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The Impact of Promotion and Marketing of Groundnut in Pudukkottai District of Tamilnadu
Pages: 20-29 | First Published: 05 May 2015
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  1. Chaturvedi, JN. The Theory of Marketing in Underdeveloped Countries, KitabMahal Publishers, Allahabad, 1959.
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  3. Gilbert A.Churchill. JR. and Dawn Lacobucci, (2008), Marketing Research, New Delhi, Cengage Learning India Private Limited.
  4. Gupta, S.p., (2007), Statistical Methods, New Delhi, Sultan Chand & Sons.
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Influences of Occupational Culture on Quality of Work Life in Kothari Sugars and Chemicals Limited, Kattur, Trichy
Pages: 36-42 | First Published: 05 May 2015
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The purpose of the study is to examine and understand: to what extent the Occupational Culture determinants such as Good Co-ordination, Interpersonal Relationships, Helpful Supervisor, Recognition by Management, and Supervisors' Motivation influence on Overall Quality of Work Life in Kothari Sugars and Chemicals Limited, Kattur, Trichy. Both the primary and secondary data were used in this research for collecting the data. Primary data were collected through structured questionnaires from the employees. The data collected were analyzed with Reliability Analysis; Frequency Test, Pearson‟s Inter Correlation, and Chi-Square Test with the SPSS package. The frequency Test reveals amongst the seven ingredients of Quality of Work Life majority of the respondents prefer Occupational Culture after Compensation. Pearson‟s Inter Correlation proves that there is some significant positive relationship between the determinants of Occupational Culture and Overall Quality of Work Life. Chi-Squaretest reveals that Occupational Culture – determinants have a significant association with the Overall Quality of Work Life.
Key Words: Occupational Culture, Quality of Work Life, Determinants, and Kothari.


  1. Dwivedi R.S, 2004. Human Relations and Organization Behavior, Macmillan India Ltd. New Delhi.
  2. Gupta C.B, 2003, Human Resource Management, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi
  3. Kothari, C.R., 1985, Research Methodology, New Age International (P) Ltd., Publishers, New Delhi.
  4. Prased L.M, Human Resource Management, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi.
  5. Provisional Population Totals, Census of India 2011
The Savings Pattern of the Retail Equity Investors in Chennai City
Pages: 43-51 | First Published: 05 May 2015
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The investors felt the importance of the introduction of the New Economic Policy, 1991.In this situation, greater investment opposition and also inexpensive change in perception are the greater challenges to the investors. These changes are due to many factors. The primary objective of this study is to create good speculation and awareness for the country. Demographic factors such as Age, Income, Family hold, Occupation, Family circumstances, Employment Status, and Investment conditions such as Choice of Portfolio, Risk Bearing Capacity, and Sources of Information also play a vital role in determining investments. By analyzing these demographic and environmental factors, the study gives an idea of how to create investor awareness.
Keywords: Portfolio, household, risk bearing


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    issue no. 5 (May) F
Profitability Analysis in Madras Cements Limited – A Multi Stage Earnings Approach
Pages: 85-99 | First Published: 05 May 2015
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Cement Industry of India is one of the oldest in the country. The economic liberalization made all the cement-making companies expand their capacity from the latter part of the last decade of the 20th Century. Cement majors in the country started adding to capacity and faced the glut situation of excess capacity and lower demand during the beginning of the 21st Century. Input cost escalation together with increased interest burden affected the top line and bottom line respectively. On account of the Government policy to boost the infrastructure sector from the middle part of the first decade of the 21st century, the demand for construction materials had shown phenomenal growth, and cement majors started earning sufficient returns on investment. This study takes the second largest cement manufacturer in South India, Madras Cements Limited for 13 years between 1999-00 and 2011-12 and analyses the earnings at various stages from sales through contribution, operating profits, and earnings before tax to evidence support the glut and balanced phases by recording normal earnings performance and best performance at respective phases identified.
Keywords: Earnings, Contribution, Operating profit, Earnings before tax, Interest cover, Glut


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Altruism in Economics: A Theoretical Enquiry Through Economic Literature
Dr. Thushara George
Pages: 100-106 | First Published: 05 May 2015
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This paper endeavors to survey the different types of present-day altruistic theories in the assessment of the Smithian transformation. Smith rejected these magnanimity theories in favor of something based on empathy. In all honesty, very few market experts (e.g., Collard, (1978); Honest, (1988). In any case, only a few understood what it implied and its significance in modern chat.Region I-diagram of Smith's speculation. Region II-Smith's assessment of the three speculations of consideration. Region III explains how the state-of-the-art approaches disregard to answer Smith's assessment.
Keywords: Charitableness, pleasure, egocentricity


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Training needs in Archives : A Literature Review
Sethukkarasi .R
Pages: 107-122 | First Published: 05 May 2015
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The Effect of Lyapunov-Based Perturbations and Nonlinear Parameter Modification on Differential Equations
Mr. D. Murali
Pages: 123-129 | First Published: 05 May 2015
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The approach taken and the perturbation type both influence how differential equations are perturbed and what method is utilized to analyze the impact of the perturbation. This is true since the approach is impacted by each of these factors. The nonlinear change of parameters formula and the Lyapunov approach are frequently used [1]. The disturbances themselves must be compared to a benchmark, and if an ideal form of the disturbances already exists, it must be eliminated. These two tasks must be completed. This need needs to be satisfied before starting either of the two processes. Work is already underway on several projects that will be put into action [2, 3] to improve this terrible condition. A comparison theorem comparing the equations of un perturbation and perturbation systems is pertinent to the theory of perturbations is what this study aims to establish. The two approaches from the first section of this comparison were combined to produce a flexible method for maintaining the characteristics of disturbances. Our results demonstrate the inclusion of the Lyapunov function-based classical comparison theorem, which facilitates a more thorough investigation of perturbation theory. This will be accomplished by providing a specific example to demonstrate how our theorem aligns with our earlier theorem. To accomplish this, it will be demonstrated how our theory functions as a concrete illustration of our earlier theorem. To demonstrate how our theory works with the one we currently have, we will use a specific example. This will demonstrate how our theorem improves the precision of the one we already have. To demonstrate how this works, let's look at a fictitious scenario that illustrates the outcomes and the applicability of our theory.
Keywords— Lyapunov method, Non-linear variation of parameters, Perturbations, Conventional comparison theorem.


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