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Service Quality Gap towards Digitalization of Tamilnadu State Transport Corporation in Kanyakumari District

Issue Abstract

In our daily life, Transport is an inevitable part of fulfilling the civil
requirements such as Education, Food, Employment, Medical Services, Business and
Profession. When we see the modern technological applications in the transport system
of developed countries, it looks too wonders for us such as Automatic Vehicles, smart city
concept, embracing an open-data policy and ensuring open non-propriety systems,
facing the responsibility for cyber security, and so on. Modern means of transport are
very fast. There is a considerable service quality gap between the passengers’
expectations and perceptions on TNSTC in Kanyakumari District towards tangibility,
responsiveness, reliability, assurance, safety, comfort, and convenience. The
Digitalization is not an issue for the future. It is already happening and the public
transport sector needs to embrace it to fill the gap shortly.

Key Words: Digitalization, Service Quality, Service Quality Gap, Modern means of


Received : 4th August 2019
Accepted : 15th August 2019
Published : 25th September 2020




Author Information
J. Shyla
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Sep 2019
Issue Pages

Issue References

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8. Advanced Public Transport Rue Sainte-Marie 6, B-1080 Brussels | Belgium