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A Study on NPA - From a Banker’s Perspective
Gayathri .R
Pages: 1-16 | First Published: 05 Sep 2019
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Banking is the fulcrum of an Economy. The Banking Industry is one of the basic instruments of economic growth. It must be on a sound footing as it constitutes an important link in various socio-economic activities. Since it is considered the backbone of economic development, any change in its processes is deemed to have  epercussions on the country’s growth. The essential part of the banking system is its financial viability. It is not only necessary for its survival but also to discharge its various obligations. There has been amazing growth in profits in banking industry over the last two decades. The Indian banking sector has witnessed wide ranging changes under the influence of the financial sector reforms initiated during the early 1990s. The approach to such reforms in India has been one of gradual and non-disruptive progress through a consultative process. The emphasis has been on deregulation and opening up the banking sector to market forces. The Reserve Bank has been consistently working
towards the establishment of an enabling regulatory framework with prompt and effective supervision as well as the development of technological and institutional infrastructure.

NPAs reflect the overall performance of the banks. The NPAs have always been a big worry for the banks in india. The Indian banking sector faced a serious problem of NPAs. . A high level of NPAs suggests high probability of a large number of credit defaults that affect the profitability and liquidity of banks. The extent of NPAs has comparatively higher in public sectors banks. To improve the efficiency and profitability, the NPAs have to be scheduled. Various steps have been taken by government to reduce the NPAs. It is highly impossible to have zero percentage NPAs. But at least Indian banks should take care to ensure that they give loans to credit worthy customers.

Study on Customer Engagement among Online Business with Specific to Age and Gender
Keerthana .V
Pages: 17-24 | First Published: 05 Sep 2019
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India’s online food ordering sector saw a strong growth rate in the number of
daily orders, growing consistently at 15 percent every quarter from January to
September last year, according to a report from Red Seer Consulting. There is a need
to identify risk factors and attitudes of customers in using food ordering apps. This study aims to identify whether the perception impacts the Engagement of
Customers use food-ordering apps. A descriptive research approach is used to assess
the opinion of the customers and how they perceive in using the app and how these
perceptions motivate the customers to engage in using the food ordering app. A
structured questionnaire with 6 constructs – 3 measuring customer perception and 3
measuring Customer Engagement was designed with close-ended questions and the
survey was conducted in different areas of Coimbatore. The total respondents of was 193
were recorded using a questionnaire and Google Forms using Convenience sampling. To
attain the specific objective, T- TEST, and ANOVA were used and a suitable hypothesis
formulated. According to the results, there is a difference in Customer Perception and Engagement. It has been found that there is an association between Customer
Perception of online food ordering app and Customer Engagement.

Keywords: Customer Engagement- Customer Perceived Perception - T - Test -

Received : 4th August 2019
Accepted : 15th August 2019
Published : 25th September 2019



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Service Quality Gap towards Digitalization of Tamilnadu State Transport Corporation in Kanyakumari District
J. Shyla
Pages: 25-33 | First Published: 05 Sep 2019
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In our daily life, Transport is an inevitable part of fulfilling the civil
requirements such as Education, Food, Employment, Medical Services, Business and
Profession. When we see the modern technological applications in the transport system
of developed countries, it looks too wonders for us such as Automatic Vehicles, smart city
concept, embracing an open-data policy and ensuring open non-propriety systems,
facing the responsibility for cyber security, and so on. Modern means of transport are
very fast. There is a considerable service quality gap between the passengers’
expectations and perceptions on TNSTC in Kanyakumari District towards tangibility,
responsiveness, reliability, assurance, safety, comfort, and convenience. The
Digitalization is not an issue for the future. It is already happening and the public
transport sector needs to embrace it to fill the gap shortly.

