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A Study on HRM in Digital ERA

Issue Abstract

Digital Technologies have a greater role in a business environment. In this world of globalization, digital technologies help to simplify tasks effectively. Technologies have significantly influenced the HR function. To achieve organizational excellence, organizations must possess talented employees and new technologies help them to face organizational competitiveness. Though HRM is of recent origin, it has been experiencing significant changes because of the evolution of Information technologies in the last two decades. Technologies have a role in reshaping the way that companies manage their workforce. It helps to improve productivity and employee engagement in general. Digital technologies can help organizations handle recruiting, productivity, and retention more efficiently than traditional HR methods. These technologies help to do things faster than ever before. The study explored various digital technologies, and the use of Artificial Intelligence, in HRM. Technology has completely redefined the role of human resources all over the world. From sourcing to performance management, technology has transformed every aspect of Human Resource Management. As a result of technological transformation in HRM, managers can focus more on the profits of the company than on managing the workforce. The study focused on the role of digitalization in HRM and how it helps to improve the performance of the workforce. Objectives, limitations, and need for the study are also discussed in the article.
Keywords: Digital Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Organizational Excellence, Technological Transformation

Author Information
Shajeela Rani A
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Sep 2019
Issue Pages

Issue References

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