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Rural marketing’s challenges and opportunity in India
Alka Rani
Pages: 1-5 | First Published: 05 Mar 2019
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Rural marketing is a process which start with a decision to produce saleable farm commodity and it involve all the aspect of market system and involve pre harvest and post harvest operation such as assembling,grading,storage, transportation and distribution fertilizers and pesticides, cattle feed and agricultural machinery. More than 50% of the national income is generated in rural India and there are opportunities to market modern goods and services in rural areas and also market agricultural products in urban areas. In fact it has been estimated that the rural markets are growing at five times the rate of urban markets. About 70% of bicycles, mechanical watches and radios and about 60% of batteries, sewing machine and table fans are sold in rural India. The villagers have not only adopted the modern ways of agriculture as a business but also have accepted modern living. Apart from the food items, they are involved in buying durable products. This change in the attitude of rural consumers is extensive across the countryside. The mounting rural market is important to growth of economic development of India. Rural markets have proved to be very attractive for corporate and the size of market is increasing gradually. The increased purchasing power of the rural consumers and the improved income distribution has increased rural demand for several products. With a population by now in excess of one billion people, India has attracted multinational corporations across the globe as a place of opportunity for exploring Fast pace of technology advanced every sphere of social, economic, political, cultural life, reduce cost and expect higher profit. So, they join rural market. The Indian rural market with its vast size and demand base offer a huge opportunity that companies cannot afford to ignore. We are a country with a 1.12 billion of people with 70% of live in rural areas which means more than 700 million people spread around6,27,000villages.India’s rural population comprise of 12% of the worlds population presenting a huge untapped market. People in the rural areas becoming more conscious about their life styles for better life. With increasing disposable income, consumer has become more demanding and choose in his purchase behavior than ever before. It analyzed the problem prevail in the rural marketing. It does quest the opportunities, rural marketing strategies problem alongwith challenges exist in rural marketing.Through,this article we would like to share some reason why brands are shifting their focus from metro cities and what we facing for achieving success in small cities and villages of India.
Keywords: Rural Market, Opportunities, Challenges.

1. Iyer, Vidya (2009-2010), “Rural Marketing”, SIES Journal of Management, Vol. 6, Iss. 2; pg. 110.

 2. Jha, M., (April 1999) „Rural Marketing: Some Conceptual issue‟ Rural Scan, vol. I no.2.

 3. Jha, Neeraj (2000), "Gung-ho on rural marketing", The Financial Express, June 19.

 4. Business World, The Marketing Whitebook 2010-2011. 

5. Jha, M., (April 1999) „Rural Marketing: Some Conceptual issue‟ Rural Scan, vol. I no.2. 

6. Jha, Neeraj (2000), "Gung-ho on rural marketing", The Financial Express, June 19. 

7.Business World, The Marketing Whitebook 2010-2011

A Study on the Children Participation in the family Purchase Decision with the Influence of Advertisement
B. Akila Priya
Pages: 4-8 | First Published: 05 Mar 2019
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Advertising Campaigns targeting children have considerably increased in the recent times. Even though advertisements are considered as a useful tool in marketing to convey about products and services to the people, there has been considerable debate on the exploitation of children by deceiving advertisements. The persuasive factor in advertisements is believed to be enticing young children to purchase the products that are promoted. Several studies have pointed out that advertisements targeting children have increased considerably in the recent decades because of the potential role of children in family purchase decisions. The aim of the paper is to study the role played by children in family purchase decisions because of the influencing impact of advertisements.

Keywords: Advertisements, Purchase Decision, Children's Preference, Television Advertisement, products.

Received : 21st February 2019

Accepted : 15th February 2019
Published : 25th March 2019

1. Barve, G., Sood, A., Nithya, S., &Virmani, T. (2015). Effects of advertising on youth (age group of 13-19 years age). J Mass Communicat Journalism, 5(260), 2.
2. Gupta, M. (1997). Measuring Effectiveness of Advertising - Problems, Issues & Viewpoints. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.5095.4086.
3. Mastronardi, M. (2003). Adolescence and media. Journal of language and social psychology, 22(1), 83-93.
4. Singh, M. R., & Ram, T. (2010). A study of factors affecting kids’ preferences regarding confectionery products. Management Insight, 6(1), 25-30.
5. Valkenburg, P. M., & Cantor, J. (2001). The development of a child into a consumer. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 22(1), 61-72.

