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Partial Replacement of Cement, Fine Aggregates & Coarse Aggregate with fly Ash, Steel Slag & Recycled Aggregates Respectively in Concrete
Dr. A. Kumar
Pages: 1-12 | First Published: 05 Sep 2022
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Around the world, a sizable number of people are employed in the construction industry. Today, development is occurring at an alarmingly rapid rate, which has led to an increase in the use of building materials that are already present in nature. The majority of the millions of tonnes of trash produced each year around the world is not recyclable. Additionally, recycling trash uses energy and harms the environment. Furthermore, both the accumulation of trash in the suburbs and the disposal of waste pose serious environmental risks. It is acceptable to accomplish two goals simultaneously by using waste material in the production of concrete, including the addition of advantageous properties. For this undertaking the globe. Today, development is occurring at an alarmingly rapid rate. Experimental findings from a study to determine the compressive strength of concrete with various cement replacements as well as fine and coarse particles were presented. An M-20 grade of concrete (1:1.8:3.16) with a water-cement ratio of 0.5 was developed, per IS-10262-2009. The findings show that cement, fine aggregates, and coarse aggregates can all be replaced with fly ash, steel slag, and recycled aggregates at percentages of 10%, 20%, and 30%, respectively, without compromising the concrete's compressive strength. To ascertain how much the strength will be increased, we are altering the materials one at a time. It stops when it reaches a specific percentage. To find out the mechanical properties of concrete, it will be increased and all of the ingredients will be changed at once.
Keywords: Garbage,steel slag,fly ash, M-20, Recycled aggregates, compressive strength, hazardous

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An Application of a Deep Learning Algorithm for Detection of Accidents under bad CCTV Monitoring Conditions in Tunnels using ODTS &R-CNN
Dr. V. Senthil Kumar
Pages: 13-20 | First Published: 05 Sep 2022
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In this project, an Object Detection and Tracking System (ODTS) can be brought and used together with a famous deep gaining knowledge of community, the Faster Regional Convolution Neural Network (Faster R-CNN), for Object Detection and a Conventional Object Tracking set of rules for computerized detection and tracking of surprising occasions on CCTVs in tunnels, which can be probable to be (1) Wrong-Way Driving (WWD), (2) Stop, (three) Person out of the automobile in ODTS takes a video body in time as enter and makes use of Object Detection to generate Bounding Box (BBox) findings, evaluating the BBoxes of the modern and former video frames to assign a completely unique ID wide variety to every shifting and diagnosed item. This technique lets in you to display a shifting item in real-time, that's hard to do with conventional item detection frameworks. With a group of occasion pix in tunnels, a deep gaining knowledge of version in ODTS changed into educated to Average Precision (AP) values of zero.8479, zero.7161, and zero.9085 for goal items Car, Person, and Fire, respectively. The ODTS-primarily based totally Tunnel CCTV Accident Detection System changed into then examined the use of 4 twist of fate recordings, one for every twist of fate, the use of a educated deep gaining knowledge of version. As a consequence, inside 10 seconds, the gadget can locate all injuries. The maximum important truth is that once the education dataset grows larger, the detection functionality of ODTS can be robotically multiplied with none adjustments to the programme codes.

