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A Study on Opinion of Employees Towards Safety Measures in RVS Spinners Ltd., Kovil Patti
M.S. Magdalene Peter
Pages: 1-6 | First Published: 05 May 2022
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The investigation of Occupational Health and Safety in Textile industry looks at to elevate Health and safety to the specialists. The Hazards and risk required in the material business is high contrasted and different commercial ventures and minimum significance given to material commercial ventures. The majority of mishap don't go to the legal formalities. The People don't know about Health and safety is because of the laborers are uneducated and administration not given significance because of advance OHS in Textile industry turns into an obstructions in executing OHS. The real dangers happen are physical, synthetic, ergonomically and physiologically risks alongside these some of things which can make perils are all the more working hours, uncalled for ventilation.
Keywords : Occupational health safety, Hazards, risk, legal formalities, working hours, RPN.


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Effect of Quality Work Life and Occupational Stress
Mr. Peter
Pages: 7-11 | First Published: 05 May 2022
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The effect of the weight on the quality work life of any identity is the hot key in the current pattern of howdy fi mechanical world. This study means to comprehend the effect of the word related weight on the quality work life. The finish of the study is the word related anxiety of representatives has adequate effect on the quality work life of the station experts. The anxiety components of Role over-burden, Role Conflict, Strenuous working condition and obligation has got its own particular effect on the quality work life of the station aces, as they have not that much certain on strength, development opportunities and fulfillment.
Keywords: Stress, Quality Work Life, Role Overload, Role Conflict, Strenuous Working Condition, Responsibility, Stability, Growth Opportunities, Satisfaction


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2. Majumder, P. P., and Begum, A., (2006), Engendering Garment Industry, The University Press Limited, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh.
3. Zohir, S. C., (2007), “Role of Dhaka Export Processing Zone: Employment and Empowerment”, Research Report, Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies, Dhaka
4. Rahman, M.A., (2005), “Sub-contracting Programme of Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries Corporation (BSCIC)-An Overview”, Pakistan Journal of social Sciences, 3 (6), pp.892-897.
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7. Vimi, J., and Mohd. K. K., (2008), “Determinants of performance in retail banking: perspectives of customer satisfaction and relationship marketing”, Singapore Management Review, July 1, 2008.
8. Lau, R.S.M and May, B.E., (1998), “A win-win paradigm for quality of work life and business performance”, Human Resource Development Quarterly, Fall 1998, Vol 9, No. 3.
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A Study in fitness Clinics Affordability in Salem District
Sree Varshini .R
Pages: 12-23 | First Published: 05 May 2022
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The objective of this survey was to find the present scenario of urban healthcare with relation to private health providers and its cost borne by surveyed urban population. The high cost of private clinic is the most important reason to study about the immediate intervention into the private health clinics. This study observed the trend of increasing diagnostics prescribed by the private practitioners, which account for a major cause concern to urban section of the people. Data were collected through sampling survey schedules with local statistical investigators. The results and findings of the survey found that the municipality of Salem District was in a state of private healthcare burden with many mushrooming of private clinics found to be developed in past five years, with decreasing trend of approaching public health services. Besides, most important observation with this study is about the annual household expenditure on healthcare. Rupees 34,672 average amount spent by the survey households on annual healthcare which accounts for 35.9 percent their annual income. This shows a modern urban burden of households towards curbing their health needs out of pocket. At the end, the study recommends feasible remedies in general to resolve the found difficulties of urban population towards household health care as a whole.
Keywords: Affordability, Illness, Diagnostics, Private Health Care, Annual Expenditure on Health


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A Study on Coconut Manufacture
Pages: 25-37 | First Published: 05 May 2022
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Coconut is full-grown in more than 80 countries of the world with a total construction of 49 billion nuts. India occupies a predominant position in respect of construction of coconut in the earth. Coconut is a crop of small and marginal farmers since 98% of about five million coconut holdings in the country are less than two hectares. Two major classes of coconuts are typically documented on the basis of stature: tall and dwarf. The ones most commonly planted for commercial purposes are the tall varieties, which are slow to mature and first flower appear six to ten years after planting. During rainy season inter culture be done to need out grass and make the soil more pores. Thus, better and scientific agronomic practices at local level will result in improving the yield and construction. Accordingly the high yielding varieties like Veppankulam and Mandya tall varieties be encouraged among the farmers. Water Scarcity has played a major role for low productivity.
Keywords: Coconut, Crop, Agronomic


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Impact on Complications and Predictions of Private and Aided School Teachers
Dr. V. Ambedkar
Pages: 38-43 | First Published: 05 May 2022
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The study aimed to determine the problem and prospect of private school teachers working in the Sivagangai district, Tamil Nadu. The study made use of the quantitative method of research utilizing survey research design. The respondents of the study were the three hundred (300) private school teachers, who are teaching in forty (40) matriculation school and twenty (20) CBSC schools in Sivagangai district. The based on both primary and secondary data. The study found out that the problem faced by the private school teachers in Sivagangai district; the problem of workload with a mean score of 83.39 was ranked first, long hours of working with mean score of 80.72 contributed second rank, and problem with students with mean score of 50.22 contributed last place.
Key words: Education, Teaching and School Teachers


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