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Effect of Quality Work Life and Occupational Stress

Issue Abstract


The effect of the weight on the quality work life of any identity is the hot key in the current pattern of howdy fi mechanical world. This study means to comprehend the effect of the word related weight on the quality work life. The finish of the study is the word related anxiety of representatives has adequate effect on the quality work life of the station experts. The anxiety components of Role over-burden, Role Conflict, Strenuous working condition and obligation has got its own particular effect on the quality work life of the station aces, as they have not that much certain on strength, development opportunities and fulfillment.
Keywords: Stress, Quality Work Life, Role Overload, Role Conflict, Strenuous Working Condition, Responsibility, Stability, Growth Opportunities, Satisfaction

Author Information
Mr. Peter
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 May 2022
Issue Pages

Issue References


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