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11. Jaganathan, M., Sabari, A. An heuristic cloud based segmentation technique using edge and texture based two dimensional entropy. Cluster Computing Vol 22, PP 12767–12776(2019).
12. Vignesh Janarthanan, A.Viswanathan, M. Umamaheswari, “Neural Network and Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm for Remote Sensing Image Classification ", International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering., vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 1630-1634, Jun. 2019.
13. Dr.Vignesh Janarthanan, Dr.Venkata Reddy Medikonda,.Er.Dr.G.Manoj Someswar Proposal of a Novel Approach for Stabilization of the Image from Omni-Directional System in the case of Human Detection & Tracking “American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER)” vol 6 issue 11 2017
14. Viswanathan, A., Arunachalam, V. P., & Karthik, S. (2012). Geographical division traceback for distributed denial of service. Journal of Computer Science, 8(2), 216.
15. Anurekha, R., K. Duraiswamy, A. Viswanathan, V.P. Arunachalam and K.G. Kumar et al., 2012. Dynamic approach to defend against distributed denial of service attacks using an adaptive spin lock rate control mechanism. J. Comput. Sci., 8: 632-636.
16. Viswanathan, A., Kannan, A. R., & Kumar, K. G. (2010). A Dynamic Approach to defend against anonymous DDoS flooding Attacks. International Journal of Computer Science & Information Security.
17. Kalaivani, R., & Viswanathan, A. HYBRID CLOUD SERVICE COMPOSITION MECHANISM WITH SECURITY AND PRIVACY FOR BIG DATA PROCESS., International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 2,Special Issue 10, ISSN 2395-695X.
18. Ardra, S., & Viswanathan, A. (2012). A Survey On Detection And Mitigation Of Misbehavior In Disruption Tolerant Networks. IRACST-International Journal of Computer Networks and Wireless Communications (IJCNWC), 2(6).
19. Umamaheswari, M., & Rengarajan, N. (2020). Intelligent exhaustion rate and stability control on underwater wsn with fuzzy based clustering for efficient cost management strategies. Information Systems and e-Business Management, 18(3), 283-294.
20. Babu, G., & Maheswari, M. U. (2014). Bandwidth Scheduling for Content Delivery in VANET. International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering IJIRCCE, 2(1), 1000-1007.
21. Vignesh Janarthanan, A.Viswanathan, M. Umamaheswari, “Neural Network and Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm for Remote Sensing Image Classification ", International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering., vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 1630-1634, Jun. 2019.
22. Sowmitha, V., and Mr V. Senthilkumar. "A Cluster Based Weighted Rendezvous Planning for Efficient Mobile-Sink Path Selection in WSN." International Journal for Scientific Research & Development Vol 2 Issue 11 2015

Binary Salp Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Feature Selection with Simulated Annealing
Vaishali .R
Pages: 17-28 | First Published: 05 Sep 2022
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Wrapper based Feature Selection is a popular Dimensionality reduction approach that searches for an optimum Feature Subset from a huge dataset which meets the Objective of selection and represents the structure of the entire dataset. Swarm Intelligence based Feature Selection Wrappers are known for their solution exploration and exploitation capability. However when there are multiple objectives to satisfy, wrapper algorithms suffer Pareto optimality problem. The objective of this paper is to overcome Pareto optimality problem and select relevant features with a Hybrid Salp Swarm Optimization Wrapper. The issue is approached with a fuzzy weighted single objective function embedded with classifier rate and Feature Selection ratio as selection factors. For next position selection and to improve solution exploration, Single Solution Simulated Annealing is combined with the Wrapper. Experimental results on 7 UCI benchmark datasets prove that the proposed method outperforms the existing Hybrid Binary Whale Swarm Wrapper in terms of time taken for Feature Selection. Also in terms of Error rate, Feature Reduction Ratio and Fitness measure, the proposed method showcases a decent performance.
Keywords: Feature Selection, Machine Learning, Meta-heuristics, Swarm Intelligence, Simulated Annealing

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Deep Learning for Traffic Prediction: Methods, Analysis, and Future Directions
Ms. Mutyala Keerthi
Pages: 21-26 | First Published: 05 Sep 2022
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In an clever transportation gadget, visitors prediction is critical. Accurate visitors forecasting can assist with direction planning, car dispatching, and visitors congestion reduction. Due to the complicated and dynamic spatial-temporal relationships among one of a kind elements in the street community, this trouble is tough to solve. Recently, a considerable quantity of studies paintings has been dedicated to this area, specifically the deep mastering technique, which has extensively stepped forward visitors prediction abilities. The intention of this have a take a observe is to offer a whole evaluation of deep mastering-primarily based totally on visitors prediction algorithms from numerous angles. In particular, we offer a taxonomy and a precis of acknowledged visitors prediction algorithms. Second, we offer a listing of contemporary-day today's methodologies for numerous visitors forecast programs. Third, we acquire and set up normally used public datasets from the literature to make it simpler for different researchers. Furthermore, we adopt thorough experiments to evaluate the overall performance of various methods on a real-global public dataset to offer an assessment and analysis. Finally, we discover the field's unsolved problems.

