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Health Services and the Impact in Hong Kong

Issue Abstract

This article aims to explore why Hong Kong has a very high standard in healthcare services. The life expectancies in Hong Kong are very high in both male and females. The main reasons for Hong Kong having the best medical system in the world is owing to its technological advancement in the field of medicine. The government has played a vital role in improving the health care services in the nation.
Keywords: Health care, Chronic disease, Quality care and life expectancy

Author Information
Niharika Bohra
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jan 2018
Issue Pages

Issue References


1) Carrie HK Yam, 1. E. (2010, November 17). National Center for Biotechnology Information 

2) Chung, K. ( 2016, october Wednesday). Chronic illness affects more than 25 per cent of population. 

3) Ng, B. (2011). Establishment of an innovative CHCC in Hong Kong to prevent avoidable hospitalisations.