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A Study on the Impact of Cross-Understanding on Organizational Efficiency

Issue Abstract

This research paper explores the impact of cross-understanding on organizational efficiency. Cross-understanding refers to the extent to which individuals within an organization understand the roles, responsibilities, and perspectives of their colleagues from different departments or disciplines. The paper reviews relevant literature on cross-understanding, organizational efficiency, and related concepts. It then presents empirical evidence from studies conducted in various industries to examine the effects of cross-understanding on organizational efficiency.The findings suggest that fostering cross-understanding can enhance communication, collaboration, and problem-solving within organizations, ultimately leading to improved efficiency and performance. The paper also discusses implications for practice and suggests avenues for future research.
Keywords: cross-understanding, organizational efficiency, communication, collaboration, problem-solving.

Author Information
T. Louis Surthika
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 May 2024
Issue Pages

Issue References


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