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A Study on Problems Faced by Street Vendors A Spcieal Reference to Thiruvannamalai District

Issue Abstract

Street vending is an important activity in the informal sector in urban areas. A have low skill and poor economic condition. Street vending provides job opportunities and means of livelihood to the urban poor but urban local bodies consider it an illegal activity so far. In 2004, the first time the government of India recognized vendor role in the local economy after so many litigations and supreme court verdicts in favor of vendors. The present study comprehensively covers the social economic and spatial issues of Thiruvannamalai district.

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 May 2016
Issue Pages

Issue References

1. Robert L.and Tgnor., Arthurlewis w Aand Birth of development Economics., prince torn university press, America 2005.