Financial inclusion: Need for digital India
Alka Rani
Pages: 6-12 | First Published: 05 Mar 2019
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Most of the population of India lives in rural areas. The rural people have no awareness of the different financial services provided in our country. The majority of the rural population is not included in inclusive growth. Financial inclusion become a challenge for Indian Economy. Since 2006, many schemes and measures have been initiated by RBI and Govt. of India in favor of financial Inclusion but the impact of there did not yield satisfactory results. The rural sector presents a real challenge given its technological backwardness and mass illiteracy as people are still caught in the ancient financial systems that were both exploitative and fertile. Financial inclusion is an attempt to provide financial access and services to weaker sections and low-income groups. Financial sector development is a driver of a economic growth which indirectly reduces poverty and inequality and affordable and appropriate services can improve the welfare of the people. The study aims to identify the impact of financial inclusion and how financial inclusion can help in the improvement of financial literacy and reduction of poverty. So this paper aims to focus on utilizing the resources like mobile phones and banking technologies and create awareness about the financially inclusive schemes like PradhanMantriSurkakshaBimayojna, Atal Pension Yojana, PradhanMantriJeevanJyotiBimaYojna. The objective is to study the Initiatives taken by govt. for strengthening financial inclusion in the country. The study is based on secondary data collection.

Keywords: Poverty, financial inclusion, financial literacy

Received : 5th February 2019 

Accepted : 15th February 2019
Published : 27th March 2019

1. Adhikary, M. L and Bagli, S. (2010), „Impact of SHGs on Financial Inclusion – A case Study in the District of Bankura‟, Journal of Management and Information Technology, Vol. 2, No.1, pp. 16-32.
2. Adhikary, M. L. and Bagli, S. (2011) „SHGs and Access to Affordable Credit An Empirical Study in Bankura District‟ in S. K. Dutta (Eds.), Development and Rural Livelihood, Department of Economics, Burdwan University. & Levant Books, Kolkata, 170-191.
3. Government of India (2011), „Provisional Population Totals‟, Paper 1 of 2011 India Series1, Table 2(2), Ministry of Home Affairs, Available at: http// [Accessed on 22 January, 2012]
4. Government of India (2011), Economic Survey, 2010-11, Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs, Oxford University Press, New Delhi. Government of India (2011), India Human Development Report 2011, Toward Social Inclusion, Institute of Applied Manpower Research Planning Commission, Oxford University Press, New Delhi. Karmakar, K.G. Banerjee, G.D. and Mohapatra, N.P. (2011) „Towards Financial Inclusion in India‟, Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi NABARD (2008) „Report of the Committee on Financial Inclusion‟, January, 2008, Available from: [Accessed on 16 September, 2011]
5. NABARD (2011) Status of Micro Finance in India 2009-10, Available from: [Accessed on 22 January, 2012]
6. Sharma, A. and Kukreja, S. (2013), “An analytical study: relevance of financial inclusion for developing nations”, International journal of engineering and science, Vol.2, No.6.
7. Jani, J. and Tere, G. (2015), “Digital India: A need of Hours”, International journal of Advanced Research in Computer Sciences and Software Engineering, Vol.5, No.8.

Social Media Marketing & Influencer Marketing
K .Sabhitha
Pages: 9-11 | First Published: 05 Mar 2019
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Marketing is basically done to influence the target audience and make them buy the company’s product or service. The company tries to market its product/service on various platforms available. Now it has been a new trend to do marketing on social media platforms. Influencer marketing has also been used as a marketing technique. This research work aims to identify the reach and response of social media marketing and influencer marketing. This research aims to find which brand has more reach on Instagram and Facebook & which celebrity of has more power on Instagram and facebook to convince their fans (customers) to buy a company’s product or service.

Keywords - social media marketing, influencer marketing, target audience, celebrity, and various platforms.


Received : 23th February 2019 

Accepted : 15th February 2019 

Published : 25th March 2019




Predictive Analytics: A Crucial Factor of Competitive Intelligence in Logistic Management
S. Shoba
Pages: 12-16 | First Published: 05 Mar 2019
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In Today’s digitalized society, the Predictive Analysis plays a crucial role in performing competitive Intelligence to ensure the success of a company’s activities, like Marketing, Personnel Management, Production, logistics management, etc. The Transportation and Logistics industry remains under constant pressure to adopt innovative ways to provide high-quality services to the companies and consumers. The lack of knowledge in the areas of topography, infrastructure facilities, warehousing, and geographic limitations affects the growth of the logistics industry. Therefore, this paper highlights the use of predictive analytics to ensure competitive advantage of market potential to sustain in this competitive world and ensure a comprehensive Supply Chain Management and Logistic Management.

