, Internet of Things, Artificial intelligence (AI), Waste reduction

Author Information
Mr. Vishwa. V
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 May 2024
Issue Pages

Issue References


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