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Marketing Practices in Small Scale Industries with Special Reference to Units in Industrial Estates Guindy Chennai
Pages: 1-5 | First Published: 05 Sep 2022
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The present study is concerned with the marketing practices of the little scale industrial units. A review of the present written work on the subject reveals that the marketing issues of the little scale industrialists have remained a really unmapped extent. The purpose behind this study is to look at to what degree the little representatives get the marketing thought in their marketing decisions for fulfilling legitimate targets. The mission and vision of the affiliation includes in choosing the necessities and requirements of target markets and passing on the pined for fulfilments more effectively and profitably than contenders.
Keywords: Small scale industries, industrial estate, marketing practice, etc.,


1. UNI "74% of Small Units hit by Marketing Problems" Financial Express, 7th March 1989
2. Jaganathan G. "Technology for Small Scale Industries", Indian Management, July 1980,
3. Battacharya A,K. Banerjee, G.R.., Mailik S, Basu "Inproving Management of Small Enterprises" Indian Management, June 1980, ’N
4. Korba, Arvind I,, "Marketing Problems and Sickness in Small Scale Industry" Monthly Commentary on Indian Economic Conditions, The Indian Institute of Public Opinion April 1986,
5. Pathak, H.N. Problems of Small Scale Entrepreneurs, A Report on a study based on Gujarat# Industrial Development Bank of India Bombay, 1975. I- ,
6. SIET Socio-Psychological Factors influencing the adoption of the Innovation of starting a small industry unit Hyderabad 1974.
7. Lingaraju B.P., and Girikumar, T. Problems of Small Scale Industries in Karnataka iim Bangalore 1978.
8. Siriopolis Nicholas C. Small Business Management - A. Guide to entrepreneurship, Houghton Mifflin Co. Boston, 1977.
9. Macfarlane, William N. Principles of Small Business Management, McGraw Hill Book Co. 1977 as quoted in Enterpreneurship and Enterprise growth by S.ShivaramuSeeroa Publications, New Delhi# 1985.
10. Neelamegham, S. Marketing in India, cases and Readings, Vikas Publishing H0use P.Ltd.# New Delhi 1988.
11. Vepa, Ram K., Modem Small Industry in India Problems and Prospects, Sage Publications, New Delhi 1988


A Study on ratio analysis in Multitech auto pvt. ltd.
Ms. Prity Kumar
Pages: 6-12 | First Published: 05 Sep 2022
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  • Healy, Paul M., and Jacob Cohen. "Financial Statement and Ratio Analysis." Harvard Business School Background Note 101-029, September 2000. Hawkins, David F. "Basic Ratio Analysis and Equity Valuation." Harvard Business School Background Note 185-149, June 1985. (Revised December 2002.)
A Sttudy on Pattiientt Sattiisffacttiion att Outtpattiientt Deparrttmentt iin Vee Carre Hospiittall,, Chennaii,, Tamiill Nadu
Ms. Erica War
Pages: 13-31 | First Published: 05 Sep 2022
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Today hospital provides many services for the outpatient or ambulatory patient who receive service without spending time in hospital. The beginning of the current century saw the outpatient services progressively becoming an integral part of hospital. Hospital provides many services for the outpatients and ambulatory patient without spending time in hospital. The numbers of outpatient‟s visit have recently assumed increased importance because it is a less expensive alternative to inpatients. All major players of healthcare area use satisfaction information in marketing decision.
Keywords: outpatients, alternative to inpatients


 Syed Amin Tabish” Hospital and nursing care planning Organization, and management” Jaypee Publication, new delhi.
 Chandrashekhar A.G. “ Hospital Administration and Planning” Paras publication Hyderabad, 2004.
 Pragna Pai “ Effective hospital Management” The National Book Depot, Mumbai.
 Sakarkar B. M. “ Principle Of Hospital Administration And Planning” Jaypee Publication,New Delhi, 2003.
 Kunders G.D.,” How To Market Your Hospital Without Selling Your Philoshophy”, A Prism publication Bangalore.
 Tallavi Srinivas, Prasad G. “ Patient Satisfaction- A Comparitive study”.
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 Mavajdesh SM, Daabsesh KA, nasir MJ and A1-Qutob RJ “Patient expectation And Satisfaction in different hospital in Irbid, Jorddan” Saudi medical Journal.2001 pp-625-29.(

