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Assessment of the Professional Preparation of HR Personnel in Indian Automotive Battery Industry

Issue Abstract


Human Resource Management is one of the key functional areas of any organisation and plays an important role in the success of the organisation. Automobile industry in India and other countries is a prominent one and contributes so much for the country‟s economic development. Since the industry is battling with certain human resource related challenges, the currently study is taken up primarily to address the issue of professional preparation of HR professionals working in the industry. There are numerous HR tasks these people handle in the organisation and this study is an attempt to assess their preparation with respect to each task. The sample for the study consists of 227 HR professionals drawn from different automobile organisations based in India. The results of the study clearly indicate their preparation towards different HR tasks and provide insights on areas they need to focus more. Key words: Automobile Industry, Human Resource Management, HR Professionals, Handling of key HR Tasks, Assessment of HRM

Author Information
Venkata Lakshmi Sekhar V, Jayakranth Rapoori, Dr. P. Raghunadha Reddy
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
04 Oct 2023
Issue Pages

Issue References


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