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28. Umamaheswari, M., & Rengarajan, N. (2020). Intelligent exhaustion rate and stability control on underwater wsn with fuzzy based clustering for efficient cost management strategies. Information Systems and e-Business Management, 18(3), 283-294.
29. Babu, G., & Maheswari, M. U. (2014). Bandwidth Scheduling for Content Delivery in VANET. International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering IJIRCCE, 2(1), 1000-1007.
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31. Viswanathan, A., Kannan, A. R., & Kumar, K. G. (2010). A Dynamic Approach to defend against anonymous DDoS flooding Attacks. International Journal of Computer Science & Information Security.
32. Kalaivani, R., & Viswanathan, A. HYBRID CLOUD SERVICE COMPOSITION MECHANISM WITH SECURITY AND PRIVACY FOR BIG DATA PROCESS., International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 2,Special Issue 10, ISSN 2395-695X.
33. Ardra, S., & Viswanathan, A. (2012). A Survey On Detection And Mitigation Of Misbehavior In Disruption Tolerant Networks. IRACST-International Journal of Computer Networks and Wireless Communications (IJCNWC), 2(6).
34. S.B. Jayabharathi, S. Manjula, E. Tamil Selvan, P. Vengatesh and V. Senthil Kumar “Semantic Risk Analysis Model Cancer Data Prediction”, Journal on Science Engineering and Technology, Vol 5 Issue No 2 2018
35. Sowmitha, V., and Mr V. Senthilkumar. "A Cluster Based Weighted Rendezvous Planning for Efficient Mobile-Sink Path Selection in WSN." International Journal for Scientific Research & Development Vol 2 Issue 11 2015

Designing cyber insurance policies: the role of pre-screening and security interdependence
Ms. B. V. Anupama
Pages: 27-32 | First Published: 05 Sep 2022
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For cyber hazard transfer, cyber coverage is a ability option. However, it's been proven that it can or might not boom community protection relying at the traits of the underlying surroundings. We're particularly inquisitive about factors of cybersecurity and the way they have an effect on settlement layout. The first is cybersecurity's interconnected individual, wherein one entity's degree of protection is decided now no longer simply through its personal funding and efforts, however additionally through the ones of others withinside the equal eco-machine (i.e., externalities). The 2d is that current breakthroughs in Internet size, paired with gadget gaining knowledge of approaches, now permit us to make specific quantitative tests of protection posture at a enterprise degree. This can be used to behavior a primary protection evaluation, or pre-screening, of a potential client with a purpose to enhance top rate discrimination and coverage formulation. We display that protection interdependency creates a "earnings possibility" for insurers, that is fueled through inefficient attempt tiers exerted through interdependent people that fail to account for hazard externalities. Security pre-screening then allows the insurer to take manipulate of this extra earnings possibility through designing the perfect contracts which incentivize marketers to make bigger their attempt tiers, permitting the insurer to “promote dedication” to interdependent marketers, except insuring their risks. We apprehend situations beneathneath which this sort of contracts results in now no longer simplest upward thrust in earnings for the major, however additionally an upgraded nation of community protection. For cyber hazard transfer, cyber coverage is a ability option. However, it's been proven that it can or might not boom community protection relying at the traits of the underlying surroundings. We're particularly inquisitive about factors of cybersecurity and the way they have an effect on settlement layout. The first is cybersecurity's interconnected individual, wherein one entity's degree of protection is decided now no longer simply through its personal funding and efforts, however additionally through the ones of others withinside the equal eco-machine (i.e., externalities). The 2d is that current breakthroughs in Internet size, paired with gadget gaining knowledge of approaches, now permit us to make specific quantitative tests of protection posture at a enterprise degree. This can be used to behavior a primary protection evaluation, or pre-screening, of a potential client with a purpose to enhance top rate discrimination and coverage formulation. We display that protection interdependency creates a "earnings possibility" for insurers, that is fueled through inefficient attempt tiers exerted through interdependent people that fail to account for hazard externalities. Security pre-screening then allows the insurer to take manipulate of this extra earnings possibility through designing the perfect contracts which incentivize marketers to make bigger their attempt tiers, permitting the insurer to “promote dedication” to interdependent marketers, except insuring their risks. We apprehend situations beneathneath which this sort of contracts results in now no longer simplest upward thrust in earnings for the major, however additionally an upgraded nation of community protection.

