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Interfacial electronic properties of Tetrapyrrole complexes thin films on metallic substrates

Issue Abstract


Self assembled adlayers of conjugated organic molecules on metallic substrates have gained considerable attention due to promising applications in optoelectronic devices based on conjugated molecules. The performance of molecular electronic devices is significantly influenced by interfacial electronic properties at metal-molecule interfaces. The review summarizes significant findings of photoemission spectroscopy together with low energy electron diffraction and X-ray absorption spectroscopy utilized to characterize electronic properties at the metal-molecule interfaces, providing vital information about the charge transfer and charge injection barriers. The adsorption of transition metal complexes on surfaces with and without graphene buffer layers is another crucial issue for their interconnection between electro-magnetic properties. Therefore, fine characterization of these interfaces is mandatory in their applications.. Recent results of phthalocyanines deposited on ferromagnetic metal surfaces and graphene buffer layers revealed a substrate-molecular coupling mechanism, which shows a delicate interaction between long-range as well as local chemical bond. 

Keywords: summarizes significant findings of photoemission spectroscopy.

Author Information
Abhishek Kumar
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Feb 2022
Issue Pages

Issue References

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