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Tourist Destination Satisfaction: Analysis of Kanyakumari the Spot with Scenic Beauty and Spiritual Temples

Issue Abstract

The tourist destination is a collective product; it plays a major part in developing the socio-economical development of that region. Kanyakumari is a destination at the southern end of India, the tourist spot famous for its scenic beauty and spiritually valued temples. The paper discusses demographic feature of the tourist, and their satisfaction in visiting the destination. A well framed questionnaire organized with set of questions to exhibit the preference and expectations of the tourist visiting is circulated among the tourist people. The data collected from the tourist people are to be sorted and analyzed with statistical tool. The study helps to exhibit the pulse of the travelers towards their perception about the spot and opinion about their requirements at the spot. This fundamentally helps tourist and the local government bodies to enhance the tourist spots qualitatively to make it always a place for recreation and rejuvenation.

Keywords: Destination, Kanyakumari, Satisfaction, Traveller, Tourism

Author Information
Dr. D. Gunaseelan
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jan 2021
Issue Pages

Issue References

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