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A Study on Customer Satisfication of Service Quality Provided by Byju’s(with Special Reference to TV Malai Town)

Issue Abstract


            This project titled “A Study on Customer service quality Of BYJU’S “.The main objective of this study is to determine the customer service quality that is by the BYJU’S to its customers. Primary, well defined objectives are framed to the study then questionnaire is prepared based on defined objectives. The prepared questionnaire is used to get the direct response from the selected sample size of 100 customers of BYJU’S on the basis of convenience sampling method. The response given by the employees are analyzed and interpreted using different statistical tools such as chi square test and correlation methods. It is found that the overall customer service quality score is within the acceptable level. Keywords: Byjus, satisfaction, quality, customer, awareness.

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jan 2024
Issue Pages

Issue References

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