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A Study on New Business Model for the Indian Market towards Building Digital Ecosystem in the Healthcare Industry

Issue Abstract


The objective of the study is to understand how Personal Emergency Response System (PERS) as a business model, new to Indian subcontinent can help in building digital ecosystem for the healthcare industry. Personal Emergency Response System (PERS) is a system that is automated in addressing emergency medical cases with medical alert devices say press alarm lockets/bracelets that intimates to the call center with 24X7 service and active database which connects with nearby hospitals of the patient to attend to the case at the earliest. The need for human centric business innovations and platforms is on demand and rise to make livelihood of people better and here’s when digitalization and right deployment of technologies comes into play. In the lines of this assertion fall the intent of this study which tries to identify whether  PERS can become a part of the healthcare industry in the Indian frontiers whilst the fact that the system already is a part of developed nations. The trends of 2020 are suggestive of PERS to crawl into the Indian context. But, will people welcome the same, how people would perceive it and are they aware of the system of this kind is the essence and crux of the study.

Keywords: Personal Emergency Response System (PERS), healthcare industry, digital  ecosystem

Author Information
S. Divya
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Mar 2022
Issue Pages

Issue References

[1] Personal Emergency Response Systems (PERS) Market – Forecast (2020 - 2025) of 