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Evaluating Descriptive Answer Using Machine Learning And Natural Language Processing
T. Sai Kumari
Pages: 33-38 | First Published: 05 Sep 2022
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Assessment of the descriptive paper is a tough challenge. It requires lot of man power. In educational institutions a primary hassle is evaluation of descriptive type questions & answers. Using NLP this descriptive answer assessment proper answers and the pupil answer scripts. More marks is probably awarded, if the similarity withinside the answers is more. There are several advantages of using this automated assessment device as it permits in decreasing the time concerned about the resource of the usage of faculty to correct the descriptive papers. The examinations can be accomplished online, the answers can be evaluated right now and it would be beneficial for universities, schools and schools for academic purpose with the resource of the usage of presenting ease to colleges and the examination evaluation cell.
Keyword: Descriptive answer evaluation, machine learning, natural language processing, word2vec.

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20. Senthil kumar, V., Prasanth, K. Weighted Rendezvous Planning on Q-Learning Based Adaptive Zone Partition with PSO Based Optimal Path Selection. Wireless Personal Communications 110, 153–167 (2020). /10.1007/s11277-019-06717-z.
21. Vignesh Janarthanan, A.Viswanathan, M. Umamaheswari, “Neural Network and Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm for Remote Sensing Image Classification ", International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering., vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 1630-1634, Jun. 2019.
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26. Anurekha, R., K. Duraiswamy, A. Viswanathan, V.P. Arunachalam and K.G. Kumar et al., 2012. Dynamic approach to defend against distributed denial of service attacks using an adaptive spin lock rate control mechanism. J. Comput. Sci., 8: 632-636.
27. Umamaheswari, M., & Rengarajan, N. (2020). Intelligent exhaustion rate and stability control on underwater wsn with fuzzy based clustering for efficient cost management strategies. Information Systems and e-Business Management, 18(3), 283-294.
28. Babu, G., & Maheswari, M. U. (2014). Bandwidth Scheduling for Content Delivery in VANET. International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering IJIRCCE, 2(1), 1000-1007.
29. Viswanathan, A., Kannan, A. R., & Kumar, K. G. (2010). A Dynamic Approach to defend against anonymous DDoS flooding Attacks. International Journal of Computer Science & Information Security.
30. Kalaivani, R., & Viswanathan, A. HYBRID CLOUD SERVICE COMPOSITION MECHANISM WITH SECURITY AND PRIVACY FOR BIG DATA PROCESS., International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 2,Special Issue 10, ISSN 2395-695X.
31. Ardra, S., & Viswanathan, A. (2012). A Survey On Detection And Mitigation Of Misbehavior In Disruption Tolerant Networks. IRACST-International Journal of Computer Networks and Wireless Communications (IJCNWC), 2(6).
32. Dr. V. Senthil kumar, Mr. P. Jeevanantham, Dr. A. Viswanathan, Dr. Vignesh Janarthanan, Dr. M. Umamaheswari, Dr. S. Sivaprakash Emperor Journal of Applied Scientific Research “Improve Design and Analysis of Friend-to-Friend Content Dissemination System ”Volume - 3 Issue - 3 2021
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Future Methods Of Managing Privacy And Data Security At The Technical Age-Cashless Society
Anuradha Reddy
Pages: 39-43 | First Published: 05 Sep 2022
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Financial transactions in a cashless global are carried out the usage of virtual statistics in place of real banknotes or coins (commonly an digital illustration of cash). [1] Cashless civilizations have existed for the reason that sunrise of human civilization, primarily based totally on barter and different varieties of exchange, and cashless transactions at the moment are possible utilizing credit score playing cards, debit playing cards, cellular bills, and virtual currencies which include bitcoin. However, this newsletter makes a speciality of the term "cashless society" withinside the feel of a motion toward, and implications of, a society wherein coins is changed with the aid of using its virtual equal—in different words, criminal tender (cash) exists, is recorded, and is most effective traded in digital virtual form. A few publications of movement may be coupled to attain a everlasting and applicable result for customers in a cashless society to boom privateness: A new kind of banking carrier that assigns randomised numbers to credit score playing cards, using blockchain to song all man or woman transactions, and a marketing campaign to train and tell key stakeholders approximately safety and privateness dangers so that they have got the gear and historical past expertise to guard their personal statistics earlier than coping with a overseas entity or different 1/3 events (i.e. cybersecurity departments, IT technicians, etc). Both blockchain and card variety randomization are liable to zero-day vulnerabilities, flaws, and ranging ranges of social acceptance. This exploratory observe makes use of a structures evaluation of cashless structures to perceive and have a look at a fixed of social and technical alternatives for a robust cashless gadget that protects customers' privateness even as keeping gadget safety. The statistics amassed and evaluated may be beneficial in uncovering flaws in present day facts integrity and safety procedures. In order to create preemptive countermeasures, it might be useful to study gift and destiny strategies of dealing with privateness and facts safety withinside the contemporary-day age. In a cashless gadget, this studies identifies essential techniques to keep away from the loss of private privateness.
Keywords: cashless, society, privacy, security, data, system

