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Teaching and Learning with Learning Management System
Yogesh Prasad Kolekar
Pages: 1-4 | First Published: 05 Sep 2019
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Communication is also a vital part of a teaching-learning process and hence educational institutions can achieve its object by deployment and utilization of modern teaching-learning tools. A learning management system (LMS) is an e-learning platform used for training and education. A learning management system focuses on the delivery of e-contents and assessment. India stands second in internet population. The internet user base in India is blooming over 460 million users. It is estimated that by 2021 there will be about 635.8 million users in India. The changing scenario of technology is providing fertile ground for the successful adoption and implementation of a learning management system and educational institutions can no longer remain isolated from the use of learning management as the future of the teaching-learning process is steadily moving towards digital learning. An LMS provides learners the freedom to learn from their own space and at their own pace. The learning process is not restricted to the four walls of classrooms. An institution can create and upload its educational audio-video content or embed educational content from other sources like Pathshala, epgpathshala, or YouTube. Further PPTs from other sources like slideshare and author stream can be embedded in an LMS. An LMS provides easy sharing of study material. An LMS supports the conduct of online exams. A learning management system is beneficial to both educators and learners. Digital teaching and learning systems are about the utilization of modern skills and techniques and provide learners freedom to choose a learning environment. A learning management system helps students to become self-sufficient.
Keywords: Teaching, Learning, Learning Management System

9. In the case of MCQ-based exams.
10. For example

A Study on HRM in Digital ERA
Shajeela Rani A
Pages: 5-9 | First Published: 05 Sep 2019
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Digital Technologies have a greater role in a business environment. In this world of globalization, digital technologies help to simplify tasks effectively. Technologies have significantly influenced the HR function. To achieve organizational excellence, organizations must possess talented employees and new technologies help them to face organizational competitiveness. Though HRM is of recent origin, it has been experiencing significant changes because of the evolution of Information technologies in the last two decades. Technologies have a role in reshaping the way that companies manage their workforce. It helps to improve productivity and employee engagement in general. Digital technologies can help organizations handle recruiting, productivity, and retention more efficiently than traditional HR methods. These technologies help to do things faster than ever before. The study explored various digital technologies, and the use of Artificial Intelligence, in HRM. Technology has completely redefined the role of human resources all over the world. From sourcing to performance management, technology has transformed every aspect of Human Resource Management. As a result of technological transformation in HRM, managers can focus more on the profits of the company than on managing the workforce. The study focused on the role of digitalization in HRM and how it helps to improve the performance of the workforce. Objectives, limitations, and need for the study are also discussed in the article.
Keywords: Digital Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Organizational Excellence, Technological Transformation

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5. Kossek,E.E.(1987). “Human Resources Management Innovation”, Human Resource Management, Vol.26, pp.71-92.
6. Lal, V., and Aggarwal, S.(2013). “Analyzing the effect of social media on recruitment”, International Journal of Management and Social Science Research.ISSN:2319-4421(2(a), pp.37-41.

Effect of Digitalisation on Tourism in India
Sreelakshmi .M
Pages: 10-14 | First Published: 05 Sep 2019
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Tourism is travel for pleasure, but nowadays it’s not about enjoyment it may be for business purposes, medical needs, and so on. There the need for or opportunity for innovative tourism arises. Nowadays tourism itself has become a business. In this digital era, everything has become digital, and tourism also adapted its way to a digitalized style. Moreover, there were a lot of beneficiaries of this digitalized tourism. Tourism in India is important for the country’s economy. The World Travel and Tourism Council calculated that tourism generated rs.15.24 lakh crore or 9.4% of India’s GDP in 2017 and supported 41.622 million jobs, 8% of its total employment. Various Technological companies, Governments, hotels, health industries, and too entrepreneurs eagerly looking on it. These beneficiaries also have the responsibility to conserve nature and also for its development. Day after day tourism develops and it helps in developing society, economy and all.
Keywords: Effect, Digitalization, Tourism, India

 Knowledge paper by FICCI and AGR
 World travel and tourism council. Travel & tourism global economic impact & issues 2017

Teaching and Learning in Digital ERA
Merin Susan Mathew
Pages: 15-19 | First Published: 05 Sep 2019
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Information and Communication Technology contribute to universal access to education and equity in education. It ensures quality in the delivery of teaching and learning and allows the professional development of a teacher. It also facilitates efficient education management, governance, and administration. The challenging process of education is in determining the various ways in which technology can improve the education system. The effects of technology in the classroom are related to both the teachers and students. In the traditional education system classrooms were driven by lectures where the teacher was the center of attraction. With the introduction of technology in education, the students are playing an active role in their learning and the role of the teacher has changed from being the source of information to a facilitator or guide of information. By being active, the students are more likely to generate their own choices on how to obtain, manipulate or display information, thereby, improving their communication skills and confidence level. This paper reviews how ICT can be effectively used in the classroom. This paper also presents the changing roles of the teachers as well as of the learner in the world of technology and mentions how teachers can be actuated to use technological tools in their teaching-learning method.
Keywords: Teaching, Learning, Digital Era.

1. Pepa Petrova, Iva Kosstadinova, 2017, Conference paper “Higher education in the era of digital transformation”.
2. UNESCO World Education Report(1998): United Nation
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4. Harwati Hashim, Application of technology in the digital era education, International Journal of Research in Counselling and Education, vol: 1 number 02 2018.
5. Ahsequeira, September 2017, Introduction to concepts of teaching and learning.
6. Alessi S.M. and Trollip S.R. (2001), “Multimedia for Learning: Methods and Development”, Ally and Bacon, (3rd Ed.).
7. Boyle T. (1997), “Design for Multimedia Learning”, Prentice Hall.
8. Dr.K.Sivarajan, E.K LAL, Methodology of Teaching and Pedagogic Analysis, Calicut University
9. Dr. K. Sivarajan, Trends and Developments in Modern Education Practices, Calicut University 10. 11.

A Study on Human Resource Management in Digital ERA
Mubeen. R. Pathan
Pages: 20-25 | First Published: 05 Sep 2019
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Technology has its presence in every aspect of our life and thus we are very comfortable working with it and making it work for us to make our work a little less onerous. In this era of digitization, organizations are becoming technology-driven too making all the functions take the best of technology to achieve the objectives of the organization. Human resource management is a significant part of the organization that is adopting technology in its work and making the most of it to provide the best services not just to be able to achieve organizational goals but also to keep its clients i.e. employees satisfied and motivated. Human resource management in itself has diversified functions operational, transactional, and transformational. All these functions have adopted specific technologies to be able to play equally with other departments. HRM in digital is not only beginning to be a trend in organizations but also becoming a necessity to be able to achieve goals, keep costs low, increase productivity, keep track of employees, their needs, and their performance, reach out to prospective candidates in a way they relate the most and are mostly connected to all the time i.e. digital platform, maintaining humongous data about the employees and maintaining a free flow of communication in the organization. Thus HRM in the digital era has scored technology to be able to focus more on the strategic part of the HRM leaving most of the administration to work on technology
Keywords: Human Resource Management, Technology, Digitalization Transformation & HR Functions.

1. ISSSN 2455-359x.
2. International Journal of Business Management ISSN No 2349-3402 VOL 2(2) 2015.
3. https.// _the_Digital_Era.
5. https.//
