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Effect of Digitalisation on Tourism in India

Issue Abstract

Tourism is travel for pleasure, but nowadays it’s not about enjoyment it may be for business purposes, medical needs, and so on. There the need for or opportunity for innovative tourism arises. Nowadays tourism itself has become a business. In this digital era, everything has become digital, and tourism also adapted its way to a digitalized style. Moreover, there were a lot of beneficiaries of this digitalized tourism. Tourism in India is important for the country’s economy. The World Travel and Tourism Council calculated that tourism generated rs.15.24 lakh crore or 9.4% of India’s GDP in 2017 and supported 41.622 million jobs, 8% of its total employment. Various Technological companies, Governments, hotels, health industries, and too entrepreneurs eagerly looking on it. These beneficiaries also have the responsibility to conserve nature and also for its development. Day after day tourism develops and it helps in developing society, economy and all.
Keywords: Effect, Digitalization, Tourism, India

Author Information
Sreelakshmi .M
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Sep 2019
Issue Pages

Issue References

 Knowledge paper by FICCI and AGR
 World travel and tourism council. Travel & tourism global economic impact & issues 2017