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23. Senthil kumar, V., Prasanth, K. Weighted Rendezvous Planning on Q-Learning Based Adaptive Zone Partition with PSO Based Optimal Path Selection. Wireless Personal Communications 110, 153–167 (2020). /10.1007/s11277-019-06717-z.
24. Vignesh Janarthanan, A.Viswanathan, M. Umamaheswari, “Neural Network and Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm for Remote Sensing Image Classification ", International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering., vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 1630-1634, Jun. 2019.
25. Dr. V. Senthil kumar, Mr. P. Jeevanantham, Dr. A. Viswanathan, Dr. Vignesh Janarthanan, Dr. M. Umamaheswari, Dr. S. Sivaprakash Emperor Journal of Applied Scientific Research “Improve Design and Analysis of Friend-to-Friend Content Dissemination System ”Volume - 3 Issue - 3 2021
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27. V.Senthilkumar , K.Prashanth” A Survey of Rendezvous planning Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks International Journal of communication and computer Technologies, Vol 4 Issue No 1 (2016)
28. Viswanathan, A., Arunachalam, V. P., & Karthik, S. (2012). Geographical division traceback for distributed denial of service. Journal of Computer Science, 8(2), 216.
29. Anurekha, R., K. Duraiswamy, A. Viswanathan, V.P. Arunachalam and K.G. Kumar et al., 2012. Dynamic approach to defend against distributed denial of service attacks using an adaptive spin lock rate control mechanism. J. Comput. Sci., 8: 632-636.
30. Umamaheswari, M., & Rengarajan, N. (2020). Intelligent exhaustion rate and stability control on underwater wsn with fuzzy based clustering for efficient cost management strategies. Information Systems and e-Business Management, 18(3), 283-294.
31. Babu, G., & Maheswari, M. U. (2014). Bandwidth Scheduling for Content Delivery in VANET. International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering IJIRCCE, 2(1), 1000-1007.
32. Viswanathan, A., Kannan, A. R., & Kumar, K. G. (2010). A Dynamic Approach to defend against anonymous DDoS flooding Attacks. International Journal of Computer Science & Information Security.
33. Kalaivani, R., & Viswanathan, A. HYBRID CLOUD SERVICE COMPOSITION MECHANISM WITH SECURITY AND PRIVACY FOR BIG DATA PROCESS., International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 2,Special Issue 10, ISSN 2395-695X.
34. Ardra, S., & Viswanathan, A. (2012). A Survey On Detection And Mitigation Of Misbehavior In Disruption Tolerant Networks. IRACST-International Journal of Computer Networks and Wireless Communications (IJCNWC), 2(6).

