Wrapper based Feature Selection is a popular Dimensionality reduction approach that searches for an optimum Feature Subset from a huge dataset which meets the Objective of selection and represents the structure of the entire dataset. Swarm Intelligence based Feature Selection Wrappers are known for their solution exploration and exploitation capability. However when there are multiple objectives to satisfy, wrapper algorithms suffer Pareto optimality problem. The objective of this paper is to overcome Pareto optimality problem and select relevant features with a Hybrid Salp Swarm Optimization Wrapper. The issue is approached with a fuzzy weighted single objective function embedded with classifier rate and Feature Selection ratio as selection factors. For next position selection and to improve solution exploration, Single Solution Simulated Annealing is combined with the Wrapper. Experimental results on 7 UCI benchmark datasets prove that the proposed method outperforms the existing Hybrid Binary Whale Swarm Wrapper in terms of time taken for Feature Selection. Also in terms of Error rate, Feature Reduction Ratio and Fitness measure, the proposed method showcases a decent performance.
Keywords: Feature Selection, Machine Learning, Meta-heuristics, Swarm Intelligence, Simulated Annealing
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