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Emerging Role of Big data in Indian Economy

Issue Abstract

Big data is the buzz word in the business world and it is trending for all the right reasons. In today’s ever complicating activities huge data sets are generated by machines, businesses, people etc. Big data management is the tool that will help us to dig out the treasures that these burgeoning data sets have to offer. This research paper
focuses on how big data is playing a major role in shaping the different industrial sectors of the Indian economy. Big data has set foot in India and various sectors of theeconomy like agriculture, retail, and healthcare have already  started reaping the benefits of using big data management.

Keywords: big data, data science, data management, data analytics, business analytics,  digital India

Author Information
Shyamala Krishnamuruthy
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Apr 2022
Issue Pages

Issue References

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