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A Sttudy on Pattiientt Sattiisffacttiion att Outtpattiientt Deparrttmentt iin Vee Carre Hospiittall,, Chennaii,, Tamiill Nadu

Issue Abstract

Today hospital provides many services for the outpatient or ambulatory patient who receive service without spending time in hospital. The beginning of the current century saw the outpatient services progressively becoming an integral part of hospital. Hospital provides many services for the outpatients and ambulatory patient without spending time in hospital. The numbers of outpatient‟s visit have recently assumed increased importance because it is a less expensive alternative to inpatients. All major players of healthcare area use satisfaction information in marketing decision.
Keywords: outpatients, alternative to inpatients

Author Information
Ms. Erica War
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Sep 2022
Issue Pages

Issue References


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