Keywords: Marketing, Personnel Management, Production, Logistics Management.

Received : 23th February 2019

 Accepted : 15th February 2019
Published : 25th March 2019

1. Mjn Hokey, 2016, Global Business Analytics Models: Concepts and Applications in Predictive, Healthcare, Supply chain and Finance Analytics, Pearson
2. Kahaner, L. 1997. Competitive Intelligence: How to gather, analyse and use information to move your business to the top. New York: Touchstone.
3. Othman and Ghani, Supply chain management and suppliers – HRM Practice, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Vol. 13, pp. 259 – 262, 2008
4. Anastasiou, Sophia. Critical human resources management functions for efficient logistics and supply chain Management Technological Educational Institute of Chalkis, GR. Contexto International vol.40(1) Jan/Apr 2018
5. Brooks Gary, 2018,How Predictive Analytics Will Change the Supply Chain of Tomorrow
6. Mishra Deepa 2016, Big Data and supply chain management: a review and bibliometric analysis

Online Recruitments Methods in select software companies in Chennai
Dr. P. Balaji
Pages: 13-19 | First Published: 05 Mar 2019
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Online recruitment has developed keen on a cost and time-efficient suggestion for the HR departments for searching and hiring potential talents. despite its advantages, online recruitment has so far failed to create appreciable responses from job-seekers across the world due to the perception of the need for reliability of the intermediate over traditional media such as newspaper advertisements and employment. Studies have also shown that poor design of online recruitment websites can have a negative impression on job seekers' attitudes towards the portals and may lead to their reluctance to apply for the jobs posted on such websites.

Keyword- E-Recruitment, Internet portals, Online Recruitment

Received : 15th February 2019 

Accepted : 18th February 2019
Published : 25th March 2019

1. Beer M. B. Spector, (1985), Human Resource Management: A General Manager’s Perspective, Sage Publications, New Delhi, pp. 8-13.
2. Akilesh K.B., and Nagaraj D.R., (2000), Human Resource Management, Indian Perspectives, Wiley Eastern Limited, New Delhi, pp. 14-16.
3. Erica, R.D., (2007). Dynamics of personnel Management in India, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi, pp. 18-24.

4. Prasad L.M., (2001), Human Resource Management, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi, pp. 6-10.
5. Yuvaraj M., (2005), Human Resource Development, MJP Publishers, Chennai , pp. 16-21.
6. Barber, A.E., (2007), Recruiting Employees: Individual and Organizational Perspectives, Thousand Oaks, Journal of Management, Vol. 31, issue 6, pp. 901-919.

An Inquest in to the Cognizance of Customers’ Perception Towards Services Provided by SBI and HDFC
Pages: 17-24 | First Published: 05 Mar 2019
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The present study analyses efforts undertaken by SBI and HDFC to know the preferences of the customers. The customers are not satisfied with the services rendered by their respective banks. The study also provides suggestions for how the banking service can be improved. A comparison has been made concerning the preferences and satisfaction of customers towards banking services like ATM, Internet Banking, Telephone Banking, Mobile Banking, Loan, Saving or Current Accounts and Credit Card. The required data was collected among 100 respondents. An Independent T-Test was used to find out the relationship within and between banks to achieve the objectives. It was found that the customers of HDFC prefer e-banking because of its ATM, Internet Banking, Telephone Banking, Mobile Banking, Loans, Savings or Current Accounts, and Credit Card. After analyzing the result of the questionnaire, the study concludes that HDFC Bank is providing innovative services compared to SBI. The majority of the respondents availed of ATM facilities. SBI banks need to provide innovative services to the customers about the use and benefits of the services provided by the bank.

Keywords: Cognizance, Perception, E-Banking.