Machine Learning Based Solution for an Effective Credit Card Fraud Detection
Mr. V. Naveen Kumar
Pages: 44-50 | First Published: 05 Sep 2022
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Credit card utilization has been growing with the emergence of e-trade and different programs that permit bills to be made on-line. However, whilst credit score card is stolen or any fraudulent interest takes place, it effects in monetary issues to the cardboard holders. It additionally reasons problems to the provider of playing cards. Therefore, it's far crucial to have a mechanism to stumble on fraudulent on-line transactions. In this regard, there exists many answers as located withinside the literature. One such technique is to have ancient transactions divided into fraudulent and non-fraudulent transactions. This ought to assist educate classifiers to stumble on or suspect fraud transactions. These answers focused spending conduct of clients so that you can stumble on opportunity of fraud. In the present device, statistics mining method is accompanied with random forests to version the conduct of ordinary and fraudulent transactions for credit score card fraud detection. The trouble with the version is that it really works best with dataset this is best tuned. If dataset isn't always good, its overall performance is deteriorated. To conquer this trouble, on this project, a characteristic choice set of rules is proposed to beautify the overall performance of classifier. The proposed device additionally could have comparative have a look at with more than one classifiers like Random Forests and SVM to assess the characteristic choice technique.
Keywords: Charge card pressure obvious proof, Random Forest, SVM, incorporate affirmation

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21. Jaganathan, M., Sabari, A. An heuristic cloud based segmentation technique using edge and texture based two dimensional entropy. Cluster Computing Vol 22, PP 12767–12776 (2019).
22. Senthil kumar, V., Prasanth, K. Weighted Rendezvous Planning on Q-Learning Based Adaptive Zone Partition with PSO Based Optimal Path Selection. Wireless Personal Communications 110, 153–167 (2020). /10.1007/s11277-019-06717-z
23. Vignesh Janarthanan, A.Viswanathan, M. Umamaheswari, “Neural Network and Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm for Remote Sensing Image Classification ", International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering., vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 1630-1634, Jun. 2019.

24. Dr. V. Senthil kumar, Mr. P. Jeevanantham, Dr. A. Viswanathan, Dr. Vignesh Janarthanan, Dr. M. Umamaheswari, Dr. S. Sivaprakash Emperor Journal of Applied Scientific Research “Improve Design and Analysis of Friend-to-Friend Content Dissemination System ”Volume - 3 Issue - 3 2021
25. V.Senthilkumar , K. Prashanth” A Survey of Rendezvous planning Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks International Journal of communication and computer Technologies, Vol 4 Issue No 1 (2016)
26. Viswanathan, A., Arunachalam, V. P., & Karthik, S. (2012). Geographical division traceback for distributed denial of service. Journal of Computer Science, 8(2), 216.
27. Anurekha, R., K. Duraiswamy, A. Viswanathan, V.P. Arunachalam and K.G. Kumar et al., 2012. Dynamic approach to defend against distributed denial of service attacks using an adaptive spin lock rate control mechanism. J. Comput. Sci., 8: 632-636.
28. Umamaheswari, M., & Rengarajan, N. (2020). Intelligent exhaustion rate and stability control on underwater wsn with fuzzy based clustering for efficient cost management strategies. Information Systems and e-Business Management, 18(3), 283-294.
29. Babu, G., & Maheswari, M. U. (2014). Bandwidth Scheduling for Content Delivery in VANET. International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering IJIRCCE, 2(1), 1000-1007.
30. Viswanathan, A., Kannan, A. R., & Kumar, K. G. (2010). A Dynamic Approach to defend against anonymous DDoS flooding Attacks. International Journal of Computer Science & Information Security.
31. Kalaivani, R., & Viswanathan, A. HYBRID CLOUD SERVICE COMPOSITION MECHANISM WITH SECURITY AND PRIVACY FOR BIG DATA PROCESS., International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 2,Special Issue 10, ISSN 2395-695X.
32. Ardra, S., & Viswanathan, A. (2012). A Survey On Detection And Mitigation Of Misbehavior In Disruption Tolerant Networks. IRACST-International Journal of Computer Networks and Wireless Communications (IJCNWC), 2(6).
33. Sowmitha, V., and Mr V. Senthilkumar. "A Cluster Based Weighted Rendezvous Planning for Efficient Mobile-Sink Path Selection in WSN." International Journal for Scientific Research & Development Vol 2 Issue 11 2015

