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A Study in fitness Clinics Affordability in Salem District

Issue Abstract


The objective of this survey was to find the present scenario of urban healthcare with relation to private health providers and its cost borne by surveyed urban population. The high cost of private clinic is the most important reason to study about the immediate intervention into the private health clinics. This study observed the trend of increasing diagnostics prescribed by the private practitioners, which account for a major cause concern to urban section of the people. Data were collected through sampling survey schedules with local statistical investigators. The results and findings of the survey found that the municipality of Salem District was in a state of private healthcare burden with many mushrooming of private clinics found to be developed in past five years, with decreasing trend of approaching public health services. Besides, most important observation with this study is about the annual household expenditure on healthcare. Rupees 34,672 average amount spent by the survey households on annual healthcare which accounts for 35.9 percent their annual income. This shows a modern urban burden of households towards curbing their health needs out of pocket. At the end, the study recommends feasible remedies in general to resolve the found difficulties of urban population towards household health care as a whole.
Keywords: Affordability, Illness, Diagnostics, Private Health Care, Annual Expenditure on Health

Author Information
Sree Varshini .R
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 May 2022
Issue Pages

Issue References


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