Received : 24th February 2019 

Accepted : 15th February 2019
Published : 25th March 2019



1. Kothari, C. R. (2014). Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques. India: New Age International Publishers.
2. Santhanam, B. (2012). Financial System. Chennai: Margham Publications.
3. Varshney, S. &. (2003). Banking Theory Law & Practice. Sultan Chand & Sons.
1. Ahmad, A. (Febuary 2010). Islamic Banking Experience of Pakistan: Comparison between Islamic and Conventional Banks . IJBM, 137-143.
2. Bhaskara, N. R. (July 2000). Service Quality Management in Indian Banks: Opportunities and Challenges. Sourthern Economist , 11-15.
3. Debasish, S. S. (Septmeber 2001). Service Quality in Commercial Banks: A Comparitive Analysis Of Selected Banks in Delhi. Indian Journal of Marketing, 3-7.

A Study on the need for Financial Inclusion and Transformation in agricultural Credit Supply in India
P. Violet Glady
Pages: 25-29 | First Published: 05 Mar 2019
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Financial inclusion in the agriculture sector is imperative to bring the marginalized and financially deprived segment of society under the ambit of formal finance. It has been increasingly debated by the society in recent days. It is a fact that without access to formal finance at a reasonable cost, inclusive growth is not possible and the agriculture sector provides livelihood and food security to the country. Financial inclusion and transformation in agricultural credit supply in India will act as a means to end the agricultural Indebtness and farmer suicide in the country. Agriculture at large should come under the ambit of formal finance. Another notable reform by the government is the Kisan Credit Card (KCC) which provides a platform for the farmers to get credit on a short-term basis. Which simple renewal is to be made by the farmer every year for up to 5 years after which the bank will provide with lengthy maximum period for renewal. Thus, farmers can make use of KCC to meet their working capital requirements such as seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, and equipment, etc., this study helps in analyzing the number of farmers and farm workers making use of this KCC facility. The study also suggests a few areas and means by which the government can reach the marginalized and financially deprived segment of the society. It also suggests some measures to bring down the supply of informal finance which actually takes the life of the farmers. Thus, the study insists on the need for formal finance/credit to the agrarian bulk, which is possible only through financial inclusion which supports and benefits the agriculture sector at large and cuts down the rate of farmer suicides in India.

Key Words: Financial inclusion, Agricultural Credit, Kisan Credit Card.

Received : 25th February 2019 

Accepted : 15th February 2019
Published : 25th March 2019




1. Bandameedi Nagaraju. (2014) “Financial Inclusion and Need for Agricultural Development”, Global Journal for Research and Analysis Vol.3. Issue No.9.
2. EPWRF (2014). Agric Credit in India: Trends, Regional Spreads & Database issues, NABARD Occasional Paper No 59 for data from 1998-99 to 2011-12.
3. Gowhar Bashir Ahangar, Ashaq Hussain and Mohd Ummer (2013) “Institutional Credit to Agriculture Sector in India”, International Journal of Current Research and Academic Review Vol.1.Issue No.4.
4. Rakesh Mohan (2004) “Agriculture Credit in India: Status, Issues and Future Agenda”, Reserve Bank of India Bulletin.
Reserve Bank of India: Union Budget 2016 – 2017, Interest Subvention Scheme.

A Study on Work Life Balance among Women Employees in Education and banking sector with special reference to Ernakulam City
Neetha Francis
Pages: 30-37 | First Published: 05 Mar 2019
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Work-life balance may be defined as a satisfactory level of involvement or comfort level between the multiple roles in a person’s life. The work-life balance of women employees has become an important subject since in today’s world where both men and women equally share the responsibility of earning for the betterment of their family life. The main aim of this research paper is to identify the determinants of the work-life balance of women employees in the banking and education sectors. In the present scenario, a large number of banking and education sector employees are under the category of women and most of them are not able to balance their multiple roles. Hence, this study attempts to analyses the work-life balance of women employees in the education and banking sectors of Ernakulum City.

Key Words: Banking, education, multiple roles, work-life balance.


Received : 25th February 2019 

Accepted : 15th February 2019
Published : 25th March 2019

1. Ashok Kumar RS, Chaitra R, Dr, T P Renuka Murthy, Astudy on worklife balance of the employees at Bosch Ltd at Bangalore, BIMS International Journal of Social Science Research, 2014, 61-68.
2. Kumari KT, Devi VR. Impact of Demographic Variables on Work Life Balance of Women Employees with special reference to Bangalore City. International Journal of Advances in Management an Economics. 2012; 1(6):226- 229 3. Srivastava V. New Delhi: National Publishing House; 1978. Employment of educated women in India; its causes and consequences.