An Advanced Review on Human Activity Monitoring Using Artificial Intelligence
A. Venugopal Rao
Pages: 51-64 | First Published: 05 Sep 2022
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Human interest following or notoriety appears in human-to-human exchange and social relations. Since it offers data overall the unmistakable check of an individual, their personality, and mental express, it's far trying to take out. Check of human interest progression is proposed as Human interest reputation (HAR). HAR has different applications considering its not amazing use of getting contraptions which works with cells, and camcorders, and its capacity to hold human premium pieces of data. While virtual contraptions and their applications are a focal piece of the time making, the advances in created information (PC based data) have changed the capacity to take out enormous getting data on data for right check and its discernment. This yields an unequaled data on out of nowhere making getting devices, man-made information, and experiences, the three spines of har under one housetop. There are many separate articles posted on the general credits of HAR few have in assessment all the har contraptions on same time, and few have annihilated the effect of making PC based data arranging. In our proposed assessment, an in-force depiction of the three spines of har is given covering the range from 2006 to 2021. Further, the assessment offers the pointers for an improved har plan, its reliable quality, and balance. Five biggest basic openings were: (1) HAR is 3 most focal credits of help with inclining toward contraptions, rehashed data, and applications; (2) HAR values overpowered the clinical benefits making heads or tails of; (three) cream imitated data models are in their early phase and need goliath materials for giving strong regions for the reliable structure. Also, the ones fit models serious areas of strength for basic for goliath for need, enthusiast accuracy, hypothesis, finally, meeting the longings of the endeavors without affection; (four) little craftsmanships changed into picked in flightiness prominent confirmation during moves; and (five) overall around no masterpieces has been finished in picking improvements. We finish: (a) HAR undertaking will uphold in verbalizations of the three spines of modernized contraptions, applications, and the condition of man-made data that. (b) imitated data will give major areas of strength for enormous for serious for a to the har experience withinside what's truly close. In this imaginative signs, we offer an in-power examination of latest and contemporary-day bases on moves concerning human interest type. We support an alluding to for human side interest plans and talk their benefits and obstacles. Particularly, we region human interest class strategy into titanic headings as per whether they use data from amazing modalities or in the end no more. Then, all that about rules is correspondingly analyzed into sub-depictions, which impersonate how they structure human games and what kind of sports practices they'll be spellbound by and large. Besides, we give an entire evaluation of the suitable, uninhibitedly open human side compensation class datasets and coordinate a system the necessities for a first rate human premium noticeable quality dataset. This evaluation article pushes toward typically the contemporary-day improvement made toward sensor-based and video-by and large based totally absolutely human movement check. Three added substances of human development assurance are truly centered around which harden center period, human redirection progress power plans, and endeavors from low-attestation conflicting articulation event.

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