A Study on Job Satisfaction among Teaching Staffs of Private Polytechnic Colleges
Dr. G. Bhavani
Pages: 32-37 | First Published: 05 Sep 2022
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Educators are reflective, agreeable, order and expressive. Instruction is fruitful when there is nearness of a powerful instructor. A powerful syllabus and best educational programs got to be incapable if there is truant of a successful instructor. The nature of showing depends on the learning of the educator as well as how well-suited the person is to the job. A few external influences can be attributed to the rapid demeanor. Due to their role as pioneers in a social and financial crisis, educators are currently in a difficult position. The call continues to work properly despite the deficit of an end pool. The primary focus of this review is on the various evaluations of occupation satisfaction and their recommendations for polytechnic teachers' overall occupation satisfaction and performance. This survey's data were evaluated using quantifiable frameworks like the chi-square head of outline and other lose-the-sureness tests.
Keywords: Teacher, Job Satisfaction, Chi square, Multiple Regression


1. Blackbourn,J, Robinson,J. Assesing Teacher Self Efficacy and Job Satisfaction of Early Career Agriculture Teacher in Kentuky. Journal of Agricultural Education. 2008; Vol. 49(3).1-11.
2. Desmukh,V. A Comparative Study of Performance Measurement in Selected Professional Management Institution: A Case Study of Karad City. International Journal of Enterprise Computing and Business Systems. 2011; Vol. 2(1).
3. Kumar,S. Patnaik,S. A Study of Organisational Commitment ,attitude towards work and job satisfaction of post graduate teachers of Goa. Journal of Education Research and Extension. 2002; Vol. 39(1).
4. Natarajan, R. A study on School Organisational Climate and Job Satisfaction of Teachers. Journal of Educational Research and Extension. 2001; Vol. 38(4).
5. Ngimbudzi,W. Job Satisfaction Among Secondary School Teachers in Tanzania:A case Study of Njombe District. Master Thesis of Education. University of Jyvaskyla. 2009;
6. Olube, N. Professionalism, Demographics and Motivation: Prediction of Job Satisfaction Among Nigerian Teachers. International Journal of Education Policy and Leadership. .2007; Vol. 2(7).
7. Organ,D, Ryan,K. A Meta analytical Review of attitudinal and dispositional predictors of organizational citizenship behavior. Personnel Psychology.1995; Vol.48. 775-802.
8. Pronay,B. Job Satisfaction of Non-Government College Teachers in Bangladesh.Journal of Education and Practice. 2011; Vol. 4(2). 87-91.
9. Rajareegam, A. and Doss,C. Analyzing job satisfaction of engineering college teachers at puducherry. Indian Journal of Innovations and Development. 2012; Vol. 10(1). 48-492.
10. Rajkatoch,O. Job Satisfaction Among College Teachers: A Study on Government College Teachers in Jammu. Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences & Humanities. 2012; Vol. 4(2). 164-180.

Installing New Employees into the Culture
Praveen Kumar
Pages: 38-41 | First Published: 05 Sep 2022
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Sorting out and conveying an exhaustive induction system is an essential movement for you as an administrator. An induction system which is very much arranged and led will make an extraordinary early introduction of you and association, and will empower your new staff part to successfully find out about association, its way of life and the prerequisites of their part. Your new staff part will feel welcome and positive about association and their new working environment all the more rapidly and will in this manner sink into and get to be gainful in their role.The Induction agenda is an extremely valuable method for guaranteeing that data is bestowed to new employees. when they are liable to be generally responsive. It abstains from over-burdening employees with data amid the primary weeks whilst guaranteeing that all ranges are secured. Chiefs/bosses ought to guarantee that these matters have been appropriately comprehended whilst the agenda is being finished, maybe as a week by week visit with the new participant. Game plans ought to likewise be made for the worker to visit any pertinent divisions with which they have standard contact over the span of their obligations. Toward the end of the procedure the induction agenda ought to be marked by the applicable gatherings and set in the individual from staff's work force document.
Keywords: exhaustive induction system, gainful, over-burdening employees, standard contact.


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