Key Words: Digitalization, Service Quality, Service Quality Gap, Modern means of


Received : 4th August 2019
Accepted : 15th August 2019
Published : 25th September 2020




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8. Advanced Public Transport Rue Sainte-Marie 6, B-1080 Brussels | Belgium

Testing Informational Efficiency of Indian Stock Market – A Study With Reference To Fast Moving Consumer Goods Industry
Dr. M. Muthu Gopalakrishnan
Pages: 34-43 | First Published: 05 Sep 2019
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An efficient and integrated Capital Market is an important infrastructure that facilitates capital formation, which is possible only if the securities traded in the markets are priced appropriately. The efficiency with which the capital formation is carried out depends on the efficiency of the capital markets and financial institutions. A capital market is said to be efficient with respect to an information item if the prices of securities fully impound the returns implications of that item. This study has  empirically examined the informational efficiency of capital market with regard to stock split announcement information released by the FMCG companies in the semistrong form of EMH. The study found that the Indian Capital market is not perfectly efficient in the semi- strong form of EMH, which can be used by the investors to make abnormal returns.
Keywords: Quarterly Announcement, Efficient Market Hypothesis, Market, Reaction/Stock Price Reaction, Abnormal Returns, Announcement Period.

1. Beaver W.H. (1968), “The Information Content of Annual Earnings Announcements”, Empirical Research in Accounting: Selected Studies, Supplement to Journal of Accounting Research, pp. 67 – 92.
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4. Brown S.J., and J.B. Warner (1985), “Using Daily Returns: The Case of Event   Studies”, Journal of Financial Economics, March, pp. 3 – 31.
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8. Srinivasan R. (1997), “Security Prices Behaviour Associated with Rights Issue – Related Events” The ICFAI Journal of Applied Finance, 3, pp.50 – 62.
9. Raja.M and Dr.Clement Sudhahar.J (2008). “Testing the Market Efficiency of Nifty Future: A Random Walk Hypothesis Approach”, Journal of Global Information and Business Strategy, Vol.1, No.1, July-December- Pp.55-79.
10. Raja.M and Dr.Clement Sudhahar.J and Dr.M.Selvam (2009). “Testing the Inforamtional Efficiency of Indian Stock Market with respect to Buyback Announcement – A Study on IT Industry”, International Journal of Management Research and Technology, Vol.3, No.1, June - Pp.39-53.

11. Raja.M and Dr.Clement Sudhahar.J.(2009) “Testing the Semi- Strong form Efficiency of Indian Stock Market with respect to Information Content of Stock Split Announcement – A Study in IT Industry”, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, Vol. 20, No.1, March - Pp 07-20.
12. Raja.M and Dr.Clement Sudhahar.J .and Dr.M.Selvam (2009) “Testing the Efficiency of Indian Stock Market with respect to Information Content of Right Issue Announcement – A Study with special reference to IT Industry”, South Asian Journal of Socio Political Studies, July – December - Pp 79-83.
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A Study on Competency Mapping in It Industry - and Organisational Development
Dr. F. X. Virgin Fraga
Pages: 44-49 | First Published: 05 Sep 2019
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Competency mapping is a key human resources management tool in modern business organizations. It becomes all the more important in service industries where the success of the firm depends solely on the competencies and motivations of its employees. Human resource management is a process of bringing people and organizations together so that the goals of each Other are met. Through proper competency mapping high skilled and knowledge based jobs are increased. Human resource development aims at constantly assessing competency requirements of different individuals to perform the job assigned to them effectively and provide opportunities for developing these competencies to prepare them for future roles in the organization. Hence an attempt has been made to analyse the link between competency mapping and human practice in the organization. Further efforts have also been made to know the impact of competency mapping on individual and team and to know the impact on training provided to the employees.
Keywords: Competency scores, Job performance skills, Communication skills, Team work, Leadership skills, Personal qualities

1. Volume-3, Issue-11, Nov Special Issue -2014 • ISSN No 2277 – 8160 Competency mapping
2. Volume 10 Issue 3, September 2017Competency mapping of human resource and organisational productivity Pacific Business Review International
3. l Volume 10 Issue 3, September 2017Competency mapping in IT industry Pacific Business Review International
4. Volume : 4 | Issue : 1 | Jan 2015 ISSN - 2250-1991competency mapping