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Awareness of Green Banking Practices from the Perspective of SBI Customers

Issue Abstract

Today, the world is facing many challenges to environmental sustainability during the process of achieving economic development. Protection and preservation of natural resources is very important in every respect. Nations' development without concentrating on environmental sustainability is meaningless. The banking industry, the biggest service sector in our country is now concentrating on the adoption of green banking practices for the well-being of society. Green banking means environmental or ethical banking practices adopted for reducing carbon footprints from the day to day activities. State Bank of India, the largest commercial bank in India has developed many initiatives for maintaining environmental sustainability by participating in the Go-Green movement. The Bank has put in place SMART i.e., Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound Green Banking Goals, some of which are obtaining star ratings at all state-level administrative office premises from the Bureau of Energy Efficiency. These include the construction of „Green‟ buildings, wastewater treatment, and programs to sensitize staff on energy savings. The present paper aims to review the green banking practices adopted by SBI and also highlight the awareness and adoption of these practices by its customers. The data were collected from secondary as well as primary sources to catch the descriptive.
Keywords: Green Banking, Awareness, Adoption.

Author Information
Dhanya Rani .R .L
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Mar 2020
Issue Pages

Issue References

1. Greeshma Das, Vijayachandran Pillai(2018).A Study on Awareness and Adoption of Green Banking Practices from the Perspective of SBI Customers.
2. Kumar S C(2017), A study on customer awareness of green banking initiatives in selected private sector banks concerning kunnamkulam municipality.
3. Vijay C and Nadarajan(2015), Customer Awareness towards Green banking products on a selected commercial bank in Cuddalore District