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A Study on Customer Behavior of Durable Goods with Special Reference to Coimbatore

Issue Abstract

Customer orientated at the individual level. A salesperson's ethical behavior plays a critical role in forming, maintaining, and sustaining long-term customer relationships. They play a critical role in forming, maintaining, and sustaining. Long-term customer relationship. The sales behavior and the financial performance of the organization. They provide a two-dimensional conceptualization of customer orientation that distinguishes between attitude and behaviors second, it explores the direct and indirect effects of customer stratification. Customers centric were started in companies from around 2004. These around describe customer circles. The customer circles add value to the firm including their employees and mostly focus, customer circles are compared to traditional training program structure organization.
Keywords: Customer oriented, Customer behavior, Effectiveness

Author Information
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Issue Publish Date
05 Aug 2018
Issue Pages

Issue References


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